Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, June 11, 1915, Image 2

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a n d
new s
of in t e r e s t
Lowrance Sunday Afternoon.
Eyes tested and glasses fitted—
Conrad Krebs was in town this
any kind.
Pricee right. A. H.
Harris, opticion.
At Tillamook
Earl Cochran is visiting his
Drug Store, Tillamook, Oregon.
parents in Willamina.
When in Tillamook and you
A. K. Case was in the vicinity
want a good meal at a most ri
from Tillamook Tnesday.
sonable price call at M. Olson’s in
Notice the change of time of the the Ilamsey Hotel dining room.
departure of the White Stage.
N. Affolter, of Neskowin, was in
Jennie Ward, of Neskowin, was Cloverdale Tuesday on his way
n Cloverdale visitor this week.
out to Portland. He will spend a
Mr. and Mrs S. II Rock of Ore- week visiting his brother at Eagle
town were in the city Monday.
Andy Heater left Wednesday
W. G. Dwight, of Tillamook,
for Salmon River where
visited Cloverdale Wednesday.
he expects to spend a few weeks.
Miss Edna Worthington returned
He will then go to eastern Wash­
home from Tillamook Tuesday.
Dr. Wendt fits glasses. Til-
Mr. and Mrs. L M. Kraner and
< s p - lamook, Ore. I. 0 . 0 . F. Bid
Arba Stiverson made a trip to Bay
Forest Ayers and Mr. McClay, of City Sunday. They were accom­
Beaver, were in Cloverdale yester­ panied home by Mrs George Stiver-
son and daughter.
For sale— Small range, Surprise
Max Traxler is again holding
Universal, $8, See Northrup at down a cushion on the White
Kiebs mill.
Stage, having returned Monday
Miss Allie Lowrance is enjoying from
a week’s vacation from
Timely Aid Saved the Life of Raymond
a two weeks’ visit at his
the tele­ home in Portland.
phone office.
C. W. Thomas, of Jennings
Great are those 250 dinners at Lodge, Ore., is visiting his son,
the Ramsey Hotel dining room. Harry, of this place this week. Mr.
Thomas, Sr., was at one time a
Tillamook, Ore.
For photos, postcards or mounts resident of Tillamook County.
call or spo P. M. Stiyerson.
class work guaranteed.
Plusker Bros, tor all kinds of
plumbing, bath room outfits and
fixtures. Tillamook. Ore.
K L McCabe is enjoying a visit
from his mother, who reached here
Wednesday from Portland.
We wish to express through the
columns of the Courier our 6incerest
thanks to our friends who so nobly-
assisted in rescuing and resuscitat­
ing our son and brother, who came
so near being drowned last Sunday
afternoon.— J. R. Lcwrance and
Mr. and Mrs. B. D, Fidler and
A H. Harris, Jeweler. Fine son, Mervin, of Salem, accom­
Watch work a specialty. Opposite panied by Mr. Fidler’s father and
postoffice, Tillamook, Oregon.
mother, passed through Clover­
J. II. DnnstAn and wife and Mrs. dale Wednesday and we understand
Lola Shru b mil daughter,of Tilla­ are camping at MoKillips’ beach.
mook, were Cloverdale visitors Sat- Mr and Mrs. Fidler formerly re­
urda v
sided here.
Mail Carrier Moon reports that
Dr. Shearer reports the birth of
a deer crossed the road direc tly in two boys and a girl on Sunday to
front of his stage near Beaver Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Meyers, of
Beaver. So far as known these
the only triplets born in the
Editor Trombley, of the Tilla­
mook Herald, Sundayed in Clover­ county. The girl died shortly after
dale with Rev and Mrs. Ford. birth, but lilt1 boys are doing
Mrs. Trombley's parents
Pie counties of Tillamook and
chased from Gary Price the soda
Yamhill have come to an agree­
pop plant and has had it removed
ment on the Tillamook Yamhill
to to*- rear of his building.
Drs Lowe and Turner, the well mad and agreed to spend 120,000
known eye -( n ialists of Portland, on the project, which will be the
who have been coming to Tilla­ Sour Grass route.
mook for years, will be in Clover-
dale Tuesday, June 22, one day the road could be graded and
only. Consult them at the Hotel planked for $2(1,000 and the work
completed in two months.
