Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, November 20, 1914, Image 5

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    ClOVCrdillC Courier
out *n rebelli«« at any time and in
any place. He pays no • heed to
Published Every Friday by
the findings of the Agunseaiientes
Prauk Taylor, Editor and Pr, Uataer.
and the provisional
“ Entered as second-class matter, N v
ember li"h, 1905 at the post office at Clo president selected b\ that confer­
vçrdale, Tillamook Counts-,
ence refuses to obey its commands.
der Act of Congress, March 3rd, 1878.
The Mexican muddle remains as
One Year, in advance......................fl.OC clear as mud.
Six Months.......................
Three Months........................................ 25
Single Copy..............
Every Article in the Strre Greatly Rcdu.ed
Excepting a iew Contract Goods.
A Word of Thanks!!
Farmers of Tillamook county
should he on their guard against it
A d v e r t i s i n g R a te s
Displayed Advertisements, 50 cents per the foot and mouth disease which
To our hundreds of loyal potrous throughout Tillamook
inch per month, single column. All
1 oenl Reading Notices, ft cents per is ravaging the cattle of many
County by the liberal response to our large double page circular and
line for each insertion.
states. There is no ease of the
Fimber land notices
$10.00 disease here yet. There may he
add run in the Tillamook Headlight. Such enthusiasm to buy has
Homestead notices
Political Announcement Cards
$10.00 none, but it is always the safe plan
seldom been seen by any store in Tillamook, and such they had a
to take advantage of warnings.
J ob D epartm ent
right-to be. for seldom have we offered such remarkable values as
My Job Department incomplete in every Forewarned is forearmed.
respect and 1 am able to do all kinds
In case of a suspected case, the
are being given during this sale. With a general reduction of
Commercial Job Printing on short
animal should he quickly isolated
notice at reasonable prices. >
every article in the store (excepting a few contract goods) thrown
and the state otlioials notified.
in for good measure.
It behooves every Oregon farmer
to look well to the problem of pre­
The fellow who says the Euro­ vention of the ravages of this
pean war i* drawing to a close is plague. The following rules for
the same one who says we are not preventing contagion are authori­
going to have any cold weather tatively announced:
But above all has been the eager request by so many of our
this winter.
Segregate cattle from infected
patrons who through various reasons could not attend, to continue
World peace is being all shot to
Keep cattle, sheep, hogs and
the sale for another week. Although that was not our intention,
Germany, Belgium, horses from ranging on land or
hut in order not to disappoint any of our customers ami give all
France, Turkey, Servia, South Af­ highways traversed by infected
those a chance who could not attend this week to participate in
rica, Mexico, China, Austria-Hun- cattle.
Spray creosote and bichloride of
the great values being offered, we have decided to continue the sale
g.iria and several other countries lime on infected areas.
another week.
too numerous to mention.
Slay infected animals and bury
tWem in quick lime.
Do not allow persons from farms
If this world could be purged of j
Fall Trade Sale Continues Until November 28 th
disease exists to visit your
racial hatred and religious preju- !
farm. The germs may be carried
dice, there would be fewer wars,
twenty miles on the sole of tin-
All Men’s and Young Men’s Clothing Reduced
mare truth, le-s suspicion, an ab- j shoe.
All Men’s Furnishings and Underwear Reduced
sence of conspiracy, and a fellow-• Kill all rats in infected areas.
Quarantine all cattle which have
ship of man that would be worth
All Women’s Garments and Millinery Reduced
come in contact with infected cattle
bragging about
All Women’s, Misses’ and Children’s Underwear Reduced
and bind hoofs with bandages
All Women’s, Misses’ and Children’s Hosiery Reduced
so ked in bichloride of lime. The
All Corsets and Muslin Underwear Reduced
disease will run through a whole
It is alnu'-t beyond the compre­
All Men’s, Women’s and Children’s Shoes Reduced
hension of man to determine what
The foot and mouth disease is
All Dress Goods and Silks Reduced
those fellows in Mexico are driv- saiil to have been known for cen­
All Domestic Linens and Wash Goods Reduced
at. The nog and bloody period of turies and had its original seat in
All Laces, Embroideries and Art Goods Reduced
unrest and discontent, so promis­ Western Asia and Eastern Europe
All Notions, Ribbons and Neckwear Reduced
ing of peace a few weeks ago, looks where it has been ever prevalent.
now doomed to a continuance of Its first appearance in this country
the sanguinary conflict.
To $37.50 Women’s Suits. $19.85 $17.50 Men’s Suits ........ $12.98
was in 1870 coming by way of
Villa, Carranza and the whole Canada through the importation
To $27 50 Women’s Coats . $17 85 $15 00 Men’s Overcoats
bur»ch of leaders are again on the of infected cattle. At that time it
$ 15 00 Women’s Dresses.. $10 05 $6 00 Boys’ Suits ................$3 95
cuts and the *> iris to lie continued. was found in certain parts of New
$4 50 Silk Waists .............. $2.49 $1.50 Men’s Golf Shirts........ 95c
Villa has ordered ai.*itlack to be York state and in some of the
$3.75 Women’s Shoes..........$2 55 $1 25 Mea’s Underwear..........95c
made upon the pert of latnpico, New England states and was not
$2.50 Misses Shoes............ $1.85 $ 3 0 0 M en's Pell Hats . . . . $2 16
which means a ier« wal of the very serious. There was a small
$3 00 Bovs’ Shoes...................$2.45 50c Men’s Ne c kw ea r .............29c
trouble. Tamphc i- an import­ outbreak of the disease in Maine
$1 00 Women’s Underwer. . . .59c 75c Men’s Neckwear .............49c
ant port on the giiit >t Mexico and in 1884 and a far more serious out­
$1,25 Women’s Underwear. . . ,79c 15c Men’s Hose, p r ................ 10c
affords a means of reaching the in­ break in 1902.
$8.00 Trimmed Hats.......... $2.49 $0.00 Men’s Heavy Shoes. . .$4 95
terior of Mexico.
The epidemic primarily affects
$1000 Trimmed Hats . . . $3 09 $4.00 Men’s Dies« Shoes. ..$3 30
The Mexican character is so sub­ cattle sheep and swine, but tin-
‘25c Women's Black Hose . . . 19c To $1 50 New Dress Goods, yd 79c
ject to change that it is impossible other farm animals are not entirely
20c Misses’ and Boys’ Hose..14c To $2.00 New Dress Goods,yd $1.19
to tell where the next break will exempt, while it has also been
known to affect man. The disease
It the United States should in­ manifests itself by the appearance
tervene in that country, it would of blisters within the mouth and
no more than have settled the npon'th« feet.
Free Delivery
Phone a n d
trouble and withdrawn its troops,
I he symptons in cattle appear
bv Parcel post
Mall o r d e r s
than the whole work would haVc in two or three days and some­
to any point in
given prompt
times even in a single day, after
to he done over again.
and careful at­
the exposure to the disease, the
county of all
As long as Villa remains the, animal showing -dgns of sickness,
tention by ex­
purchases am-
idol of the rebellious iorces. Mexico lack of desire to feed, general un­
perienced -ales
need not expect a ce-*atinn of easiness And the running of saliva
or over.
hostilities. He is ¡¡aide to break from the mouth
-■•'"‘ -«T IL L A M O O K , OREGON