Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, March 05, 1915, Image 2

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H. A. Milea was up from Woods
Will Roenicke, of Sandlake,
in town Wednesday.
W. R Robedee and A. C. Deuel,
of Woods, were business visitors to
Cloverdale Wednesday.
Among the Masons in Tillamook
this week from this end of the
Mrs. F. S; Ford and father, Mr.
Hatton, visited Tillamook this county are George Worthington,
Frbd Murphy, Roy Esiabrook and
F. S. Ford and H H. Miller.
John Hellenbr&nd spent Mon­
Send us 35 cents this week and
day and Tuesday in Cloverdale
we will send you one pound Satis
from Salmon River.
faction Coffee and one pkg Dia­
Frm>k Owens lost one of his l est mond “ W ” jelly powder free. Only
cows Tuesday by falling in a one to a family. The Satisfaction
reservoir and drowning.
Store, Hemlock.
Plasker Bros tor all kinds of
On display in the Cloverdale
plumbing, batn room outfits and Mercantile Co.’a store is a perfect
fixtures. Tillamook. Ore.
potato tint weighs 34
A. H. Harris, Jeweler. Fine pounds, is 13 inches long, 11 inches
Watch work a specialty. Opposite in circumference and has 34 eye6.
postoftico, Tillamook, Oregon.
It was grown by Will Roenicke, of
D. T. Wert-chkwl and L M.
Kraner were in Tillamook
A literary society has oeen or­
Wednesday in the interest of bet­ ganized in the new high school.
ter roads.
The officers are: President, Chas.
Mr. and Mrs. John Dunstan, of Cooper; vice-president, Herman
Tillamook, wero in Cloverdale last Bailey; secretary and Ireosurer,
Saturday in the interest of the Jennie Ward; sergeant at arms, P.
M. Stiverson; adviser, Mies Knox;
County Fair.
Miss George.
Twenty two dollars was the net
receipts of the hand concert and
Mrs. P. H. Messner Dead.
btsket social given by the Clover­
Mrs. P. H. Messner, of Clover­
dale bund last Friday evening.
dale, was operated upon at one of
Eyes tested and glasses fitted— the hospitals in Tillamook Tues­
any kind.
Prices right. A. H day and for a time it was thought
Harris, opticion.
At Tillamook she was improving
reached here this afternoon that
Drug Store Tillamook, Oregon.
she-could not survive the shock.
Bids Wanted— Bids will ho re­
Later:— A telephone message re­
ceived by the secretary,
ceived at 2:15 says that Mrs. Mess­
Bays, up to March 10, for the
ner had just passed away.
hauling of cheese to Tillamook, and
Hebo Beats Bearer.
other supplies for the Central I
of basket ball last
Creamery Co. The right reserved
night Hebo defeated Beaver by a
to reject any or all bids.
score of 37 to 23
The stars were
We sell Dr. Hess Sti ck Tonic,1
Stiverson and Boh Fortner for
7-lb pkg
12 lbs l l 00; Dr. Hess
Beaver and Gates and McGinnis
Poultry Panacea 1$ lb pkg 25o, 8
for Hebo.
lb pkg 50c; Kow Kure, Garget
The line up:
Cure; Bag Balm, Pine Tar in 15c
Hebo 37
Beaver 23
tins; Gall Cure, Horse Liniment, I McGinnis 6
Bob Fortner 7
Joe Everest 6
F Lester Fortner 2
Sweat Pads. etc. The Satisfaction R. McGinnis 17
Gates fi
Ronald Siilmg
Store, Hemlock.
Kellow 2
Buel, Field Worker F. L. Griflin
Jo i«*'
S to c k T o n ic s
Cows and horses, like the human,
needs at this season a good System
Tonie. Don’t neglect the needs of
your cows and other stoak. Look
after their needs and they’11 make
it up in returns.
For your benefit we have made
a close study of this part of our
business and are prepared to fur­
nish you with the best of Stock
Remedies, prepared expressly for
you, Mr. Dairyman and Stockman,
in your business as a dai-iyman
and stockraiser.
Give us a call when in need of
Stock Remedies. Now is the time
to use them.
W m . A. H IG H
Now is the time to let us have
your order for Garden Seed. Send
us a list of your wants and let ua
quote you prices. E, G. Anderson,
The Satisfaction Store, Hemlock.
Running the
Port Royal, South Carolina, is a fine
harbor. In that region are many is­
lands lying between the mainland and
tile ocean on which Is produced what
is called seu island i-otton, an article o f
very superior grade. When the war be
tween the states opened and the south
ern ports were blockaded this was a
favorite point for running the blockade
with cargoes o f this valuable cotton.
Where It was grown It was worthless;
beyond the Yankee blockading squad­
ron It was often worth more than a
dollar a pound.
