live within itself. Cloverdale Courser The severance of diplomatic re­ Published Every Friday by lations which usually is accom­ panied by a declaration of war. would not mean such a declaration tn this case. With Germany ob­ stinate and unwilling to respect S u b sc r ipt io n R a t ' ss One Year, in advance.......................$1.00 the lives of Americans on the high Six Months..............................................50 seas, this country would feel im­ Three Months............. 25 Single Copy............................................. 05 pelled to take such means as were at her command to protect her A d v e r t is in g R a tes Displayed Advertisements, 50 cents per ships and this might mean naval inch per month, single column. All through the zones in local Reading Notices. 5 cents per convoys which German submarines are ac­ line for each insertion. Timber land notices $10.00 tive. Homestead notices 5.00 Political Announcement Cards $10.00 Ine belated official admission on the pait of Germany that the J ob D e p a r t m e n t My Job Department iscompletein every sinking of the Gulflight was a mis­ respect and I am able to do all kinds Commercial Job Printing on short take, and that she has no inten­ tion of destroying neutral ship-, notice at reasonable prices. may be the opening wedge for a FRIDAY. JUNE 11. 1915 successful straightening out of the diplomatic entanglement resulting GERMANY AND THE UNITED from the Lusitania tragedy. STATES. It would seem that Germany If there should result from the Can ill affurd to lose the friendship American exchange of notes with of the United States at this par­ Germany a disruption of the friend­ ticular time Denmark, Sweden, ly relations which have existed for Norway and Holland are all stand­ so man}’ years, this country need ing with the United States in this not go to war with Germany. It controversy, and the South Ameri­ will not take a step so drastic un­ can countries do not and cannot less all other means have been ex­ countenance Germany’s behavior hausted. on the high seas. Germany would It has been hinted that if Ger­ be left practically alone, if the many did not make amends for United States should carry out its the slaying of Americans on the suspected move. Its friends would high seas, that the United States lie limited to Austria-Hungary and would sever its diplomatic relations Turkey, with Switzerland remain­ with Germany. This would mean ing absolutely neutral. that we would recall Ambassador Gerard from Berlin and other con­ Miss Anderson Entertains at Picnic sular agents in German cities, and Miss Olga Anderson gave a pic­ it would also mean that Ambuss^ nic to her friends on Saturday. The dor Bernstorff would be handed his day perfect, they enjoyed the passports in Washington and that cool being of the w'oods immensely. A all German consular agents in this bountiful was served to country to take their departure. which all dinner did ample justice. A All business relations between the snapshot was taken of the group; United States and Germany would each one will have picture when be cut off. We would not buv from they are finished. a They Germany, neither would we sell to tired but happy, with the departed it. It would be about the same as of another outing in the near promise ignoring the existanceof a German Those present were the future. Misses empire. Germany would he out­ Mary, Rose, Anna and Caroline lawed. Pnrtman, Winnie Kellow, Mandie Whether the almost unprece­ Armstrong, Dottie Bissette. Wanita dented proceeding will take place, Anderson, Opal France, Mildred remains for Germany to settle it­ McKillip and Master Billie Farmer. self. It would be lamentable should such a condition of affairs be brought about. It would bo dis­ astrous to the interchange of busi- | ness between these countries. Germany would feel the disad­ Most conveniently located vantage of severed ties more than hotel in Tillomook City. the United States, but both coun­ tries would be damaged. The world is not so large that one country can isolate itself and ig­ nore other nations. The interest* of one are the interests directly ci indirectly, of another. There must Make the Todd Hotel lobby your he an interchange of ideas, of headquarters while in the eitv. thought and of business, if all are to be broadened. No country can P. W. TODD, Prop. Tillam ook, Oregon Frank Taylor, Editor and Publisher. “ Entered as second-class matter, Nov­ ember 13 th, 1905 at the post office at Clo- v&rdale. Tillamook County, Oregon,un­ der Act of Congress, March l!rd, 1878. The Todd Hotel Rooms 50 and 75 Cents, Meals 25 Cents. Commences Monday, June M THE WHITE STAGE Will Leave Cloverdale at Corresponding Change at Way Points, ILL SWAP YER. JU D S E .A BASKET! OF TH E B E 3T HEN FRUIT FOR f SOMC OF THAT REAL. TOBACCO J C H E W j- yOURE O R I’D T H IN G A FRIEND ASK FOR MINE OF 50ME-I TO BOOT, f ' < -r THE GOOD JUDGE ACCOMMODATES THE POUlTRyMAN H ERE’S the ready chew! You can get genuine comfort and tobacco satisfaction without having to grind all the time! “ Right-Gut” is the Real Tobacco Chew that tobacco chewcrs arc telling one another about. Pure, rich, sappy tobacco — seasoned and sweetened just enough. The taste comes along steady—and it lasts you longer than the old kind. If you like real tobacco by all means buy a pouch. Take a very small chew—less than one-quarter the old r,ize. It will he more satisfying than a mouthful of ordinary tobacco. Just nibble on it until you find ' the strength chew that suits you. Tuck it away. Then let it rest. Sec how easily and evenly the real tobacco taste comes, how it satisfies without grinding, how much less you have to spit, how few chews you take to he tobacco satisfied. T! at’s why it is The Real Tobacca Chew. T hat’s why it costs less in the end. It it ■ r-ady chcrv, cut fine and «Sort alired an that yna won't have to grind on it with your teeth. Grinding on ordinary candied tobacco make* yon apit too much. The taste o f ra re , rich tohecco dcee no* need to *>e covered up with mnlaea«« and licorice. N otice how the cell bring« out the rich tobacco laate in "Right-Cat." One small chew takes the place of two big chews of the old kind. W E Y M A N -B R U T O N COMPANY 6 0 U n io n S q u a re , N e w Y o r k Ç b UY FROM DEALER OR SENU 10?STAMPST0US^ *