Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, December 25, 1914, Image 1

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    VOL.' 10.
county line to the south boundary
line of Tillamook county, the
MEETING amount for such survey to be put
on the budget, also that the sum
of $100,000 of the road fund be
The First Step Taken for held in abeyance until such sur­
vey be completed. This motion
Hard Surface Roads.
was amended by Carl Haberlach
by adding that the remaining por
tion of the budget remain as sub­
A Large Turnout and an En­ mitted
without change. This
thusiastic Meeting.
amended motion carried and the
meeting after some interesting re­
marks adjourned.
At one o’clock last Monday af­ The south-end tax-payers of
ternoon the court room at the Tillamook county were represented
court house, Tillamook, was by Messrs. Chas. Ray, John Hel-
packed and as 6oon as the meet­ lenbrand, L. M. Kraner, 1). T.
ing opened all seemed e.nxious to Werschkul, Frank Owens, H. A.
Miles, Frank Worthington and
be heard first.
A motion was made and second­ Frank Wilehart, accompanied by
ed to consider the budget as pub­ the Courier editor. These gentle­
lished item by item. Before the men are all interested in having
question was put several other hard-surfaced roads, realizing that
motions were made and seconded it is the only road that will stand
until the meeting became so bur­ the present day travel and prove
dened with motions and resolutions economical. As they are among
that it was necessary to clean the the heavy tax pavers of the county
it is important to them that a road
slate and start anew.
The first motion, after the new­ be constructed that will not have
start, was made bv L. M. Kraner, to be rebuilt every season.
who moved that the state highway The roads we now have would
commission be engaged under their have proved ample for the travel
state system of road construction of five years ago, but today we
to survey a line from the Clatsop have two large automobile trucks
We Wish You All a Merry
And a Happy, Pros­
perous New Year.
NO. 30
uiougn we nave none Dimness nv mail with them tor years,
believe we have given them satisfactory banking service and can
give you the same satisfaction.
Mail us You next Check or Checks
It saves you time, and TIME IS MONEY, especially ut this season
of the year. No need to come to the bank in person.
I k .-
N t y I b A N k
,£¿¥4 :T P
making daily trips Cioverdale to
Tillamook and with the numerous
trucks and automobiles that are
passing and repassing on this road
besides these two auto stages to
have anything hut a cement-bound
road is like pouring dollars in the
rut boles to have them thrown in
the ditches by the autos. We have
built our roads and built them
well but without the cement bind­
ing what we have done will soon
be destroyed.
The state commission plan of
road building is first to make con­
tinuous roails, roads that lead to
| and through a county. Such a
road has been surveyed from Sea­
side through Clatsop county to the
north boundary line of Tillamook
county and 2J0 men are now at
j work grading and making this
! road. Now, by the plan as carried
at the tax-payers’ meeting, the
state engineers will survey a road
| through Tillamook county to the
south boundary line. Tliia survey
is to be paid for by the county, the
amount estimated is $12,000 to
$15,000, but as soon as the survey
is accepted and the county begins
improvement on this road the
amount is returned to the county
for improvement on such road.
This survey is to be made at once
and estimates of cost of construc­
tion of the road submitted to the
county court.
As explained by the state’s assist­
ant field worker the survey is
made to secure es near a level
grade as possible, to accommodate
the greatest number, and with a
a view of making the development
of the country more rapid In
fact the location of this trunk line
will he the result of the investiga-
■ ■
tion of the engineering corps of
the state. Where they decide,
after the matter has been reviewed
Oy the county court, it will go, and
by adopting the plan as decided
upon by both engineers and the
county court, the survey will cost
the county nothing in the eud.
This county through a state tax
levy contributes to a fund used for
such work and as long as it does
not avail itself of the privil­
ege granted by the state it is assist­
ing other counties but not bene-
fitting itself.
The plan as above outlined will
eliminate the contention over road
matters in the north end of the
county and where it is necessrry
to make changes anywhere ulong
the line the state commission will
take the responsibility and not the
county commissioner.
As to raising the money forcom-
pleting the road and hard surfac­
ing the same it will be necessary tn
wait for the completiou of the sur­
vey and estimates of cost of con­
struction in order to know just the
amount necessary to be raised.
The first step seems to have been
taken for the building of a prac­
tical road froyi one end of the
county to the other.
Bids Wanted.
Bids will be received up to Jan-
uarj 1 for furnishing cheese boxea,
twins and triplets. Sample boxes
for comparison must accompany
bid. Cioverdale Cheese Co.
Improve Tour Stock
Registered, pure bred, O. I. C.
hoar for breeding purposes. For
price and terms Bee Ed. Worthing­
ton, Cioverdale.