PROFESSIONAL STATE PA R A G R A PH S IN T E R E S T IN G Cloverdale Lodges. PIAINO INSTK UG TIO N Pupils mav take semi­ monthly or monthly as suits their convenience. BITS OK CONDENSED NEW S G A T H E R E D FROM V A R IO U S SOURCES IN OREGON CARDS i. o. o. r. Nestueca Lodge No. 114 meets each Saturday at 7 p. m. Jno Lowrance. N. G , F. Worthington, Sec. Visiting brothers are cordially invited to meet, with us when you are in Cloverdale. L E L A I N D U . B U V \ 'IN Tillamook, Ore. (Diploma from Chicago Musical College) Tillamook Abstract Company A new lodge of I. O. O. F. was organized in Seaside Saturday night by Grand Secretary, E. E. Shanon, of Portland, and a large delegation ©f members from Astor­ ia. About 20 members of the or­ der reside in Seaside and 15 candi­ dates were iniated. According to announcement made by the Oregon Hop Growers’ association, at its meeting at Salem, Saturday afternoon, it now has 666 members and controls 50,000 bales of hops The meeting was for the purpose of discussing conditions generally, and to pass on the suf­ ficiency of contracts used by it. John Grant, of Dallas, and J. H. Miley were elected directors to fill vacancies. Alonzo Bush, aged 94 years, wandered away from his home last Tuesday afternoon and was missing until Thursday, when he was found, almost exhausted, in a swamp near the foot of Tillamook head. Several searching parties had scoured the woods near Seaside in an effort to fiind him. The old man had wandered several miles and had probably had no iood while lost. After receiving med­ ical attention he was revived and the folowing day seemed as will as ever. Mr. Bush, who is a veteran of the Civil war, makes his home with Mr. and Mrs. George Eaton, of Seaside. Eyes tested and glasees fitted— any kind. Prices right. A. H. Harris, opticion. At Tillamook Drug Store, Tillamook, Oregon. The Todd Hotel Most conveniently located hotel in Tillomook City. Rooms 50 and 75 Cents, Meals 25 Cents. Make the Todd Hotel lobby your headquarters while in the city. P. W. TODD, Prop. CZAR REED’S EARLY DAYS. Hi* Life In the Navy and His Tribute to Its Officers. It is not generally known that Thom­ as Brackett Reed served In the Uuited States navy, but he told lu a speech his own story o f his naval experience, and his photograph as a young man in naval costume taken in 1804 is one o f the priceless relics o f the fam ily: "T h e navy means to me far different things from what it does to many here. To the distinguished admiral (Steed- mam who sits beside me and to the distinguished admiral (Jenkinsi who sits opposite it means the shriek of shot and shell, the horrors of the block­ ade. To me it meant u<> roaring wind, no shriek o f shot and shell, but level water and the most delightful time o f my life, for I was on a gunbout ou the Mississippi river after the valor and courage o f you gentlemen had driven the enemy off. * * * You see, I kept a grocery store for the govern­ ment and well remember how l was tumbled aboard ship the tirst day with the provisions and small stores and a set o f books, and the lx>at steamed up the magnificent deliles o f the Tennes­ see. * * * But I also suffered for my country. How well 1 remember the fatal day when 1 drew $5,000 from the bank. The tirst time I counted the bills there was only $4,800 The next time it came out $5,200. I sweltered over it in the bank that hot August day, hut it never would come out tw o times alike. Then in utter despair l bundled it up, took ii aboard, locked myself In my office and there in grim despair wrestled with it aloue. And, lo and behold, there was just $5,000— Just w hat the bunk clerk told me there was! " I t was a delightful life —thirteen hundred dollars a year and one ration and nothiug