Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, March 05, 1915, Image 4

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the place oi drugs • '
U o a tb W i t h o u t M e t a l.
" W e ll,” replied this observant stn-
W ithout uu i ih crows ur ooite the
ingenious o h U v ik of Annin, a country dent of events as well as ot hum an
yiiiK south of <'Inna w ithin the Fren ch health “ the use ot serum « and other
|ti*otPt'to,*ate. are able to tiulltJ strong, means of w arding oft disease «dit do
light lx nits, some ot them ot large size, the w ork, and what the> cannot do
containing no inetnl ot any kind, says physicians w ill know that o rd in a ry
I ’opm ar Meelintilrs. Pheti snniimus. us j drugs w ill he unable to accomplish
A drugless w orld'
Just think to
the native Pouts are called, ure made
oi five thanks Joined together without what we ire coming and cheer u pl—
cu rvin g ot the use ot ribs from one end Ftiiludelphla Isajger
to the other
The plunks used are
pierced ut intervals ot about eight
A H a n d w r i t i n g Test.
inches at points directly opposite each
" I t is a curious fact,' said a p ro m i­
These perforations form m or­ nent H an d w riting expert tlie oiher day.
t i s e s In tlie shape ot double eyelets,
"that If a doeuuieut were put before
through w hich rattan ropes are passed, me anti I were asked the sex of the
tightly binding them together T h e
w riter ! should probably fall. People
joints are calked with vegetable Htier. generally are ^u*customed to think that
and over these joints are laid short the masculine or fem inine Leni|**ni-
lengths of Itoard. lapping over one an- rneiit w ill readily betray Itself In w r it­
otlier These act as stiffeners, strongly ing. but I ussure you such Is not the
re e l)fo rcin g the itotir frorr end U) end case Bold, blaek and firm penm anship
and m aking It water tight.
w ill frequently be found tlie character-
istlc of u w om an, while delicate w r it ­
ing. Indicating u lively fancy, expected
The Druglesb Era.
W e were talking utiont developm ent In a wom an, w ill belong to a m em ber
lu medical science wiicu a prominent of the op|»osite sex. You can test this
Take. say.
doctor made this rather startling ob­ statement tor yourself
tw e n ty envelopes w ritte n by people
you know and num ber them ca re fu lly.
" T h e num ber ot prescriptions w rit
Pass them around and see how m any
ten by physicians today is very much
sm aller than It was eight or ten years w ill name correctly the sex of the w r it­
You w ill seldom find that more
I believe that In about fifteen ers
than one th ird ot the guesses w ill be
more years the w ritin g of any pre
serlptlous for medicine w ill he a very | r i g h t ”
rare occurrence."
" W h a t.” I Inquired. "Is going to take
Patience and determ ination w ill w in
fo r most of us nine battles out of ten.
«C B »
» >
The fact we wish to hammer is that A bx McNair &
Our Phenominal Success Demanstates that Fact.
Remember Alex McNair & Co. for Builders’ Hardware,
Eave Troughing, Farm Tools, Shelf Goods, Cutlery, and every­
thing kept in a fully stocked hardware store.
Alex M ai * • f t CO,, TiUamoofc,Ora.
Dairying, the Only Absolutely *‘Sure
Crop” and a Monthly Pay Check.
Here is another good huv tb it only requires 1000 to start the
successful ball on the upward roll. Eighty acres. 30 acres cleared,
quarter of a mile from postoHiee, eheesc factory ami school house,
plenty of good water and road running through the place, $30 a n
acre, $1000 down, balance on long time at 6 per cent interest.
Here is still another good buy.
land. Ask us for prices and terms.
We are buyer finders because we only list lands that are profitable
to buy.
Travelers and Visitors
Everything First-class
Your Patronage Solicited
Fbr the Fhmous
“Star BrancTShoes
The Largest Selling Brand of Shoes in the World
Tha "P atriot” —
A Fine Shoe for Men
T h e “ Pilgrim” —
The Business Man's Shoe
“ Our Family” —
For Every Member of tbc Family
"Strong er-Than-Thc-Law” —
™ * A Particular Shoe for P.rScuUr Women
T e t a & T e d ” S c h o o l S h o e s—*
Fur Boys and Girb
. . . T*
W o rin * Work Shoe M«Je
S o ft and G o o d —
A Work Shoe True to Name
All made of Good Leather. N o aubititutes for leather are ever used.
“ Star Brand S h oes A r e Better **
M E R G A N T I L b GO.
50 Y E A R S '
Eighty acres of merchantable timber elose to the village of Clover-
dale ut a price that will interest you.
Just what you have been looking for. Seventy-five acres wild land
easily cleared at $10 per acre.
160 acres, 30 acres meadow land, small house and good barn,
small orchard, 1] miles to school. 5 acres good onion land, hut only \
of this is cleared, 5 cows go with ranch. Ask for particulars. $5,000;
half cash; balance 5 years at 6 per cent.
Beds 50c and up.
75 acres title and creek bottom
Other business interests forces the owner to place Ibis bargain
the market— 75 acres, good bouse and barn, 10 acres plow land,
acres in pasture, better than five million feet of standing timber,
main county road. 18000, half cash. Will consider village or city
come property as part of first payment.
Meals 35c and 50c
Why not get into the dairy business? Whv not let the cow earn
you a good living, and something besides? Why not dairy in the
county where the meadows are green the year around? Tillamook
county is famous for its cheese and dairy lands.
Here is one of our good bargains— Seventy-time acres bottom
land, cleared and fenced, with good house and barn, all stocked, an in-
cotne starts as soon as you own the propel ty
Near to cheese factory
and school. $18,1)0) buys this moneymaker. 6.000 cash, balance 10
years at 6 per cent interest. Reasons for selling— Owner is retiring
and wishes to move to his village' home.
C o . ’s
store gives more quality, service and satisfaction than any other
store in Tillamook county.
Tillamook County Dairy Lands j
We are in the business of selling Tillamook Count, Lands and we
have some real snap bargains— bargains that won’t last long. If you
are interested let us hear from you.
Don’t Hurt
ip the only
e a t m
rade M ark s
D e s ig n s
C o p y r ig h t s A c .
A rvn n e sending a skereh and daacrlnOon may
•inlePly asre-taln ou r opinion free wlielhe, ...
Invention I» probably patient able. Communie»,
lions *t lictly coaBdentlal. HAN 0 BÛ 0 K on Parent«
sent free. Oldest ssem -v fo r securing patents.
Patents taken through Miinn .% Co. receive
ipr.-uii notice, w ithout chsrjra. In the
Scientific American.
A handsomely tltnstrafed weoktr. U reM t ctr-
t-iilsUen o f »nr »dentine Journal. T etuis. $•> a
rear; four mos Uia, t U Sold by ail newsdeaier*.
OREGON. MUNN & Co.36,Bro**"’-New Tort
■asnek OSlce. ( B V f l . Waslitugt in. U- U
Hates made
know n and
information gladly given.
Uollie W. Watson
Real Estate and Fire Insurance
Tilla m o o k .