I ERDALE COl'RIE OODLES, THE AVENGER ♦ » He Was Half Witted, but Faithful. "The New York attorney, he goes to woods Michigan town. it was ¡1 pretty sight that Frederic morrow." said Frederic. the fat French saw —one that appealed to the quick landlord of Pere Cheue. His wife, a thin little woman, with sentimental perceptions of his race. A man and a girl were coming to­ a sharp voice and a heart of gold, ward the hotel on the veranda of blazed into sudden anger. which they sat. The man was of the “lie stayed too long, and he goes too city, and his neat, fashionable clothing soon'” she cried. was in striking contrast to the Mack­ Frederic took his pipe from his mouth inaw garb of the few woodsmen who and turned ponderously. lounged in doorways. He was talking “You mean—w hat?” he questioned. eagerly to the girl, who kept pace with him, and his keen young face “I mean that our Therese"— Frederic gazed uncouiprehendingly was alight with the visions of one who and she made a gesture of impatience is both dreamer and doer. The girl was a glorious creature, at his stupidity. whose roundness was not plumpness "Tclik! Can’t you see? She likes and whose slenderness was uot thin­ him too well.” Her husband’s mouth sagged open ness. Her luxurious brown hair was He held the pipe in his pudgy hand. uncovered. She walked in Indian moc­ His black beard rippled over his breast. casins with the springy ease of a His eyebrows were raised in amaze­ frontiersman. ment and something of dismay. He ; Iler big, dark eyes were turned on looked liken wondrously carved statue, young Amidon with nattering atteu- tion. in their depths was an uucou- for he sat very still aud pitiful revelation of her scions But one's mouth cannot stay Often indelinitely. Frederic's closed reluc­ heart. They paused u moment by tiie rude tantly lie peered into his pipe and drew forth his buckskin tobacco pouch. steps. “We are going down to the falls," “Chut!" he commented. Mine. Leeoeur ceased tier agitated said the lawyer "l want to explain to Miss Therese what our company rocking. ” ’Chut!” ’ she snapped " ‘Chut!’ And i means to do here, Why, M. Leeoeur, our only child is breaking her heart. ; the country above is a natural reser- Look for yourself. They ¡ire coming." i voir A dam will furnish power to She inclined her head sideways. Her j light every town within a hundred husliand turned in his stout chair, all I miles of here and run the mills be­ together, like a piece of machinery, and | sides.’ looked up the one street of the back- I He turned to Therese as he linished ¿ jm a s a m iliJIr *2 Q though we have done business by mail with them for y e a rs . give you the same satisfaction. Mail us You next Check or Checks It saves you time, and TIME IS MONEY, especially at this season of tlie year. No need to come to the bank in person. SECURITY AND SERVICE olir Motto m i ! 4 Where Quality Reigns and Tue Price is Right i NEW STORE - FRESH GOODS I Shoes th at w ear lh u ld in g M a te ria l D ry G oods H ardw are 1 C lo th in g F a rm Im p lem en ts I F u rn itu re W in o n a W ag on s a S p o rtin g Goods G ro ceries D rugs A u to m o b ile Su p p lies Machine* F l o u r a n d F e e d I F u r n i s h i n g ( *ood S O l i v e r P l o w * EXA”D R1S EASTMAN - W I L S O N C O . jj S e w i n g C. A . E A S T M A N , P r e s id e n t j BEAVER, I É - P . E. W IL SO N , S e c ’ y T IL L A M O O K COUN TY W A T C H T H IS S P A C E lO K O l’ K W E E K L Y B A R G A IN S M ail uni . O rd ers P ro m p tly A tte n d ed to We believe we have given them satisfactory banking service and can g d t t J it ia a e c s B e a » 'S U E »G -D M a G fis «< S fii»iv w ia i»* 6 < ^ r , k«*.: Several of our customers are people we do not know by sight TUB PLACE TO TRADE • NO. 25 CLOVERDALE, TILLAMOOK COUNTY. OREGON. VOVEMBER 20, 1914 VOL. 10. T H E N HE TOTTKHED AND F E L D as one turns to a friend who compre­ hends. But there was nothing.in his look or his manner but Impersonal en­ thusiasm; no hint that be was con­ scious of her sex or of her loveliness. “Your company is rich. M Amidon?" queried the landlord. A smile came to the law yer’s boyish face “They have barrels of It." he replied. Mme Leeoeur turned t<> her husband when the young people imd gone on "You see, yon see?' she demanded "She cnrmoi get enough of looking at him And In*- his bend i-* full of dams and electric lights and mills Tehk men!" “My daughter." she continued. "Is worthy of any man In the land. She has graduated from the Grayling high school S h e can bake and sweep and sew She is as merry as i. robin. She »an walk from here to Tnbquema In four hours, and It Is twenty miles. ’’She Tills 17cUe too. "Frederic a tasto she did not Inherit from the Leeoeur». Faith, no. "She has the high heeled, small shoes aid a gown no bigger around than vour trousers lee -great, fat—oaf! Slio has even been three times to Bay City. She is as iiiimeent and unspoiled as a babe. Why does be not nee?” ' She had spoken rapidly In French. Her husband removed Ids pipe in order to shake Ills head slowly. "1 will tell you why he does not see," she said, switching to Fiigllsli to an- swer her own question. “He has bad no time hut to bargain and plan and buy the land. "If he could stay here for two weeks more, with Ills mind free of business, he could not help loving her. But ho will go without seeing or speaking, and it will kill her.-' ¡She sighed wistfully. "If he would but fall sick She Is a splendid nurse." They turned guiltily at a sound be­ hind in the doorway, but at sight of the queer face looking down at them Mme. Leeoeur spoke rellevedly. "Oil, Oodles! It is yon!" Oodles Nappei was one of “Gods in­ nocents." a silent young half wit who roamed the wilderness, Hitting hero and there a s tin* errant fancy took him. The door of eveiy settler from the straits to Saginaw bay was open to him. No one dreamed of charging him for food and lodging. But he paid in his own wny never­ theless. He was a mighty hunter. Ho alw ays carried a ride, and Ills aim was of the deadliest. Birds and squirrels and deer In season ho brought to tho homes of his friends. Now the wide, thin, upturned month was doleful; the small blue eyes wero dull. "You beard. Oodles?” Mme. Leeoeur and all of Pere Chene knew that be loved Therese. as the dog loves Ids mistress, with a dumb love that asks nothing but the privi­ lege to serve. The half wit nodded. “Yes," he murmured. "Sorry—for ry." He looked to the north after Therese and Amidon. “Where to, Oodles?” Frederic had noted that he carried ride ami pack. “Tahquetnn— south.” (Contimini on last page) \