Picnic Supplies
Paper Plates, Auto and
Outing Packages, con­
taining Drinking Cups,
Paper Napkins, Paper
Lunch Papers.
Just the thing you need
at a Picnic or on an
Outing trip.
Only I Oc a Package.
Druggist and Stationer
On Saturday evening’s stage
among the other passengers were
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. U’ Ren, Jr., of
Dayton, Ore., on their wedding
trip. Mr. U’ Ren is a hardware
merchant of the above named
place and Mrs. U’ Ren up to last
Friday afternoon when they were
married in Portland, was Miss
Maggie Miles, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. H. A. Miles, of Woods. They
spent Sunday and Monday with
Mrs. U’Ren’s parents, but owing to
business affairs they returned to
their homo Tu»sday.
Change in Leaving Time of White
An important change of time
of departure of the White Stage
from Cloverdale to Tillamook
Instead of leaving at
8:10 as heretofoYe the stage will
leave at 7:30 a. m., arriving in
Tillamook in ample time to catch
the morning train for Portland.
This change will meet the approval
of patrons as it will assure them of
reaching the train in plenty time,
and also allow those who make a
one-dav trip to the county seat
more time to transact business.
Notice of Annual School Meeting.
Notice is hereby given to the
legal voters of School District No
22, of Tillamook County, State of
Oregon, that the annual school
meeting of said district will be
held at the school house to begin
at the hour of one o’clock, p. no.,
on the third Monday of June, be­
ing the 27th day of June. A. I).
This meeting is called for the
purpose of electing one director
and one clerk and the transacting
of such business usual at such
Dated this 9th day of June, A
I)., 1915.
D. A. Bailey,
Chairman Board of Directors.
Fred Briody, District Clerk.
Raymond, the 14-year-oltUson of
Mr. and Mrs. John Lowrance, ex­
perienced a close call to drowning
Sunday afternoon just below the
riffles in the Nestucca river. Ray­
mond with two other hoys, Harry
Endner and Wade Arstill, were en­
joying a swim when Raamond got
into an eddy in deep water and
could not get to shore. His com­
panions made several attempts to
reach him but failed until Harry
Endner secured a hoard and then
got out in the water far enough to
reach the then unconscious boy by
the hair. He pulled him on the
board and then got him ashore,
when crude methods of resuscita­
tion was begun by the boys. Help
was called for and in a few mo­
ments a crowd was at the river
bank and the boy after being
worked over for a few minutes re­
gained consciousness.^ It was an
experience these boys will remem­
ber for all time.
Birthday Commemoration.
Tuesday evening, June 8, oc­
curred an event long to be remem­
bered by the young people of Meda
and vicinity, the event being to
commemorate the 18th birthday of
Miss Edith Beckwith.
Al an
early hour the invited guests be­
gan to appear at the pleasant
home of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Beck­
A pleasant evening, or
more properlys peaking, night, was
passed in playing games and
music, furnished by Henry Weiss
and Erwin Gaines on the violin,
accompanied by Mis9 Irene Hul-
ett on the organ.
At midnight a most sumptuous
repast was served at which all did
ample justice, and it was noticed
that a few asked for “ another help­
ing.” After supper the fun grew
apace with time until an early
hour, when the guests departed
with loud praise of the royal man­
ner they were entertained by their
hosts, wishing Miss Edith a long
and happy life. Following are the
names of those who were in at­
Mrs. Norton, Mrs. Larson, Miss
Hess, John, Russel, Mary and
Eulo Fo*, M rs. Gaines, Irvin
Guinea, Mr. and Mrs. John Wtiss
and son, Henry Weiss, George,
Jennie, Henry and Glenn Van-
Dyke, Cub and Pearl Burgees, Rex
and Seba Norton, Clara Craven,
Ralph Dunn, Frank and Vida
Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. S. Miller and
daughter. Albert and Irene Hulott.
Edith, Oliver, Milan and Alice
Beckwith, Mr. and Mrs. Beckwith,
Rufus Wiggins.