Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, June 18, 1915, Image 4

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The Bank a Financial Power House
to the Community.
By Peter Radford.
One of the greatest opportunities in
the business life of the nation lies
in practical co-operation of the coun­
try banks with the farmer in building
agriculture and the adventure is laden
with greuter possibilities than any
lorward movement now before the
American public.
A few bankers have loaned money
to farmers at a low rate of interest,
and ofttlmes without compensation, to
buy blooded livestock, build silos,
ertilize the laud, secure better seed.
1. ¡d their products for a betetr inar-
- - 1 price, etc. The banker in con­
tributing toward improving the grade
of livestock; the quality of the seed
une the fertility of the soil, plants in
the agricultural life of the community
a fouutain of profit, that, like Tenny­
son's brook, runs on and on forever.
Community Progress a Bank Asset.
i he time was when money loaned
on such a basis would severely test
the sanity of the banker; such trans­
actions would pain the directors like
a blow in the face. A cashier who
would dare to cast bread upon waters
that did not return buttered side up
in time for annual dividends would
have to give way to a more capable
man. This does not necessarily mean
that the bankers aro getting any better
or thut the milk of humun kiudnesss is
being imbibed more freely by our finan­
ciers. It Indicates that the bankers are
getting wiser, becoming more abli-fin­
anciers and the banking industry inure
competent. The vision of the builder is
crowding out the spirit of the pawn­
broker. A light has been turned on
a now world of investment and no
usurer ever received ns large returns
on the investment as these progres­
sive bankers, who made loans to
uplift industry. The bankers have
always been liberal city builders, but
they are now building agriculture.
A Dollar With a Soul.
It Is refreshing in this strenuous
commercial life to find so many dol­
lars with souls. When a dollar is ap-
preached to perform a tusk that does
not directly yield the highest rate of
Interest, wo usually hear the rustle
of the eagle's wings as it soars up­
ward; when a dollar is requested to
return at the option of the borrower.
It usually appeals to the Goddess of
Liberty for its contracturai rights;
when a dollar is asked to expand in
volume to suit the requirements of
indu9t»y, it usually talks solemnly of
its redeemer, but soul material has
> ntered Into the vaults of our banks
nd rate, time and volume have a
new basis of reckoning In so far as
the ability of some of the bankers
permit them to co-operate in promot­
ing the business of farming.
God Almighty's Noblemen.
These bankers are God
Heaven lent
; irlt of these men and
will help them roll in
cornerstones of. empires.
not philanthropists; they are wise t> t u
bankers. The spirit of the builder
has given them a new vision, and
wisdom has visited upon them busi­
ness foresight.
The cackle of the hen, the low
of kine and the rustle of growing
crops echo in every bank vault in the
nation and the shrewd banker knows
that he can more effectively increase
The fact WK wish to hammer is that Alex McNair Ac Co.’s
his deposits by putting blue blood in
store gives more quality, service and satisfaction than pny other
the veins of livestock; quality in
the yield of the soil and value into
store in Tillamook county.
agricultural products, than by busi­
ness handshakes, overdrafts and
gaudy calendars.
Remember Alex McNair & Co. for Builders’ Hardware,
Taking the community into part­
nership with the bank, opening up a
Eave Troughing, Farm Tools, Shelf Goods, Cutlery, and every- *
ledger account with progress, making
thing kept in a fully stocked hardware store.
thrift and enterprise stockholders and
the prosperity of the country an
asset to the bank, put behind it
stability far more desirable than a
letterhead bearing the names of all
the distinguished citizens of the com­ e m i
The bank is the financial
power house of the community and
blessed is the locality that has an
up-to-date banker.
. . r-
i i A n r « - i
“ It B o a t Hurt a Fact to
Hammer it.
Our Phonominal Success Demonstates that Fact.
It is an admitted economic fact that
there can be no permanent prosperity
without a permanent agriculture.
Alex McNair & Co
Agriculture is recognized as the
greatest of all industries and a pros­
perous, progressive and enlightened
agricultural population is the surest
safeguard of civilization.
Tillamook, Ore.
H om e
Travelers and V isitors I
A l. L. E. K WITT,
Osteopathic Physician
end Surgeon
O B 8TK H U C A L S F E C I a L I 8 1
— Both Fhniic-s—
re 214, 21ft ami 21H Tillumouk Com*
Meals 3 5c and 50c
Rods 50c and up,
\ E verything
Y o u r Patronage Solicited
mereiai Club Building.
1 1,000 huvs a market garden
property on the main line of the
near Hubbard.
Party lives
in Tillamook county and wants to
n e the money.
this office.
#35 an acre
an 80 acr»
h near Meda.
Buy this prop-
i now
It is sure to increase in
(.«., and is the making of a good
78 acre
la ml
terest you.
eiti'ired ultd feiued. with good house
1G0 acres, 30 acres meadow land,
and harn, all stocked. An in­
and good
come starts ts soon as vou own the
small orchard, 1$ miles to school,
prop« rtj
Near to cheese factory
5 acres good onion land, but only
.«mi s c h o o l
#18.001 buys
$ of this is cleared, 5 cows go with
monev-maker. 0.000 cash, balance
It) years at 0 per cent interest. ranch. Ask tor particulars. #5,000;
Willamette Valley property.
creek bottom and bench land with
good barn, 14 acres cleared, #100
per acre. It takes #1000 cash to
handle this and its an excellent
Reasons for'selling— Owner is re half cash; balance 5 years at 6 per
See us for prices on residence or
tirinu and wishes to move to his
business lots and small acreage
14,500 buys SO acres; better than
village home.
pieces in the growing village of
75 acres tide ami creek bottom half river bottom land. 6 acres
land. Ask us for prices and terms. plow land, house and harn. prop­
earth the
Eighty acres of merchantable erty all fenced and cross fenced
the angels
S head of cows and complete farm
place the timber close to the village of
Will consider trade *for
They are cloverdale at a price that will in- outdt.
Taylor Real Estate Agency
r.lnvprdale Orennn.