Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, March 05, 1915, Image 1

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    VOL. 10.
cloverdale colrie
NO. 40
Several of our customers are people we do not know by sight
Each Receives an Indeterminate A Fairly Good Attendance and an though we have done business by mail with them for years. We
Sentence and Goes to
Interesting Meeting—In­
believe we have given them satisfactory hanking service and can
the Penitentiary.
teresting Speeches.
give you the same satisfaction.
Mai! us Your next Check or Checks
Tillamook county has been all Pomona Grunge met in Clover­
excitement the past week over the dale yesterday afternoon and initia­ It saves you time, and TIME IS MONEY, especially at this season
arrest of A. C. White and Attorney ted 17 new members. Several were of the year. No need to come to the bank in person.
W orrall. These men were charged present from Nehalem, but the
with attem pt to kidnap. White contingent that was to reach here
plead guilty to the charge and was from Tillamook failed to appear.
sentenced to one to twelve and a It is said they started with an
" lPi.:>auW L W j-
half years and upon another count auto truck and became disabled
plead guilty to an attem pt to kill on the road.
of the circuit and county courts be­ the city Thursday.
and received a further sentence of The afternoon session comprised ing in session.
F. W orthington and wife, of
one to five years. White is the a splendid talk from Prof. Griffin, J. J. McGinnis, of Hebo, was a Cloverdale,
are guests of their
father of two children adopted bv field worker on industrial club Tillamook visitor the first of the daughter, Mrs. E. L. Webb, a few
Mrs. A. G. Beals and it was these work. He urged a square deal for week.
days this week.
children he attempted to kidnap the son on the ranch and gave his
and it was their foster father whose listeners some valuable advice. O. P, Mattoon, of Ilebo, was in Seventeen and one-half acres
life was threatened.
creek bottom und bench land with
Speeches were also made by County the city Wednesday.
Worrall was charged with hav­ School Superintendent Buel and James W hitman and D. T. good barn, 14 acres cleared, $100
Werschkul, of Cloverdale, were in per acre. It takes $1000 cush to
ing written a letter to Mrs. Beals County Agriculturist Jones.
demanding $800 and informing her Refreshments were served for the city Wednesday.
handle this and its an excellent
that her husband was kidnaped. the noon da> and the evening Archie Gist and wife, of Clover­ buy. Taylor Real Estate Agency.
When the woman took the money lunch in the Cloverdale hall.
dale, were in the city Tuesday.
to W orrall’s office he had appar­ In the evening a short program
ently become alarmed and refused was rendered and the grangers got N. S. Edwards and Howard H ar­
were in the city from Sandlake
to accept it. .
down to the business part of the ris
Worrall plead guilty to the session which lasted till after mid­ Wednesday
Frank Allemler, of Sandlake,
charge on Wednesday morning night.
was a business visitor in the city
and made a long statem ent to the
court giving a detailed account of
the part he played in the plot and
Mrs. W. R Rutherford, of Mc­
asked the court for leniency. Judge John Fleck and H. H. Miller, of Minnville. is visiting her parents,
Belt could not see how he could do Cloverdale, are among those from Mr. and Mrs. Goyne, of this city.
All Work Guaranteed.
that, as he had sentenced A. C. the south end of the county who
W hite to a term of one to five were business visitors in the city Jim Bakyr, of Beaver, was in the
city Wednesday.
years in the penitentiary. He said , the first of the week.
he would have to impose the same J. M. Hester, of Hemlock, was A. W. Bunn, H. M. Farm er and
Q U E I O W IN . O U B .
sentence upon W orrall, which he in the city Tuesday.
H. S. Davidson, of Beaver, were in
Worrall is a man 60 years old L. P. Gray, of Blaine, was a
and is apparently broken in spirit business visitor in town Tuesday.
S p e c ia l C lu b b in g O ffe r
and health and it is a question C. W. Mcllvane, one of Bay
whether be will live his sentence City’s business men, paid our city
Take A dvantage of these
out. Although a resident of Til­ a visit Tuesday.
E xtraordinary Bargains
lamook county only a year, he was Messrs. Tohl, LaFiamboy and
Regular price And the Cloverdale
quite widely known, his ambition Kuppenbender, of Nehalem, were
Courier one vear
per year r
seemed to tend toward a wide ac­ business visitors in the city the
_f H.O0........
....................... 5.75
Daily Oregonian.......................................... 0.00
quaintance and in this he was first of the week.
.... 2.50
Sunday Oregonian .....................................
....................... 2.25
quite successful. Aside from this ;
Weekly Oregonian...................................... 1.50........
Evening Telegram
.... 5.00....... ...................... 4.7ft
case no one seems to know of his D. A. Boiley, of Cloverdale was
7 5 0 ............................... 6.00
Oregon Journal, D
ever being in trouble before. He a business visitor in the city Mon­
....................... 4.75
Oregon Journal, E
Sunday Journal..........................................
.... 2.50
was recently elected secretary of day.
li-Weekly Journal ..............................
.... 1.50
1.50........ ....................... 1.50
the Tillamook Commercial Club, Frank W ilehart, of Woods, was
Note that the Courier and the city daily can lie had in several
which office be held when arrested. in the city Saturday.
cases at a price less than the city daily alone. Cash m ust accompany
uarh w u ription and addresced to the Cloverdale Courier, Cloverdale,
V Hr. W endt fita glasses. Til­ Tillamook presents an unusqpl
lamook, Ore. I.O. O. F. Bid. ! appearauce this week on account
i General Repairing
i D.