The United States government sent
a naval and military force to Tort Roy
al to occupy the harbor, and adjoining
the Islands, some fifteen or twenty
miles from the month o f the harbor. Is
the town o f Beaufort, and one day
during the early part o f the war a
Sii vert-on 14
steamer lay at the wharf taking on cot­
ton A man on the deck was watching
a gang o f negroes rolllug the bales
A long, thin man with lean
cheeks and a tuft o f beard on his chin
and wearing a butternut suit came
sauntering along and stood looking at
the loading
“ Are yo' the cap'n o' this byer ship?”
he said to the man on deck
visited the school here yesterday
and gave some splendid talks.!
Superintendent Buel paid compli­
ments to the hi gh scool before in
trod ueing the
other speakers.
Prof. Griffin’s talk was along tie
We have an amusement place for
line of Industrial clubs, their or­
yon where von will he treated right
ganisation and results
Agi ¡eulturi.-t Jones spoke briefly
on the better improvement of stock. J
Complete line of Fruit-*, Confec­
Later in the day these gentlemen
tionery and « o f t Drinks.
entertained listeners at the Grange
Without Amusement this
O d World Would be
a Dreary One.
Billiards and Pool.
V. Learned. - Cloverdale.
“ 1 am •'
“ I ’m lookin' fur tmnspo'tntion.
want to git out o’ this dod rotted.
Yankee ridden country. I ’ve sold out
my little plantation and put the money
into cotton I got twenty bales.”
“ Don’t you know that the Lincoln
government won't let any cotton leave
the Confederacy?"
“ You don’t say so!"
I’ ll take your cotton for yon.
but there’s a big chance o f its being
captured by a Yankee gunboat lying
off the mouth o f the harbor I f so it
will be confiscated.”
“ Waal. now. I reckon that’ s Inter­
ferin’ with a man’s nateral rights.”
“ But If you git It through. If it’s
sen Island cotton, you’ ll make a small
fortune out o f I t “
“ W ell?”
“ I f yo’ . want to take the risk I ’ll
carry It for you for 20 per cent o f what
yo’ sell It for.”
“ Yo’ goln’ to carry over this what
yo’ takln’ aboa’d?"
“ I ’m goln’ to try.”
“ I ’m afeard I monght lose my cot­
“ In that case yo’ bette’ not risk I t ”
“ But yo’ say yo’ goin’ to risk It with
yo’ cotton.”
“ I am.”
“ W hat yo’ paintin’ yo’ ship that colo’
fd’ ?"
"T h at’s the color o f a fog. I shall
not go to sea till I can git a misty
night That gray paint Is exactly the
shade o f a misty mo’nlng Just befo’
A bargain was struck between the
two, the captain agreeing to take the
lean man and his cotton to England
for 20 per cent o f Its value In Liver­
pool provided the blockade could he
run sRfely. The twenty bales were
taken to the whurf and rolled aboard.
The owner remained ashore till a fo g­
gy night should enable the ship to get
to sea. there being five chances o f
success to one o f capture.
Finally an east wind brought In
murky weather, and the captain told
his passenger that there was a pros
peet o f her getting out early the next
morning. The Intter went aboard with
his baggage, a hair trunk, a bandbox
and a leather case evidently contain­
ing a musical instrument
But the
captain, who was busy superintending
getting the ship off. bad no time to
Inspect the passenger’s baggage.
Steaming down on to the broader
waters the ship cast anchor between
two Confederate forts on either shore
to wait for an opportunity. There were
considerable wind and rain during the
nigh», hut nothing to conceal a ship
About 7 o’clock tn the morning the
wind lulled and a dense fog settled
do wn. The captain concluded to try to
slip out between the gunboats outside
the harbor. Just before the fog shut
everything from view he took his bear
ings from bis compass and. with speed
only sufficient for steerage way, aided
by cn outgoing tide, drifted to the har­
bor's mouth
On passing out a dim balk appeared
on his port quarter
He knew that It
was a blocknder. but he had the ad­
vantage o f his ship’s being the color o f
the mist, and he passed safely. H alf
nn hour passed, and he was congratu­
lating himself on having cleared the
blockading ships, when from below
there arose the resonant sound o f a bu­
Dashing down the companion-
way. he followed the sound, which led
him to his passenger's stateroom. The
man was practicing ou a cornet The
captain with a blow sent it scurrying
on the floor
"You idiot!" he exclaimed. “ What
do you mean?”
“ W hat do yo’ mean yo’self? 1 al
ways practice at this time o’ the morn-
“ Fool! Do yon want to lose your
Through n porthole they heard "Ship
ahoy!” then “ Heave to!” and the
captain knew it was all over
were In possession o f a Yankee gun­
The lean man was a Connecticut
Yankee, and his prize money for hls
services amounted to 2100.000. He had
obtained a commission from Washing­
ton to prevent blockade running and
had been furnished with means that
enabled him to carry out hla purpose
in bla own way.