VOL. 10. CLOVERDALE, TILLAMOOK COUNTY, OREGON, JULY 2, 1915 COUNTY REBECCA ASSEMBLY NO. 51 HIS WIFE’S TRIUMPH. A R eco rd T h a t U sed to In sp ire G reen, the F a m o u s H is to r ia n . It has been the fate of many men of letters to have ill health bearing them I down as they struggle on toward lit­ Several From Tillamook, Bay erary achievements. Thus beset In re­ though we have done badness bv mail with them for wars. We cent times were Stevenson. Richard City and Beaver in At­ beijeve we have given them satisfactory banking service u;ui can Jetlries and .1. It. Green. Each o f these, it happened, had a high hearted wife tendance. g iv e vou I he same satisfaction. to keep him up. even to help him with the actual labor o f writing. “ The Life M ail us Y o u r next C h e ck or C h eck s and Letters o f J. R. Green” show forth ! ” “ — The Rebecca lodge at thi3 place a great and sweet man. They show, | It saves vou time, and I IMF IS MONEY, especially at ibis season entertained the countv assembly too. a w ife whose sympathy and forti of the year. No need to come to the bank in person.' of the order Wednesday afternoon tude helped to make his accomplish meat possible. and evening. In fact the enter­ S E C U R IT Y A N D S E R V IC E our Motto In copying the cast amount of man tainment commenced in the fore­ useript o f her husband's books Mrs noon with a dinner in the banquet Green contracted writer’s cramp and was forced to stop using her right hand room of the Odd Fellows’ hall. This looked like a final obstacle in the The afternoon was spent in ; way o f the invalid, who did much of visiting and at 6 o’clock a dinner his thinking in bed and could not write was served, followed by an enjoy­ himself. But Mrs. Green set to work at once learning to write with her left able program. hand. P le n ty of O p p o rtu n itie s F o r W o u ld Be One of her first practice pages, which Mrs. Rose Palmer, president of T h e P le a su re T h a t C a m e W ith a L it tle a n d C o u ld Be E d iso n s. the assembly, was present and she was about to destroy with the rest, A c t of K in d n e s s . The world Is full of would bo Edl- her husband took quietly and put in ” 1 am one o f your new neighbors. sous, and the point we want to bring addressed the convention on the his pocket Years afterward when ill Mrs. Esta brooks," said a cheerful voice out is that quite a lot o f them are work being done in the different health seemed unbearable and in dis- at our door In the very middle o f our could be Edisons. ( ourngement lie felt that he could not Rebecca lodges of the state. A man invented the Rtoeklng frame work he used to take out that piece of first attempt at moving. “ No, I can’t Rebeccas to the number of 17 puper. a living record o f his wife's tri­ come in 1 Just brought >ou u bit o f for weaving silk stockings. H e got the oame over from Tillamook and umph over difficulty. When he saw lunch, knowing you would bo too busy , idea while he sat watching Ills wife to fix any. Please call on me—Just work. But surely he wasn't the first Bay City and about the same the painful, patient strokes by widen i next door—If 1 cau be o f any help. I man who sut and watched his wife Mrs. Green had learned to write with \ number from Beaver. work her left hand he could work on with | Good by I” I My husband and I glanced at that There Is a huge fortune for the man something near to inspiration. The Cloverdale lodge exempli tray with Its two bowls o f hot soup who can commercialise weeds. The tied the initiatory degree, After a | and steaming little pot o f coffee aud raw material is Inexhaustible, for It E ch o e s. short pro^rtm ice cream and cake then at each other in dumb surprise. renews Itself automatically every year. I The time which elapses between the W e had Just reached that dreadful It might pay a reader In the paper were served and the as-embly ad­ utterance o f a sound and its return state In moving when nothing Is In making trade to follow up this Idea. journed to meet next year in Bay must be more than one-twelfth o f a place and the things want« tl first are Then we want a paint that will last second to form an echo C itv . underneath the things wanted last— as long us the material upon which tt that awful moment when a sense of is placed and an iron that won't rust helplessness, weakness and homesick­ We want something that will counter­ ness combined swoops dow n upon you act the wearing effect of the uttnos- W e had not realized that we were plierc. It’s going to be invented some hungry and physically exhausted, but day. mi I It may as well be done now. after sitting down at an improvised and you who read this may as well he table and sampling that delicious soup the person to do It. G L O V E ß D A L S , OR5GOPH In some remote corner o f the earth nud drinking the stimulating coffee wo suddenly knew what had been the mat­ today a could be Edison may be ex­ i ft perimenting with the possibilities of ter with us. Courage returned. "Blessings on our neighbor!" cried cities on the sen. There are millions of square miles o f water that are more Ben. “ Yes." 1 answered. “ She's the Jol or less wasted, and sooner or later, us Ilest caller I ever received. She has the land area of the earth becomes taught me how to Introduce yourself to I crowded, people will inevitably tnke to new neighbors and win their everlast­ I cities on the sea Above all. keep your eyes on Nature. ing gratitude. Whatever happens in this neighborhood I ’ll stand by Mrs. who is continually making Inventions Esta brooks—see if I don’t ! " —Woman’s I which she never protect« with patents. —Stray Stories. Home Compauiou. A FRIEND IN NEED. fi INVENTIONS WE NEED. Gfi I IN e stu c c a V a lle y Bank | % | P a y b ills by $ check and jjj Avoid all Li= ^ a b ility of P u b lic P e n a n ce . |j Dispute. Open an account with this Bank and keep your money in your own locality. N B NESTUCCA VALLEY BANK gj E. L. McCABE, Cashier. ES£S£332SiS33333SS33S2K^SHrK2SQ A quaint old law for the punishment of pe«i> jffenders exists to this day in Mlddleburg, tiie Netherlands, and any­ thing resembling It is not known to ex­ ist' elsewhere. Owing to dampness weeds quickly spring up In the streets between the paving stones, and here, under the eye of a none too severe guard, the offenders are put to work with a large trowel shaped knife clear­ ing away the upsprlngtng blades of green Each is provided with a wood­ en stool; hence it may be imagined thut they are not hard driven. Here men and women alike who have been convicted work In this mariner E te rn a l C u r io s it y . “ So you think ull public entertain­ ments should be cei sored?” "Yes. and I ’d like to be one o f the censors." "\Yhntfor?" "So ns to bo sure o f not missing any thing."—Washington Star. S p ite fu l. Patience—This paper says U Is estl ranted that tho nnnual catch of lob­ sters In the world Is 125.000.000 Patrice—You haven’t caught one yet. have you. dear?— Youkera Statesman.