Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, June 18, 1915, Image 1

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VOL. 10.
NO. 49
out for spies on both sides, and it oc­
curred to him that he would be mis­
taken for one. W hat should he do? A
spy must be able to see. If he couldn’t
see he couldn’t be a spy. He would
pretend to be blind.
Several of our customers are people we do not know by sight
Fortunately he carried a cane and
began at on e to tap the ground before though we have done business by m ail with them for years. \\Y
him with tlie evident intent to feel
his way. The Germans, seeing this believe we have given th em satisfactory banking service and can
reached him, drew aside to
Dau Goodwin, an American globe let him tlitiy pass,
but the captain of the ! give von the same satisfaction.
trotter, when tbe trig Eurojienn war troop pulled up and said in German:
Mail us Your next Check or Checks
broke oat was in Brussels. Dan al­ “Who are you, and where are you
ways wanted to be In everything, but going?”
in an independent capacity. As for Dan understood enough German to It saves vou time, and TIME IS MONEY, especially at this season
seeing the light In the ranks, that was know the question he had been asked, • of the year. No need to come to the bank in person.
it occurred to him to pretend that
not to his taste. He had no mind to but
right on till he
be bossed, and, as for living in a trench, ran against He the walked
he infinitely preferred a front room in started back, imitating the horse,
action of a
a hotel.
blind man.
Leaving Brussels, he went to Liege, “He's a deaf mure, captain.” sug
then to the top of a high hill uud gested a lieutenant.
watched the Germans smash the works j “Deaf mute be hanged!” replied the |
defending that city. lie found it very j captain. “He can near and see ns I
pleasant looking on trom a safe dis­ well ns any of us.”
would soon And out. Dan expected to S U B M E R G E D S U B M A R IN E S .
tance. watching successive missiles and This gave Dan the idea to play that be searched, hut the officer evidently
uotiug the damage they did or their he could neither see. hear nor speak. ; preferred to test him iirst Taking a Signs by W h ic h T h ey M a y Be Located
failure to do damage. He enjoyed the and he decided to p ay the three cards I cigar out of Ills mouth, he extended the
F ro m an A eroplane.
bombardment for some time without Instead of one. He made the thfoat lighted end toward Dan’s nose. Dan In answer to a correspondent who
had the nerve t*> wait till the tire asks to what extent a man in an aero­
netting into any danger, then one sounds of a mute.
morning woke up to find the city in “Bring him along.'' said the captain. touched the skin, Uie(j jumped.
plane can watch the movements of a
possession of the Germans. This was “They can find out about him at head “T hat will do," said the officer. “He’s submerged submarine boat the Scien­
shamming. He must have felt the heat tific American replies:
getting too near to the other side, and. quarters.”
availing himself of his American pass­ The captain ordered a couple of men before the tiro touched his nose, but “We have consulted u nuval aero­
port. he withdrew to Brussels.
to dismount mid put Dau upon a he showed no sign till it burued hlm_” nautic expert on the visibility of sub­
One morning Dan went to the front horse behind a third man. This was Dan saw his mistake, but suh: u.‘th­ marines frotu an aeroplano. Ho states
to look for a good place from which done. Dan making sounds as if in pro­ ing. keeping up the vacant stare of a that If the surface of the water Is
to see a battle. Suddenly a troop of test, and when he was in position the blind man. The officer looked doubt­ smooth and the water Is fairly clear
ful of his discovery Hud. drawing his a submarine can ordinarily be observed
uhlans came down on him. Seeing troop moved on.
their approach, he felt in his pocket When they reached headquarters Dan sword, brought It to a level with visually from an ueroplane ut any
' was taken bo.'ore an officer whose mus­ Dan's face and slowly moved It to­ depth the submarine is likely to travel,
for his passport. It was gone.
Though the uhlans when he made taches alone v eie tierce enough to ward his right Dau found that which Is usually not over 100 feet
this discovery were but a few hundred strike terror. He heard those who took a more trying ordeal than the other Experiments have been made at Guan­
yards away, Dan did a large job of him there say that he was either a test. But he had excellent nerve and tanamo. Cuba, and Annapolis. Md.. and
not budge til! he saw’ the point so In the lutter case the submarines were
thinking before they reached him. He deaf mute or n spy—they did not know did
had heard a great deal of the looking which—whereupon the officer said he near his eye th at the officer could not able to avoid observation at first by
be sure he laid wot touched i t Then sinking to a muddy bottom But the
he sprang back, with grimaces and aviators soon learned to pick them out
guttural sounds In his throat.
by some sign. such, for exuuiple. as es­
The officer, whether convinced or not cape of air bubbles.”
of his prisoner being a deaf mute, or­ In another article on the subject the
IN estiicca V a lle y B ank
dered bim to be searched. From a Scientific American suys that when the
hip pocket his passport w’as taken. sea Is rough It Is much more difficult
When Dan saw It an expression of to discern a submarine. Tbe captain
mingled relief anti Joy passed over his’ of a warship can watch the course of a
face, which betrayed him. While submarine by the bubbles It sends to
those standing about him were still the surface when the sen Is smooth,
looking at him curiously he broke into but these bubbles ure scarcely discern­
a laugh.
ible when the sea Is choppy, tfhe dis­
The Art is
“Heaven be praised!” be exclaimed turbed surface inevitably makes It more
tn German. “I thought I had been difficult for an observer In un aero­
not in Mak=
plane to see what Is going on below.
robbed of it"
The officer opened the pasxport. saw
the seal of the United States, com
Punch and Judy.
ing Money,
pared the description with the original Turkey Is far from being the only
and. finding that they agreed, was oriental land In which a performance
much puzzled.
but in Keep=
very like the English Bunch and Judy
“W hat did you pretend to be n deaf can he found. Travelers have describ­
mute for?" he asked sternly.
ed entertainments of the kind In Per­
ing it.
Dan explained the m atter, but the sia, Japan. Kamchatka. India. Egypt
German refused to believe him. In Syria. Nubia. Slam, Pegu. Ava, Cochin-
stead of freeing him be Bent him to China. China nnu Tartary Mr. VII-
the genernl, who asked him n great liers Stuart observed the Kgyptlun
many questions which would prove, or Punch (looting the mnmeur (chief mag­
>M! an account w
a Bank ar.d keep your money in
disprove that he was the original of istrate) and tils cavasses quite In the
the passport Dan spent a month In style of the British Punch’s conduct
own locality.
limbo, every day fearful thnt he would toward beadles and policemen, though
be shot ns n spy. but In time the Oer In the Egyptian version the play ended
mans became satisfied thnt he w.v morally with the hnuglng of Punch
what he pretended to t>e f.nd released The hero belongs to all ages as well
him. Had he been any but an Amcrl as to most lands Some have traced
can he would doubtless have been him to the Atellan farces of early
Italy, and he has even been recognized
E. L McCABE, Cashier
In ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics —
The Cloverdale Courier II a year, London Standard.