I LOCAL AND PERSONAL ITEMS n a a and a a Cl o th er n e w s of in t e r e s t Mrs. Jensen Passes Away. i The Courier is again called upon to chronicle the death of an old and respected pioneer. It will be remembered that two weeks ago Mrs. Jensen, while engaged at her household washing accidently scalded herself with a boiler of water. Dr. Shearer was once called and did all that medical skill could do. The feeble life seemed to tremble in the balance for several days, her family and friends hoping against hope. She succumbed to the shock on Tues­ day morning. The funeral took place from the home, Rev. F. S. Ford, pastor of the Presbyterian church, officiating. Friends from all over the south part of the countv were present and filled the house, scores had to remain out­ side. The service was simple and brief Many contributions of beautiful floral emblems were placed on her grave in the Odd Fellow’s cemetery by her neigh­ bors and friends of years of ac­ quaintance. A long procession of friends followed the remains to their last resting place. Chan. Ray is spending this week Mr. Eastman, of Beaver, visited TAKE A Cloverdale this morning. in Portland. Joe Etzweiler, of Oretown wan in Mrs. S. E. Gaines, of Meda, was shopping in town Saturday. Cloverdale Wednesday. Job Foster returned home Fri­ For photos, postcards and mounts day evening from New Mexico. see P. M. Stiverson. First class Dr. Wendt fits glasses. TH- work guaranteed. lamook. Ore. I. 0. O. F. Bid Mrs. P. B. Vanceil, of Portland, Get your suit cleaned and pressed ¡9 in Cloverdale, the guest of her before the Fourth. P. M. Stiver- sister, Miss Gertrude McKimens. son, tailor, A. H. Harris, Jeweler. Fine Great are those 25c dinners at Wutch work a specialty. Opposite the Ramsey Hotel dining room, postoffice, Tillamook, Oregon. Tillamook, Ore. The W. C. T. U. have postponed Plasker Bros, tor all kinds of indefinitely the boy’s medal con­ plumbing, bath room outfits and test which was to have taken place fixtures. Tillamook. Ore. in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Robedee, of Two of the vacant lots on Main Woods, enjoyed last Sunday with street are being graded and a ten­ on your little relatives in Cloverdale. nis court will be erected thereon. summer outing trips. It will in D. J. Dunn, of Meda, was in We understand a club is being or­ picture form, the scenes and record, places of Cloverdalo last evening on his way ganized. interest, making the outing trips of over to the county seat. pleasure to you. Dr. Shearer was called to Port­ greater Let us suggest that you step into our OBITUARY. E. L. McCabe made a hurried land Monday as a witness in a store allow us to show you how Marew Sophia Hansen was born trip to Portland the fore part of railroad damage suit. The judge easy it and is to use a Kodak. in Denmark May 26, 1842; in No­ the week, returning home last gave him leave of absence until vember, 1866, she was joined in Saturday so the doctor made a evening. to Mr. Lars Jensen, and home run and visited some of his J. W. Bitgood, a Polk county patients yesterday, leaving for Druggist, Stationer and Kodak Dealer marriage to this union six children Were teacher, has been tendered the Portland again this morning. He CLOVERDALE, - OREGON horn, two of whom died in infancy. principalship of the high school at expects to be home Sunday even­ Mrs. Jensen wras a member of the this place. Notice of Annual School Meeting. Luthern church, also a member of ing. Eyes tested and glares fitted— Notice is hereby given to the the Grange, where she was faith­ will have a big two- legal any kind. Prices right. A. H. day Tillamook of School District No. ful in the discharge of her duties July 2 and 3. 22, of voters Harris opticion. At Tillamook Those celebration Tillamook State of as an oflicer of the lodge. For a who have the celebration in Oregon, that the County, Drug Store, Tillamook, Oregon. annual school short time she lived in New Jeriey, charge are endeavoring to make it When in Tillamook and you the biggest affair ever pulled off in meeting of said district will he moving to California and 35 years want a good meal at a most rea­ our county seat town. They pur­ held at the school house to begin ago moved to Hebo, Oregon, where sonable price call at M. Olson’s in pose to have amusements to suit at the hour of one o’clock, p. m., she died at the age of 73 years’ month and nine days. She is the Ramsey Hotel dining room. eveiyone and are asking all to on the third Monday of June, be­ one survived by her husband, two sons ing the 27th day of June, A. D., John Hellcndbrand, of Rose meet their friends there on the 1915. and two daughters. She was a Lodge, was in town Wednesday, on two days mentioned. woman much at this end This meeting is called for the his way home from Tilamook where Call at hotel parlors Tuesday, purpose of electing one director of the county respected where she was so he had made a short business trip. June 22nd, Beaver, Wednesday, and one clerk and the transacting well known. A. B. Estabrook and son Roy are June 23d, and let Drs. Lowe & of such business usual at such again with their Cloverdale friends, Turner show you the new Krvtop meeting. The Woods and Pacific City having returned from Portland double vision glasses without lino Dated this 9th day of June, A. postoffice has been consolidated and is now located across the river and Bellingham last Sunday eve­ to catch dirt, strain the eyes or D., 1915. come apart. One light solid piece Attest. D. A. Bailey, ning. from Woods. It will be known as of glass which looks like a single Chairman Board of Directors. the Woods postoflice, yet it is A few campers’ cottages could pair, vet answers the purpose of Fred Briody, District Clerk. neither in Woods nor Pacific City. be rented in Cloverdale if they two, enabling you to read or do were to be had. Here is a ehance work and see distant objects for an enterprising individual to close perfectly. Remember the date. make somo money on a small in­ vestment. Cloverdale Couple Wed. J. E. Cochran, of Willamina, On Monday afternoon at Tilla­ fornirt ly of Cloverdale. is visiting mook occurred the marriage of two in town this week. M r. C o c h r a n ! of Cloverdale’» most popular voung | may move back to Cloverdale this people. Miss Lein Bailey and Mr. f ill and go into business here.' Clyde Hudson. They were married rids estimable family will be wel- by the Rev. Gittins, of the Metho corned back to the town of their .‘list Episcopal church. The newly I former home. weds are visiting in Tillamook, but I Eriday and Saturday, will make Cloverdale their home. You and your children are »afe The Courier and their host of if you wear Drs. Lowe ifc Turner’s 1 wish them a long and July 2 and 3 at glasses—eves safe and price safe— friends happy wedded life. they cost no more than the ordin­ ary kinds and you have the benefit Presbyterian Church Notes. of their skill and many yeats ex­ SUNDAY, JUNK 20TH. perience as cxclu.-ive eye and nerve Children’s Day exercises will be specialists Dr. Turner is recogn- held in the church in the evening ized as one of the leading opthalm- at S o’clock sharp, An elaborate olegists ot the Northwest. Consult program has been prepared con- It is aimed to make this the Ih^gcst and ihem at tha hotel parlors. Clover- -isting of music, recitations and dale, June 22, Beaver Juno 23 drills bv the children. Everyone Host Celebration ever held in the County They do not go from house to cordially invited house. One charge covers entire Parents having infants for bap- Come and help us enjoy celebrating cost of examination. Glasses are 1 tism please notify the pastor, either the National Holiday. frames are fully guaranteed wheth- for morning or evening service, er they cost $2 or more.— Adv. F. S. Ford, Pastor. W m . A. HIGH 2-D ay© o f r u n -2 -1 Big 4th of July Celebration TIEEAM OOK