Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, April 09, 1915, Image 1

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VOL. 10.
As 1 was resting at the top o f a
long hill i was overtaken by a man on
horseback, and after salutations had
been exchanged he observed that he
was in no hurry and would get down
to smoke a pipe with me. A fte r awhile
he announced that he was the county
sheriff and was then on his way to re­
capture a prisoner -who had broken out
o f jail at Smithviile the night before.
The prisoner lived in a cabin a short
distance down the road, and as w e fin­
ished our pipes and jogged along the
officer suggested that I call with him
and witness the performance.
“ But is the fugitive a dangerous
man?" I asked.
“ That’s according to how you take
him,” was the answer.
“ And how do you mean to take him?“
"Oh, I'll be sort o f soft and gentle
with him, and if there is going to be
any shooting you’ll have warning in
time to get out.”
It was summer time, and when we
reached the cabin the escaped prisoner
sat on the doorstep with a shotgun
across his knees and n pipe between
his teeth. Ills wife, who was also
smoking, sat on a log near by having
the fam ily ax close at band, and the
pair never even looked up while the
sheriff was dismounting and hitching
his horse to a tree. I got the wink to
await developments, and we took seats
on a stump within twenty feet o f the
door and filled our pipes for another
I smoke. Neither the man nor hig w ife
paid the slightest attention to us or we
to them, and thus stood the situation
for a quarter o f an hour. Then the
j fugitive began to grow uneasy, and
after a bit he said:
"Tom , 1 reckon yo’ hev come for
“ Skassly, Bill, skassly,” replied the
sheriff as he looked up in seeming sur­
“ I f yo’ hev I ’ ll never be tooken back
to that jail alive!” growled the fugi­
I glanced at the wife, and the look
on her face and the way she fingered
the ax told plainly that she was ready
to stand by her husband in case he
needed help.
"D on’t git oneasy,” advised the sher­
iff. Then he began to tell me about
the county jail. It wasn’t so much to
look at from the outside and lots of
people thereby got a wrong impression
o f it. One must become a prisoner to
appreciate that jail.
The beds were o f the best.
The fare was that o f a hotel.
Once a day the sheriff came in and
related all the outside news.
Euchre decks and cigars and plug to­
bacco furnished free o f charge.
Visitors admitted any time o f the
day or night, and they could stay as
long ns they desired.
Once every week there is a big en­
tertainment. either a vaudeville show
or a mighty fine concert.
“ Why. Bill.” we heard the Jail break­
er’s w ife say to him. “ you never dun
tole me that the Jail was like this.”
“ Dog my cats, hut I didn’t know it
m yself!” he growled.
"It's better than lieiu’ right ycre at
And then the sheriff went on to say
that when holidays came the prisoners
got such a feast ns few men outside
Make us Your Paymaster. Pay your Bills by Check $
and Avoid all Chance for Dispute.
Keep your money in your own community and thereby
help to build up that community in which you reside and at
the same time you will increase the valuation of your prop­
erty and your personal interests.
Your interests and ours are identical and we are in
position to be of eervice to you.
E. L. McCABE, Cashier.
NO. 45
Several of our customers are people we do not know by sight
though we have done business by mail with them for years.
believe we have given them satisfactory hanking service and can
g iv e you the same satisfaction.
Mail us Your next Check or Checks
It saves you time, and T IM E IS MONEY, especially at this season
of the year.
No need to come to the bank in person.
ever got. Besides mince pie and fried Office Ground Floor
Bell Phone 53-J
oysters, there were ten cent cigars to
Todd Hotel,
P. O. Box 147
| smoke and champagne to drink.
“ But Bill must have mistook about
it,” said the wife.
“ Mrs. Baker. I hate to say anything
to a w ife Hbout her husband,” answer­
ed the officer, “ but I must tell you that
1 never had any one In my jail so or­
nery as your Bill. lie was kicking like
a mewl nil the time.”
“ But 1 wanted to git. outer Jail,” said
• L. V. E B K R H A K D , Manager.
“ O f co'ae you did—o f co’se, and why? Complete Set of Abstracts of the Records
You found the other prisoners so fur
of Tillamook Countv, Oregon.
above you in education and manners
that it was uncomfortable fur you.”
“ BUI can read and write his name,”
boasted his wife.
“ Yes?”
Origin and Checkered Career of the
“ And what’s the matter with his
French Academy.
o f France had Its In­
” 1 will tell you after you first tell me
why every’ one was glad When he broke ception In 1570, when thero was found­
! Jail and vanished.
They made me ed In Paris by the French poet, An­
i promise when I came away this morn toine de Balf, n literary and musicul
| Ing not to bring him back. They are society, known ns the Academy o f the
mighty sorry fur you, Mrs. Baker, but Valois. Charles IX . granted it letters
[ they hain’t got no use for any sich emit­ patent on Nov. 20, 1570, ns the Acade­
my o f Poetry and Music. It had, how­
ter ns your Bill.”
“ And you wasn’t lookin’ fur me?" ever, no stability. Attacked upon every
occasion and criticised by its oppo­
; anxiously asked Bill.
“ 1 was, but it was to tell yon that nents, its members censed to meet a ft­
1 you can’t come back to my jail no mo' er 1584. Almost half a century passed
No. snh. you can’t. I f I catch you before a revival took place.
For some time, since the year 1020,
around there'll be a big row.”
small circle o f enthusiastic students
“ Bill, you are gwine right back to
was wont to meet at each other’s homes
that Jail." said his wife.
"Sorry, Mrs. Baker, but I can’ t take for the study o f French language and
literature. From year to year its mem­
“ But I say he’ s got to go! I hnin’ t bership Increased, and in 1034 Cardinal
gwine to stand for folks snyin’ we are Richelieu proposed to the society to
have their privnto status changed Into
j low down.”
“ Yes. I'm gwine right back,” growl u public institution, with many rights
and privileges. Upon agreement by the
! ed the husband.
“ You are out, and you’d better stay society It was henceforth known ns
the French Academy, with a charter
from Louis X III. o f January, 1035.
“ I ’ll be hanged If I w ill!”
“ Please let him go bark with you!” It consisted then o f forty member*,
the “ forty Immortnls," and at no timo
| pleaded the wife.
The sheriff seemed to be pondering j and under no pressure whatsoever has
for full five minutes before he an­ this uumber l>een Increased.
True It is. also, that here royal pre­
“ W ell, It’s on yonr account, Mrs. rogative nnd personal intrigue eften
Baker, fur I do feel sorry fur yon. F lo ' gelded an Inferior member, while the
can tag along behind, and I’ll never try far superior remained excluded, for
whom popular indignation created the
to do him a favor ag'ln."
And an hour later Rill Baker was in world known “ forty-first seat.” For a
century nnd a half the academy held
I the county Jail
stated meetings until Aug. 5, 1703.—
The Cloverdale Courier $1 a year, j Argonaut.
With Rollie Watson
Abstracts on Short Notice
by the
pacific T bstract CO.