H o w M r. Harding Conducted the Defense By D W IG H T NORW OOD height to climb?" "It's Mr Harding’s orders, sir.” "Harding a orders? What’» he doing giving orders from ttie engine room?” Again the captain's attention was distracted by a yell from the pirates, who were right Buder the North Star’s stern. There was a vtdiey from the men post»*d there, and a grappling hook that was thrown and caught on the gunwale was east off Then the Chinamen were seen taking to their bouts with the evident inten­ tion of stringing the light out so far that the little crew of the North Star would not be able to keep them off from ull points at once. A boat loud of men well armed and with hooks and rope ladders attacked the stern, anotb er the how. while a Inmt was sent on t»ueb side. At this time Harding, dragging a hose, and the fireman, dragging anoth­ er, came up tin* compauiouwuy. I "W hat are you going to do with that?" asktHl the captain. Harding had no time to reply in words, but he did reply in action. Tw o or three of the Chinamen had climbed up the unprotected port side, nud one of them had a leg over the gunwale. Harding let drive at him with u half inch Jet of steam from the boiler, and be went back over the side, doubtless glad to get into the cold water below. At tile same time th<* fireman opened up «>n another party about to jump down on to the fleck on the starboar«! side lioth Harding and the tiremnn. having cleared the gunwale, carried the nozzle to the side and. pointing the stream downward, gave a death scald to every one In th<* boats below The bow and stern holng well protected by legitimate arms of warfare and tbe sides being impregnable against a Jet o f hot st«*am. tile pirat»*s withdrew Harding, win» had saved the ship by bis admlmblt* foresight and resource, tas-am«* the Idol of tin* crew, while all respect for tile captain was gone Wh«*n flu* North Star sailed again from an American port tlar Slug was her master ".Mr. HartHng," said (..'upturn Waln- wright, handing Ills glass to Ills ttrst unite, "what do you think of that tiiliiK-over thrreY" “ I think." said Harding. "that tt 1» on** o f thus** dfvlllsh Chlncsf pir»*4es that Info.st the*«* *vat«*rs." '1 Ills dlulngii«1 oc curicd on tin* Amer­ ican traui|> steamer North Star in th e Jnva sea, a region dreaded hy murl- ners for the villainous characters who infest it "What do you think of our chances In ease they attack us?" asked the captain. "That depends on our inireiiulty. We can't sink them Indoro they rotteti us W e’ll have to prevent their hoarding us If we rail, and if they hoard us we will have to light them for our live»*.” "Mow can we prevent their |s»ard- litK ns?" inaunlntc U h * |H>ints they at­ tempi to climi» t luit they ean't get on deck Ulte American sttilor artued shoulti la* itili*1 lo keep oli' thrt'e t'Iilua- meii from cllnihlng a perpendleular .- Il is side itili exeiiM* me. captata I Sic (li.it thè \illaills are pnilltillg for iis . I must go Pelow ami onici up thè aruis " Harding left thè «iiptaln peer ng nt thè Junk II was » stillili vess*>l, sinull- er tini ti tic North Star, tuli Its d«*ck " - lltcralh swnriiimg with e*»pt»er e**lori‘*l tleiid - ready fot tool ami mur­ der It Inni no ordniiiiee ot any eult- hor. it timi he*1!! nriiied and e«|Ulp|>Ml l \ meli v\ la» hnd no espeelal limane to eipilp il. and. a- Harding salti, relied on laklng snidi slups as il eoiild over* tiower l».v tmardiiig Soon allei thè lìrst ollieer had gone Girls With Boys’ Names. iK'low thè meli bega II tu brlllg lip gwn*. Girls with boys' names and boys pi-iols and eutia.s-.es ami dlstrtbuted thi'in with amimiiiltlon to 11t. ulong with girls' have received them in many Instance* no doubt by accident It thè hulwarks "W iien s 'Ir Harding?" thè captata was so in the ease of Ge*>rgc