Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, June 11, 1915, Image 6

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Continued from first pave
Notice to School District Boards.
The attention of the school i
boards is called to some laws that*
were enacted at the last state legis­
lature that are now in force and
should be observed. Shapter 217,
section 1 and section 2, Session i
Laws of 1915, in substance requires
that a budget be formed by the
dark blue eyes shining through the
eyeholes of his mask.
"In unother hour. Cinderella, we will
unmask." he said. "May 1 buve the
supper dance with you?”
Rose shook her head.
“I am sorry, prince, but I must go
before the clock strikes 12.”
“But 1 wunt to see your face, be board, a copy se n t to the superin
"I am a Clnderellu, Indeed.” she said te n d cn t and a copy posted on the
In a sorrowful tone.
door of the school house at least
“And 1 am not to see you again/ be ten c]ny8 before the m eeting ca llin g i
“I am really Cinderella and 1 must f'Jd*
election tor the purpose of!
go now,” she said, leaving him.
voting a tax upon the property of
“1 shall know your voice anywhere!“ th e d is tric t. T h e budget should
he called after her. and her heart an- . . . .
j be itemized so as to show the
“I should know yours among all the am ou n t of funds th a t will be re­
men In the worldl”
quired to meet the demands of the
Her lips were mute, and he only saw
the ravishing smile below the edge of district for the several different
her ransk
items of expense.
When the ball was over Lieutenant
If there is a paper published in j
Phllly astonished bis mother by de­
manding the Invitation cards turned In the d is tric t th e budget must be
at the door
| printed in the paper for at least
lie sorted them over, compared them
with those who he knew were pres­ two weeks before the time set for
the meeting. If no newspaper is
ent and found Hazel Kendal’s.
“Was Hazel Kendal here, mother?” published in the district then the
he asked.
above stated notice to be placed on
"No. dear: Hazel Is laid up with a
sprained ankle
Do put away these the doyr is all that is required.
cards and go to b**d!"
Districts maintaining high school
But Tom I’hllly put Hazel’s card lu grades must publish notices of all
his pocket and the next day went to
annual and all special school meet­
«•all upon her
Hazel had been carried down to the ings, together with the budget if a
library, so that It was Into the mellowed
tax levy is to be made.
light of the beautiful room that he was
We suggest that the levying of !
ushered b.v the butler
"Lieutenant Phllly." announced Mar­ taxes be postponed until about
tin, and Hazel, who held his card in
November 1, when Ihe county
her fingers. Unshed a look at Hose.
shall he able to furnish
"Pon t go. dear." she said. *‘I want
you to im*et Lieutenant Phllly. Archie's the districts with valuations for
friend and mine."
basis for tax purposes for the com­
At the very first sound of Bose’s
ing year
However, should a dis­
voice Phllly went red.
"Pei haps you have met before.” said trict be disposed to avoid a second
Hazel mischievously
"Miss Lathrop meeting your attention is called to
was at your mother’s ball.”
“Yes. we met there." said Phllly I a feature that prevents the voting
eagerly, and Uose murmured some­ or recording of a levy for more
thing unintelligible.
than six per cent above what it
Then Hazel, to cover their confusion.
explulm*d to this friend of Archie’s was at the last election of the last
how slit* had sent Rose lu the guise of levy.
Cinderella to seek Archie.
W. S. Buel,
"W e are to bo married when Archie
Countv Superintendent.
comes hack," she concluded. "Bose
has promised to be one of my brides­
World’s Longest Street.
maids ”
"Silterla In Asia” Is
"I have promised Archie that 1
Is called the long­
would la* Ills best man." he said quietly.
Martin brought the tea things in. and est street lu the world: “Siberia was
the three over a quiet cup cemented a Half Jestingly described to me as a big
triple friendship that was uuetiauged village, the main street of which, ex­
until Aretilc’a return made them a tending from Xislinl Novgorod to Ke-
akh-ta. was about !\.()00 miles long,
where there were always half a mil­
lion horses on the road and where ev­
it was after H u rd s wedding and erybody knew everylKKiy from one end
the young couple were leaving for their | of the street to the other.”
new home In the west when the bride
Kissed her prettiest bridesmaid and
Nothing New.
held her tightly.
"Here's a fellow eats a lump of coal
•Oh Cinderella Bose." she wblaperetl <>n a Itot ’’
'I am so happy about you and him."
"Well, history mentions many cases
Sin* touched the engagement ring on of ostentatious extravagance
Bose’s huger "Now I've lost my On
patra. you will reineml»er. dissolved
Yon will Is-a princess Indeed
and swallowed a pearl.” — Louisville
Tom Phllly s rail pead nent over
Not Exaotly a Compliment.
't l i t Cinderella marry the prince?"
Hewitt Ignorance Is bliss Jew ett—
in* asked. “Yet to him and to the
; You’d Pet ter gel your life Insured
fairy godnmth-r she «ns always sweet
Hewitt What for? Jew ett—You re II
able to die of Joy —New York Times
" t*len»e don’t forget the fntry god
ti:ofh er’i
added Archie I
A Fai l ure
’>la. Is marriage a failure?"
------- I "I guess *<o. my dear
I married
A m . r t m * in the Courier. Read vonr Nthi'i fo reform him.'* — Ex
|c h a n g e
I>\ « \« r \ h,*,| \.
Farm Engines always run— ab­
solutely guaranteed. From 1 1-2
horse power up.
Clcverdale Mercantile Co
t h is
A Paint or
Varnish for
everv surface
Paints and Varnishes
Will not chalk or rub off.
isfaction guaranteed.
The best is the cheapest.
Local Agents.