Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, October 16, 1914, Image 5

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    Cloverdaie Courier
an article that artists say fits itself
much more readily to the applica­
Published Every Frid^r by
tion of water color than the olti
frank Taylor, Editor aud Publisher.
‘'Eatored as second-claps matter, Nov- ; brushes imported from Germany.
etiib«* 13t*vl 1905 at the post office at Clo-
Here is another illustration of
veydai^ Tillamook County, Oregon, an­
what America can do when thrown
il* Act oi Congress, March 3rd, 1878.
upon her own resources.
S cb sc r iptio n K ates
One Year, In advance.......................$1.00
If Tillamook County is to have
ills Moutb9.............................................. 50
Tiiree M ouths.......................................... 25 the best possible roads at lowest
Single C opy............................................. 05
No Route South
Scenic Shasta Route
can equal
of the
cost, the county surveyor must be
able to handle road work from
A d v e r t is in g K ates
Displayed Advertisements, 50 cents per start to finish. That is what is re­
inch per month, single column, All
lo ca l Reading Notices, 5 cents per quired of him under the laws now
line for each insertion.
in force, and that is what he is
Timber land notices
Homestead notices
Political Announcement Cards
Concrete is getting to be an im­
J ob D epar tm en t
portant factor in road and bridge
My Job Department is complete In every building. Concrete is permanent.
“ Shasta Limited“ Leaves Port land..............3.50 p. in.
respect and I am able to do ail kinds
“ San Francisco Express” Leaves Portland...8.15 p. in.
Commercial Job Printing on short It is cheap. Concrete bridges are
California Express” Leaves Portland
1.30 a. m.
notice at reasonable prices.
rapidly replacing wooden struc­
tures. Even roads are now being
Direct connections at San Francisco with trains East via Ogden
j built of concrete.
The county
or South throng Los Angeles, El Paso or Now Orleans
NECESSITY THE MOTHER OF surveyor must be familiar with
concrete construction.
G. J. Poysky, independent can­
Necessity is the mother o f . i n ­
didate, is able to look after road
vention. No sage ever uttered an
building from beginning to end.
axiom that contained more truth.
Corresponding Low Round Trip Fares All Other S. P. Fuiuls
He can do it propeily. He has
And herein lies a tale about a cow’s
had experience in road and bridge
Tickets to all points south and east on sale daily. Litera­
building, including the use of con­
ture descriptiyr of California, The Exposition and the trip
The United States has depended
San Francisco to New Orleans on application to nearest
crete, in this county.
upon German manufacturers for
Agent, or
A vote for Poysky is a vote for
ihe little hair brushes that artists
the man who is qualified.
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon
use in spreading water colors, j
Information furnished by E. J. • ‘‘Manufacturers and Land Products Show Portland October 26th to
These brushes are made of silk like
Claussen, Tillamook, Oregon.
November I4th.‘‘
hair. Where Germany got them
Paid advertisement.
or how she made them, is a secret
known onjy to the German. It
New Quarters for His Studio.
has not yet come across the At­
While in Tillamook Tuesday
Thos. R. Monk, the Tillamook
With the breaking out of the
T a k e A d v a n t a g e of th e s e
war, came a shutting off of ship­ photographer, showed us his new
E x tr a o r d in a r y B a r g a in s
ments of these water color brushes. location, one-half block south of
The water color paint manufac­ the Tillamook County Bank. Mr.
Kegulni p rice
And the Cloverdaie
per year
Courier one v
turers realized that they were up Monk recently purchased the build-
..................... $7.50
ugainst a difficult proposition, end in g and business sight and has en­
.... 6.(10...... ...................... 5.75
Daily Oregonian......
.... 2.50.......
Sunday Oregonian .
that unless these paint brushes
Weekly Oregonian.
.... 1.50.......
tirely overhauled the building and
could be made in America their
.................. 4.75
Evening Telegram ............................
O reg on Journal, Daily and Sunday. ... 7.50.......
business was doomed. All thoBe has made it into one of the most
Oregon Journal, Daffy......................
4 75
Christmas boxes of paints for the convenient!y equipp'd photograph­
2 50
Sunday Journi
Semi-Weekly .1
.... 1,60.......
children must contain a brush or ic studios this tide of Portland and
Note that the Courier and the city daily can he had in several
else they would he useless. There
cases at a price less than the city daily alone. Cash must accompany
was disappointment ahead for the of. The building has a reception
each subscription and addressed to the Cloverdaie Courier, Cloverdaie,
( >regon.
embryo artist and loss to the room, preparation room, operating
room with large skylight, printing,
and dark rooms.
Down in the Chicago stockyards
Swot-d^ >nat Snapped.
shows the welding to this day.—New
is a genius. He gave voice onoe to Monk’s business outgrew his old
A great mrny swords were brought York MulL
the boast that "none of the big quarters and in making a change some after the war between the states
Her Triumpn.
escaped except the squeal.” When h* has equipped himself with welded In the middle, because the
young officers who owned them had
Penelope (triumphantly> I beard iusi
the woes of the water color paint-
bragged about tbeir elasticity uud had night that Jack was head over ears In
maker came to his notice, he him and should be to all his broken them in trying to demonstrate love with me. (»race iJealouslyi Vuu
it The tragedy happened la this way:
cannot believe all you bear Penelope
v uchsafed the information that patrons.
The young officer in setting out for -N o. but I should not wonder It there
‘‘ the most tender, delicate, yet
the war had been given u fine sword was something I d It. Grace— NVhy't
strong and soft hair in the world friends to drop in and see him by his admiring friends ut home. He Who told you t Penelope—He did.
was told and made to believe that his
is found only in a cow’s ear Cam- { whenever in Tillamook.
sword was of tried Damascus or Toledo
In the Garden.
' l’s hair cant touch it for quality. GEO. R. McEIMENS,
steel and that it would bend double i •*8ny, sis, do the flower fairies ride
It makes the best water color
Independent candidate for Coun­ without breaking. In camp somewhere 1 on the horse chestnuts'f'
“ Yea. dearie», and they use lark­
ty Commissioner, two year term, the young captains and lieutenants
brushes that can be made.”
would fall to vaunting their trusty '
" — Baltimore American
So at the stockyards in Chicago btlieves in cooperating with our blades, aud on u bet one o f them would
men are snipping off the the hair taxpayers on deciding the amount stick the point o f his sword Into a
Conflicting E m o t io n «.
tree nnd begin to bend the hilt around
from tbhe ears of the bos.-y-iowa of money to be raised each year by to meet the point. ADd Just as the hilt
Ethel-Jack tried to kNs me. Mart«
: s the earcasst s of tin -lain mi taxation, in expending the monev came around the blade snapped In two — How Impudent: Ethel But he was
Marie How auuoylngl—
mala are conveyed tr«>m the killing in the best and m^int economical in the middle. (Very few of these pres­
entation swords were as Damascus or Boston Transcript.
pens. In New York a broker has manner and in keeping a correct as Toledo as they were supposed to be.) :
made arrangements with a brush and itemized account of all ex­ After that the two parts of the sword
Riches serve a wise man bn* com­
a fool German I roverb
m inufacturer who i« putting nut penses— Paid Adv.
Through Oregon and
$55 Portland to Los Angeles and Return
Special Clubbing' Offer