Anne demandisi ot one of thè moti “ What’s Oelluuiy. tin* famous eighteenth cen­ Ile dolug Pelow wlieii we're In i**ril for tury actress, win» played .luli**t to Gar­ rick’s Kom**«> Horn on St. Georg«*day, olir Uve*?' " l i e s In tti*> engine room," w iu the sin* was to In* culled Gcorglnna, hut som**bo«!y’s blunder at the time o f her replt At (lint moment a dlutHilleuI shout christening split this Into George Anne went up which diverted ttie captain's The "corn law rhim«*r.'' Ebenezer El­ attention from the deftuc.ueut Mr liott. had a daughter uameii Noah, Ilardlng. It was a hl«H>«lthlr*ty cry of ; whose passport is said to have given triumph I'll»« pirates, having come ht»r much trouble abroml. But her**, ns near enough to the North Star to make in tin* eas«> o f other girl Noilhs, It was sure that she hud no means o f sinking only *»th«*r p«**>pl«*’s Biblical ignorance her adversary, were lu a very hilari­ that was at fault, for turn to Num­ ous state Their Junk was a tolerably bers \xxvl, 11, and you will tlnd .that i go. I sailer and the wind was fair to Mail lab. it., ah Hogluh, Mill ah a n l ••liable them to l»ear down on their en­ Noah wer** tin* daughter* of Zeluphe- emy The North Star, though a steam­ huil. — t.omtoii Graphic er. was a till» and could hardy do Nov­ ell miles an hour Flowers on Icebergs. On came ttie Junk, her murderous Flowc s blooming on icebergs would crew dancing and shouting and »'but­ Certainly lie a run* sight, but travelers tering and brandishing their weapon*. is the northern portions «>f the Pacific l'li«1 captain *>f the North Star w a s ««> an*! sometimes lu the tu»rtli Atlantic teiTitle»l that he to»>k no action " hut- have witu«"s«*d tills strange but very \ ever, hut the second officer. Mr beautiful spectacle, it appear» ttiut Me legs, was ijuietly arranging the mea s«mie animals curry on tlndr f«*et a in groups along the bulwarks and giv­ growth o f moss. \\ Inch is tU^HisIt«1«! on ing them tlieir onlera There "e r e a the 1« «■ « like it Is uttaclnsl to the main- , few han«l grenaile* lu th«* *l«*k of ex- land lu polur regions. In time tills «le ploslv»*a. and Metggs nrder»*»l the; to cays an.l forms a shallow *»»11. in which the forecastle, where It was <*\| . :*sl tin* s«*c«l «»f iHittemips and «laiulcliou* ttie Chinamen wonid attempt to . limb often tii «1 a bulging, borne by currents tile bowsprit chains, for the N»»rth o f wind that «loubtU-ss caught them up Star was t*ait *t«*amer a ml part - .il«*r. in sou»«* southern clime. These take Tin* crew was »llvldod into two *«*»•• r«H»t and bloom when the great gleam­ dona, the one for'nnl. tin* otlicr aft ing 1 « t ' erg tloats *>»»t t«> sea and is car- "W hy are you leaving th«* shit* . ie.ir li.-i sou tii ward, where the soft wind* f»*r th e»h*'lls amidships, Mr Metggs?' melt the surface and give the plants wailed the captain "Don t you wm *- f?»c moisture they n«*ed. (H»-.e they've got dense **n»>ugh t»> come aboard where th«*y have the least Ail vertice in the Courier. 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Anroro* spti <11 iiii ft »ketch «n d <1c»<*riplWm m «r an k T If w**TVUT» our Opinion free wlietlicr \n liumitton 1» probfthlr Pfttentftbla Conitnonlm- ll«.n» strictly «-»nil,Unfinl. HANOBCOK » » I’ftlehU ■ie.it fre«v «'!.»•»« Bifeiicy for .w u r in i patent«. Parent« taken tnroutfh Mann A On. receive IJWVKII H.4U«, without olio rye. In Mi* Scientific American. A li»n«1*c«»elr ttt»«tr*t**1 w«ektv. rr. naiittien o f m t (MteiiUda 1<>oraai. Term », I * • year: four m.eiUie, XL S o U b ye ll new.tle-Uee«. M Uceii.1i iiNN 0>«oe. S Co.” '"***” New fa.R fSb T 3». WttsMmrtaft. B. C WE WHITE THE KIND THAT PROTECTS. Rutvs made known and information gladly given. Rollie W. Watson Seal Estat* anJ Fix* n w r « Tillamook. * - Oregon ‘1