Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, December 25, 1914, Image 5

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    Cloverdale Courier
canvas do not lack ambition.
How» vt-r, if there is to he a
Published Every Friday by
made in this office, it
Frank Taylor, Editor and Publisher.
“ Entered as second-class matter, Nov­ should be the result of careful
ember Kith, 1905 at the post of lice :it t'lo- thinking on the part of the voter
verdale, Tillamook County, Oregon, un­
before the vote is cast. It would
der1 Act of Congress, March .'lid, 1878.
he hazardous to recall the present
S ubscriptio n H ates
One Tear, in advance....................... $1.00 incumbent and elect another in
8ijc Mouths ...........................................50 otliice whose work would not be
Three M onths............. ! ....................... 25 1
Single C opy.............
05 satisfactory. It is an important
_______________________________________ ,— office and should be tilled with one
A d v e r tis in g H ates
willing to
displayed Advertisements, 50 cents per perfectly competent,
inch per month, single column. All carefully guartl the county’s in­
' ocal Reading Notices. 5 cents per
terest and one whom we know is
line for each insertion.
Timber land notices
$10.00 sufficiently versed in law to com­
Homestead notices
Political Announcement Cards
$10.(X) mand the respect and attention of
the court as well as the people.
J ob D epartm en t
My Job Department incomplete in every
(>f course it is considered that
respect and 1 am able to do all kinds !
Commercial Job Printing on sh ort, the voters will not take the can­
notice at reasonable prices.
didacy of either Attorney Calla­
han or Attorney Farnell seriously.
F R ID A Y . DEC EM HER 25, 1914.
They have only been in the county
The Cloverdale Courier wishes j a short time and this recall elec­
all its readers a very Merry Christ­ tion affords them a splendid op­
mas and a Happy New Year.
portunity to advertiseand get their
names before the people.
The office of District Attorney is
It is not a pleasant thing to re­
call or be recalled, in the light of too important to he handled by
the present meaning, and in a any one hut a time-tried attorney,
generally accepted meaning, that one of the older heads of the
of placing the power in the hands | county, and as the best is none too
of the voter, is a commendable j good for Tillamook county, every
law. but to abuse this privilege voter should carefully consider the
makes the law so completely un­ candidates before casting his vote
bearable that the disgust it gener­ and then vote for a man who will
ates is so far reaching that no good be a credit to the office.
is possible to ie«ult
When the
The R a v e n .
grand jury was called to investi­
T h e a n cien ts m a lit e il th e ra v e n w ith
gate the actions of the district at­ unu su al lO iiaevity tint m ndern in v e s ti­
g atio n show s th a t It is not w a rra n te d .
torney what was it for? Certainly T h e h in t ra re ly lives m ore th a n seven
it could not have been for the pur­ , f t v a r a
pose of putting in circulation a re­
O u r N a t u r a l B rid g es.
call petition and had they found
T h e re a re ten bridges fo rm e d by na
cause sufficient to warrant them in I tu re In tin- r t ilt e il S tates T h e ir for
circulating such a petition would (n ation Is eaus»*»l Ip the «-urreut of
stream s ru n n in g th ro u g h rocks.
not that cause been sufficient to
have tried him on?
Sue K new
S u n d ay Sciiooi T e a c h e r Onn you
However, the situation is a* it
is, and we are to have an election tell me w h o d w e lt In the H a rd e n of
E d e n I . i t t l e May Yes. ma am ; the
at the expense of the tax payers to Adam ses E xchange.
the tune of ten or twelve hundred
Mr. Gersoni complains
that he has been condemned with I
out a chance of being heard, and it
seems that his complaint is well
Even those who have
Good buv—The best buy on the
urged him the strongest to resign
Tillamook market— 75 acres tide
do not admit that they gave him
and creek bottom land See us for
a chance to be heard. It is the price and terms.
Taylor Real
right of every citizen to hi; heard Estate Agency.
m his own defense and this seems Wanted Homestead Relinquishment—
We have a client for a good home­
to have bet-n a privilege of which
relinquishment. Cash deal.
the attorney has been deprived,
For Sale— 170 acre ranch, good house
and as is generally the rule there
and barn, 10acres under plow, 40 Here­
are those who sympathize with the
in pasture, h»'tter than five million
under dog
It Ins made a strong
feet of standing timber, excellent lo­
cation. $8,000, half cash, terms on
following for the one whose recall
balance. This is the best buy in Til­
is asked of the voters of the county.
lamook county.
Three candidates are now in the
S*e us about HI) acres of merchantable
field, Attorneys Govne, Callahan
timber that we can give a splendid
and Farnell. We have met these
bargain on.
attorneys and so far as we know House and lot for sale— We have two
residence pr»qs rties in Cloverdale to
t itherof »heru would prove capable,
sell at a bargain for cash in band.
i lie two latter are young men and See us for business and residence lot* in
iron» the way they are making the
Real Estate
rp L A m A A d
1 i
iiie lo a d H otel is
blacksmithing i
Most conveniently located
hotel in Tilloinook City.
Rooms 50 and 75 Cents, Meals i
General Repairing-
25 Cents.
Make the Todd Hotel lobby your
headquarters w bile in the city.
I*. W . TODD, Prop.
All Work Guaranteed.
Caille Perfect'n Engines
and can save you tlia middle-man’ s
profit. Engines are shipped direct to
us from the factory at Detroit, Mich.
We do not buy through any agency and
can sell you a marine or stationary en-
gfne at the lowest possible price. Sample
engines on display.
FRANK T A Y L O R . Agent, Cloverdale.
O U h I O W N . O U t,.
Bids Wanted.
Rids will be received up to Jan­
uary 1 for furnishing cheese boxes,
twins and triplets. Sample boxes
for comparison must accompany
bid. Cloverdale Cheese Co.
Following usual custom the I’ . It. & N.
will have in effect from all points,
Special Christmas and New j
Year Holiday Round
Trip Fares
Tickets between all points on the P. It. & N. will
he sold December 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25 and 31,
1014, and January 1, 1015; also between all P. It.
dr N. and S. P. points. Final return limit Jun-
uary 4, 1015.
f Superior
Call on our nearest Agent for full particulars,
fares to specific points, reservations, train
schedules, etc.
\ Pacific Railway & Navigation j
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon
Special Clubbing Offer
T a k e A d v a n t a g e o f th e s e
E x tr a o r d in a r y
B a r g a in s
Regular price
And the Cloverdale
per year
Courier one year
Daily and Sunday Oregonian.................... $8 DO .................................$7.50
Daily Oregonian.............................................. 0.00................................ 5.75
S unday Oit-guiiiali ...................................... 2..50................................... 2 >0
Weekly Oregonian......................................... 1.50................................ 2.27»
Evening Telegram ................................... ... 5.00................................. 4.75
O reg on Journal, Daily ami Sunday....... 7.50................................. 0.00
Oregon Journal, Daily.................................. 5.00
Sunday Journal.............................................. 2.50................................ 2.50
Semi-Weekly Journal ............................... 1.50 .................................. 1.50
Note that the Courier and the city daily can lie bad in several
cases at. a price less than tin* »*'t; daily alone. Cash must accompany
each subscription and addr* - ed to the Cloverdale Courier, Cloverdale.