to do. My sad heart hath often panted for it since. However. I learned that m y country could sui>- port me. and I am bound to say it has faithfully done so ever since. What a charming life that was. that dear old life In the navy! l knew all the reg­ ulations. and the rest o f them didn't. I had all my rights and most of theirs. * • * "D o you wouder that 1 stand up for the navy? I want it increased, and I have solid reason for i t It means something to me. "M r Commander and companions. I have made this speech to you In the lightest vein because 1 have no right to use any other. The brave faces that I see before me have been hared to the shock o f battle and storm. You have seen on a hundred battlefields the living and the dead. It would be a shame for me to talk seriously of sendee to men like you. This button, insignia o f the order, you wear because you honor i t 1 wear it because it hon­ ors me.” —National Magazine. Tillamook, Oregon DR. L. E. HEWITT, - Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Named the Bird. Irate Diner—Hey. waiter, there’s not a drop o f real coffee In this mix­ ture. Fresh W aiter—Some little bird told you, I suppose. Irate Diner--Yes. a swallow.—Princeton Tiger. T hos . coM H iam c C oaw w , set or OF TILLAMOOK P rksjdbxt . An sTR A cr COUNTY. books T IL L A M O O K C IT Y . OREGON. T. H. GOYNE, ATTORNEY AT LAW Masonic Lodge No. 126 meets on Thursday, on or liefore full moon of each month. E. K. Gilbert. W . M .; Win.M.Owen, Sec. Conveyancing, Etc. Opp. Court House, Tillamook, Ore. GEORGE W IL L E T T Attorney at Law G R A N G E Cloverdale Grange meets on the First and Third Saturday in each month at 10 a. m. John Lowrance, W . M. Mrs. E. Lundquist, Secretary. Office Over Tillamook County Bank T ILLA M O O K . ORE. Tillamook Undertaking Co. R. N. H E N K E L , Proprietor. Night and Day calls Diomptly attended. Next Door to Jones-Knudsou Furniture Store. T IL L A M O O K . - - J.E. SHEARER, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Offico Main St. - AT THE HEAD OF THE OREGON Cloverdale I PROCESSION! SELLING Phone 13 8-7. Dr. A. W. Lister, DENTIST h ' drugs a n d ! DRUG SUNDRIES!: Office with Dr. Shearer, Main Street Cloverdale, W W ^ r” Oregon w “ w w ^ r “ , k CLOUGH Commercial Club Bldg. Tillamook, Ore., i Attorney at Law R e lia b le D r n g g is t. F. R. BEALS —213 T IL L A M O O K BLOCK— - CLOUGH, a a a a a a a « I W W ~ w W W W W W W W W W w W W W W W W W W W W W * E. J. CLAUSSEN, - W w W W Wants to see vou, at bis store you will not be urged to buy, and you are sure to be interested even if you do not see anything vou want. Physician and Surgeon Tillamook, W ^r Accuracy in compounding pre- i acriptions and nuro drugs m j what gets us the business. L. L. HOY, M. D. REAL ESTATE Oregon Write for Literatur«. Office Ground Floor Todd Hotel, Bell Phone 53-J T IL L A M O O K . P. O. Box 147 W ith Rollio Watson PACIFIC ABSTRACT CO. - - OREOO* F R AN K TAYLOR, Abstracts on Short Notice by the Entente Cordial*. L. V. E B E R H A R D , Manager. The phrase "entente cordiale" was first used to express the friendly rela­ Complete Set of Abstracts of the Records — Both Phones— of Tillamook Countv. Oregon. tions existing between France and Eng­ Office 214, 215 and 216 Tillamook Com­ land in 1843 OREGON T IL L A M O O K . mercial Club Building. O B S TE T R IC A L S P E C I A L I S T The Ocean Hpray Ribecca Lodg** No. 148 meets every other Wednes­ day in each month at 8:00 I*. M. Mrs. M illie Sappington, N. G .; Mrs. Theresa Aratili. Seetv. UKHUON. Notary Public Cloverdale, Ore. •c*r*«>* *x* *x* «re ex* *xe ex# *x* *x# *>••>•; 1 W A. W IL L IA M S 1 Reliable Harness Maker ; Harness and Saddlery Tillamook-, Oregon. * a * Cf# * X * ex* # 4» # X# ex# «X*