C ioverdale Courser Pnblisfced Every Triditf by from such organizations will make the county famous as a producer of Prank Taylor, Editor aud Publisher. dairy cattle as well a.- cheese. There "Entered as second-class m atter, Nov- is no reason why the income from em berloth, 1905 at the post office at Ck>- suplus slock should not be marly vepdale, Tilferaook County, Oregon.un- der Act of Congress, March 3rd, 18/8. equal to the cheese income and that with very little more work than is SU B SC R IPT IO N K a TRS required at the present time. One Year, in advance.................. . fl.OC Sis M onths........ ......... 50 | Organizations of this kind have Three M onths.............................................25 made thousands of dollars annually Single Copy............... 05 for ihe farmers of Wisconsin in A dv ertising K ates sales of cattle alone to say nothing Displayed Advertisements, 50 cents per of improvement brought about inch per month, single column. All j on the the herds of the state. We all T oeal Reading Notices, 5 eents per know what co operation and or­ line for each insertion. Timber land notices $10.00 ganization have done for the Homestead notices 5.00 in the manufacture and Political Announcement Curds $10.00 county sale of cheese and it is safe to say J ob D it will do as much for the breeding Mv Job Department is complete in every and selling of high class dairy respect and I am able to do all kinds R. C. Jones, Commercial Job Printing on short cattle. County Agriculturist. notice at rousonable prices. epartment FRIDAY. OCTOBER 23, 1914. Death ot Mrs. Stultz. No Route South i can equal Tlie Scenic Shasta Route SOUTHERN PACIFIC of the Through Oregon and California THREE THOUGH TRAINS DAILY "Shasta Limited” Leaves Portland...............3.50 p. m. ‘‘San Francisco Express” Leaves Portland...8.15 p. in. ‘‘California Express” Leaves Portland.......1.30 a. in. Direct connections at San Francisco with trains East via Ogden or South throng Los Angeles, El Paso or New Orleans Died at the home of her son, Vote Yes—County High School Joseph Etzweiler, Friday last, Oc­ tober 16, 1914, Mrs. Millie Ann Fund Stultz, aged 79 years. ON SALE DAILY. LIMIT SIX MONTHS The County High School Fund | Mrs. Stultz was born in the state of Iowa March 14, 1838. She was is the best local measure to be a pioneer of the old type. She | Corresponding Low Round Trip Fares All Other S. P. Points voted on at the coming election. crossed plains with her parents It will give the rancher an oppor­ in 1847, the Tickets to all points south and east on sale daily. Litera­ in the day when the In­ tunity to educate his children with­ dian was exceeding ture descriptiyr of California, The Exposition and the trip hostile and on San Francisco to New Orleans on application to nearest out sending them to the city. It several occasions narrowly escaped Agent, or annihilation. Thirty-nine years is an economic measure. ago she was left a widow with nine Erl. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon Holstein Breeders Organize. children te support, but she was a ‘‘M John Products Show P o rtlan d October 86th to Last Saturday afternoon, at the woman of indomitable will and X anufacturers and Land Novem ber 14th." succeeded in acquiring a little prop­ call of County Agriculturist Jones, erty and raising her family honor­ several Holstein breeders met at ably For several years her health the court house and organized the has been declining and seven Tillamook County Holstein Breed- weeks ago when her daughter was eis Association. Temporary officers buried she was absolutely helpless, she had been for many months. were elected to serve until a larger as Four one daughter re­ meeting can be called and a con­ main. sons The and funeral took place stitution ad ipted. W. E. Noyes from the church at Oretown, Rev. was e! ted president and Ben Kup- F. 3. Ford, pasior of the Cioverdale pen bender, ot Nehalem, secretary. church, officiating. A large gath­ of her friends and neighbors The date for the next meeting was ering were present the re­ set for October 31 at 1 p. m., and mains to their and last followed resting place. it is hoped that ever man in the For a long time her children have county, north south or middle, cared for her, the neighbors have who is now using or who is plan­ been unceasing in their kindness which the children feel very ning to use a pure bred Holstein for grateful. hull wiil make it a point to be present at this meeting. The meet­ GEO. R. McKIMENS. ing will be held at the courthouse. Independent candidate for Coun­ 9 The object of the association is | ty Commissioner, two year term, to promote the breeding and iru- J believes in co operating with our provernent of high grade and pure taxpayers on deciding the amount bred Holstein cattle in the county of money to be raised each year by and to aid the members in buying, taxation, in expending the mone\ breeding and selling first-class an­ in th« best and most economical imals; also too establish n good manner and in keeping a correct reputation for Tillamook county as and itemized account of all ex­ a Holstein center. The association penses.— Paid Adv. opposes the admixture of the blood of several breeds and the use of cross-bred, grade or scrub sires. It also pledges itself to exert every Most conveniently located possible influence for the futher- hotel in Tillomook City. n nee and improvement of the live­ stock interest of the community. TERMS—Cash or bankable It is hoped that in the near fu­ notes at 8 per cent interest. ture we shall be able to report the organization of some of the breed­ Make the Todd Hotel lobby your ers of the ether breeds for similar headquarters while in the city. purposes a* the improved breeding) and better advertising re su ltin g P. W. TODD, Prop. Tillamook, Oregon L. M. K r a n e r , - A u c t i o n e e r S55 Portland to Los Angeles and Return AUCTION -A T - Cioverdale, Friday, Oc­ tober 30, at 2 P. M. 'Hie following desirable stock of cattle will be sold to the highest bidder: 14 head High Grade Jersey heifers, 3 head High Grade Holstein heifers, 5 head mixed Holstein and Dur­ ham heifers. These heifers are from some of the best cows in the Willamette Valley, and Cents, Meals are coming fresh in the spring. The Todd Hotel Rooms 50 and 75 25 Cents. Meitzike & G raven ,