now A B O U T T H A T NEW ©TIT? n Ask to See the L atest Styles from the Largest and Best House in the Don’t wait Let us take vonr order today. State, it costs no more. Be among the best dressers of the Let us show you the late styles and the money-saving. « Style, Quality and Workmanship Guaranteed st OBFGON A K K — All Suits and Overcoats are made by the J. L. Bowman it Co., Tailors. Portland Ore. Wo take your measure and d< liver your -out in five days. Ask “ George" to show yon the line of samples and style hook. 33 HGIoverdale M ercantile 1 OBEBHEESBEBBEBE^SSea BEEBEB They were A Social Gathering at the Van- Galloway’s last week. over for fish. SAN D L\KK Our school began last Monday Mrs. Hayes and daughter, also with Miss Claudia Brown,of Dallas, Jim Thompson and Mrs. Alice as teacher. Hoyt wore guests of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Wehh caught a young Win. Galloway last Sunday. hear in one of his traps Wednes­ .Harry Brown, of Turner, is home day. visiting his parents. William Galloway went to Ti l l a­ mook Wednesday to take treat­ ment from the German doctor, Mr. llelmier and children, of Hemlock, camped at the lake Wednesday and Thursday. Came to pick huckleberries, Mrs. Kva Wehh returned from Tillamook Tuesday, where »he had been called bv the death of her mother, Mrs Waymire. There are a number of salmon to he seen in the lake at present. George Galloway and daughter Alta made a trip to Beaver Satur­ day. Geo. Galloway made a trip Hemlock Wednesday. to Mrs. Brown returned home last Monday after an 1 xtended visit to the east. W illin g to O b liq e . Y oimik t a t t y H a v e ytai a clm nlnt- Im: lib ra r y ? Itnokseller No. m ad a m : I .- in a fr a id w e a r e q u ite o u t o f them. Hut I t a n s h o w you a re v o lv in g book- case! Good Advice. ••fîtve de d evll bis due,” snid Urtcte Khen. "tint m nke y o u r a r r a n g e m e n t s ns inair as y o u ktn so yon w o n 't o w o hlm miflln.” WashlngttMi Star. O in t e M u s ic a l. Is y o u r dauirhter fond o f m n s le î ” '•■ Peflbly fond of It." replled M r t ’ u m rox " N o m a tter Dow tt soumis site s i f u i s to ilke It. '- W ash ingto n St ai D ru d g ery Is the grny <-»»ss P r (Sun net ' »ngel of sue- N o t L ite r a r y . .I11II V is ite r Von sa y thnt a love fo r books bron gbt y o u Itéré, m y pour m an P rlso n er— Y e s . slr; pooketbook».— E x - chaitire. Mr Smith and Mr. Turner, of T he envious will die, but envy never. Banks, were camped at George — M oliere M sj w Bak»rand son Lawrence, Messrs. T. H. Foster, Glenn VanDyke, Dyke Home. Thos. Wilson, Henry VanDyke, A delightful social gathering Misses Ora an i Muled Dunn, Iva took place last Saturday at the Myers, Jenny VanDyke, May ami residence of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Dory Schu VanDyke, of Meda. the occasion being the birth anniversary of Mrs. VanDyke and was another of the week-end surprise parties. The hours were whiled away in social chat, ini« 1 »persed With music, and an excellent dinner ! was tastily served by the hostess. Much interest was shown when a mineature model of a patented Popular Mechanics invention by G. W. Baker was dis Magazine played and its use described. It is “ W H IT T E N S O Y O U C A N U N D E R S T A N D I T ” hoped the invention will prove to A G R E A T Continued Story o f the W o rld ’* Progress w hich you may begin reading he a success. at any time, and which w ill hold your interest forever. Y ou are livin g in the best The day was thoroughly enjoyed year, of the most wonderful age. o f what is doubtless the greatest world in the universe. and before departing the guests A resident o f M ara would gladly pay — voted their hostess a most cordial * 1 n n r t FOR ONE Y E A R S $ 1 ,U U U S U B S C R IP T IO N entertainer, wishing her many to this order to keep inform ed o f our progress in E ngineering and Mechanics. more such happy birthday*. A re you reading it? T w o millions o f your neighbors are. and it is the favorite maga­ Besides Mr. and Mrs. VanDyke zine in thousands o f the best Am erican homes. It appeals to all classes — old and those in attendance were: Mr. and young — men and women. The "Shop N o t e »" Department (2 0 pages) Mrs. K. S. VanDyke and daughter gives e.i-y ways to do tilings — how to make useful article* for home and shop, repairs, etc. LaVene. Mrs. T. H. Wilson. Mrs " Amateur Mechanic»" (1 0 paces 1 tells now to make Mission furniture, wireless outfits, |..>at* M.*rv Wei-* and son Krnest. Mrs. engines, magic, and all the things a boy love*! S I.S O P E R Y E A R . S IN G L E C O R IE S I S C E N T S Molinda C Baton. Mrs. Grant Ask rvur Nswsdeslsr t.* show rw , on« or Daw->n, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hoi- ^ W R I T E F O R F R E E S A M P L E C O R Y T O D A Y P O P U L A R M E C H A N IC S C O . ( lingsworth, Mrs. F. S. Foster, Mrs. J IS W . Washington S t. C H ICAG O K. J. Dana, Mr. at. 1 Mr-. G. W.