AM USEM ENT Without Amusement this 0 d World Would be a Dreary One. We have an amusement place for yog where you will he treated right Billiards and Pool. Complete line of Fruits, Confec­ tionery and Soft Drinks. V. Learned. - Cloverdale i BLACKSMITHING and ! General Repairing IID. H. FLETCHER All Work Guaranteed. O RCTO W M , O UC. (■ ■ ■ ■ ■ H ie «MflMBhjflMkMbedHfe« ABM W » M W ja u m r— ■ j n M M u m a n a ! a » Our Phenominal Success Demonstates that Fact. Remember Alex McNair & Co. for Builders’ Hardware, Eave Troughing, Farm Tools, Shelf Goods, Cutlery, and every­ thing kept in a fully stocked hardware store. Alex McNair & Co He Got H is. **l lo ve y o u ," said the flip p a n t yo u th . " D o von get me?' "N o i do not get yo u . I w o u ld n 't have y o u .’ retorted the sensible g l r l . - K a iisn s C it y Jo u rn a l. Eyes tested and glasses fitted— any kind. Pricee right. A. H Harris, opticion. At Tillamook Drug Store, Tillamook, Oregon. Dairying, the Only Absolutely -‘Sure Crop” and a Monthly Pay Check. Why not get into the dairy business? Why not let the cow earn you a good living, and something besides? Why not dairy in the county where the meadows are green the year around? Tillamook county is famous for its cheese and dairy lands. We are in the business of selling Tillamook County Lands and we have some real snap bargains—bargains that won’t last long. If you are interested let us hear from you. Here is one of our good bargains—Seventy-three acres bottom land, cleared and fenced, with good house and barn, all stocked, an in­ come starts as soon as you own the property. Near to cheese factory and school. 913,600 buys this money-maker. 6,000 cash, balance 10 years at 6 per cent interest. Reasons for selling—Owner is retiring and wishes to move to his village heme. Here is another good buy that only requires 1000 to start th e successful ball on the upward roll. Eighty acres, 30 acres cleared, quarter of a mile from postoflice, cheese factory and school house, plenty of good water and road running through the place. 130 an acre, f 1000 down, balance ou long time at 6 per cent interest. Here is still another good buy. 75 acres tide and creek bottom land. Ask us for prices and terms. Other business interests forces the owner to place this bargain on the m arket—75 acres, good house and barn, 10 acres plow land, 40 acres in pasture, better than five million feet of standing timber, on main county road. 98000, half cash. Will consider village or city in­ come property as part of first payment. Eighty acres of m erchantable timber close to the village of Clover- dale at a price that will interest you. Just what you have been looking for. Seventy-five acres wild land easily cleared at $10 per acre. 160 acres, 30 acres meadow land, small house and good barn, small orchard, 1$ miles to school, 5 acres good onion land, but only ^ of this is cleared, 5 cows go with ranch. Ask for particulars. $5,000; half cash; balance 5 years at 6 per cent. We are buyer finders because we only list lands that are profitable to buy. TAYLOR REAL ESTATE AGENCY. • OREGON. , Tillamook, Ore. CLOVERDALE HOTEL CLOVERDALE, ORE. A Home for Travelers and Visitors Meals 35c and 50c Beds 50c and up, Everything First-class Your Patronage Solicited Star Brand” Shoes SPECIAL AGENCY F b r th e I h m o u s T h e L a rg e s t S ellin g B ra n d o f S h o e s in th e W o rld SOME POPULAR LINES "O u r Fam ily” “ A Fin* Shoe Etf Men Foe Every Member o i the Family Tha "PiWrim”- The BiwneM Mao', Shoe *‘ S tron ger-Th »n -Th «-L»w ” — "S o c ie tT "_■ Wearing Week Shoe Mad* A PutKuUr Shoe lor PutacuUr Women ••Soft The and Lengnt Good” — T a o . A Tod” School S h o o .- Far Boy, u d Curb A Work Shoe True ID Name TW~PatrioP*- A ll made o f Good Leather. No substitute* fo r leather are ever used. “Star Brand Shoes Are Better '* G L O V tR D ALB M ER G A IN TiU E GO. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE P atents I RAUL IW A HRS D e s ig ns C o p y r i g h t s A c . A nyone »endln* a «ketch and description may «nicely ascertain o a r opinion frea w hether an a ta b le Communlea. Invention la probably pata e HANDBOOK on P Patent* aten t Uona etrletly eoaSderitial. H u t free. Oldest aeen ry for securing patents. P aten ts taken thn.uirh Miami A Co. receive *p ert« aottos, w ithout eharwa, In th e Scientific American. A handsom ely lllaetrated weekly. I-enreet d r- on latte a o f nay aeienufle Journal. Teruia. |3 a y e a r; four cuaaUta. Kb Sold by aft new edealem Mraocb t New Tort , (96 V I t . Washington, iX U FIRE INSURANCE is the only ASSET YOU MAY HAVE IN CASE OF DISASTER. WE WRITE THE KIND THAT PROTECTS. Rates made known and information gladly given. Rollie W. Watson B «s l Estate and n r * Insuranc* Tillamook. j ' The fact we wish to hammer is that Alex McNair & Co.’s store gives more quality, service and satisfaction than any other store in Tillamook county. Tillamook County Dairy LaDds CLOVERDALE, S “It Don’t Hurt a Fact to i f, g- y: -."«g nTTnl w v— ■ * « .idB A muni! tile riiisuH«! fo o th ills of the | A lle g h e n ie s. iu m iieym iU < oti<1ers|iort j I'u , one m ay set* n most cu rio u s u n til i ru i phenom enon In h c »v e a few fee! below the simfftce there e xis ts h natu n il ice m ine, the e eilin u w a lla and Boor o f the «'llre Detnn p e rp e tu a lly cov ered w ith thleR ice c u n o tis ly euough d u rtn c the he:it of an turner the ire 1» m uch th le ke r th an in the coldest w in ter C h e m ists w ho have tested the Ice pronounce It to De a b so lu te ly pure uut u ra l lee. out -oo one has been able to d is c o ve r the cause o f th is unusual fo r m a tlo n . a lth o u g h several th eo rie s have been prom ised Som e sc ie n tists believe th a t u n d e rgro u n d w a te r, ris in g fro m gre a t depths, congeals upon the w a lls but a ll theories thus fa r advanced have been u n con firm e d, and the o rig in of the ice m ine rem ain s as m uch o t a m ys te ry as e ve r W id e W o rld M aga zin e A N a tu r 3l ice Mme - • Oregon