Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, October 16, 1914, Image 4

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C o m ri> * 1 .
I'JH ,
A s s o c ia te d
e n t r y Press
U t
. t'U that there was a queer m ystery
afoot The m ajor gave nothing away.
It wouldn't have I
good form The
woman avoided him as far as possible,
but tw o or three tim es a clay he found
excuse to speak to tier
Ttie steam er was to call tit the
Azores. One m orning about 10 o’clock
she m ade harbor, n-nd It w as given oul
atm ard th at she would not get aw ay
tiefore m idnight Everybody was anx­
ious for ¡i brief run ashore—everybody
but Mrs. Hernia. She feared th a t she
m ight overexert und bring on another
attack of heart trouble. Mr Bends had
decided to stay with her when M ajor
Lovis hunted him oir ;.ud said:
"I trust you will m ake one of a little
party going ashore, and th at you will
bring your revolver tdong as I shall
“The party Is- Is"— began Mr Reuds
us tils face blanched
"A very exclusive one—Just the tw o
of us you six*. You have a pistol, I
"Y es"
"Ah. of course! We may find gam e,
you know. Do you wish to speak to
your wife first?"
"She's gone to lie down, eh? Well,
let’s I mp off "
The two engaged a boat as soon as
landing and pulled aw ay to a wooded
cape, and tw o hours later a dead mini
w as brought back In the boat. It w as'
Mr I tends He had accidentally shot
him self while shooting at a bird.
When the accident becam e known
and It was found that Mrs Bends was
to go on with the ship instead of
ashore to see tier husband to his last
resting place, there was an outcry
over her w ant of feeling, but it did not
reach her ours . She w as In the sta te ­
room under the doctor’s care, and none
ot tile pasKengers saw her again
W hen the m ajor had finished his work
at the Island he took a steam er for
New York and home, and U| hhi entering 1
his office at the usual hour and in the
usmP way he said to his chief clerk:
"Thom as. I am hack und feeling bet
ter Bring me the balance sheets for
the [last four weeks "
They failed linn "Judge" Dale be-
e:ia>e m lhe far west you uever "m is­
ter" a man w hen you o u t fall him
"euluiiel" or "Judge.” A s Jam es Dale
looked more like a judge that) n colo­
nel. i hey called him as I lint s said,
lie was a mine owner, and when
1 Pings went wrong he could make hot
tim es for his engineers and foremen,
hut he didn't do It in a vulgar way. lie
w a s alw ays a gentlem an, even when
lie cussed the hardest. As a m atter ot
fact, the judge's motto was "good
form ." and tie carried it out In his
clothes his cigars. Ins dinners.
i tu ne it on good authority that
.lial:e Dale was not vulgarly startled
u lien he received word from iKruver
that his handsom e wife, to whom he
had heen m arried live years and who
was visiting friends, had taken an old
lover s arm and severed conjugal rein
timis tiv eloping lie went through the
daily routine just the sam e for tw o
or three days, and lie had ttie sam e
pineal took and the sam e even voice
as lie called Ills head clerk Into the
pnv ate otllee and said.
'Thom as. I am going away for u few
days, and y ou will take charge."
"Yes, sir.'' replied Thom as, and the
next morning the lodge was on tils
way to Denver 11 < plel ed up Ids flew
there without having elhow rd anything
ol soiled I lie polish of Ills shot»»». He
met I rieinls ami talked politl s and real
esiaie ami mines, and, lighting u fresh
el; i he took a ( isim for the east. Ar­
riving In .New \ ork city lie paid a de­
tective to locate the couple
A s te tiie i w.i- sailing for the Medi­
terranean it t he end ot the fourth day.
anil when -tie departed the judge was
one of hot passengers T here were
more than a hundred others, mid ns
the vvcnthci wa s also storm y for the
For a Change.
t: st two or ilirtv days out no one "I have been reared In the lap of
comttietitell on the fact th a t the pas luxury." exclaim ed the heiress hnngh
s< : get w 1 o w as registered as M ajor tily
Davis stin k elo e to Ids eat tin and had
"Try m ine foi a change." suggested
! - meals drought to him hy a stew ard the Impecunious young man
i d, e Pah had changed his nam e, but
• had no Idea ot changing his Iden
a ir H and icap.
tity I'licrc were laughter and conver­ Willie had U n f resigned
position lu
sation and a clatter of dishes as all the big bakery, where lie Ids labored
In the
i e p sei gers dually gathered for dlti-
net for the first tim e since leaving pie departm ent, and had-gout* to work
s mdy Hook. To the right of the cap In a carpenter s shop for sm aller wages
t In sat one of the handsom est Indies l he s< c i. i i investigator having heard
and one of the finest looking gentle about Willie questioned him
“Aren t you sorry you left the bakery
men on the Hat. but, taken altogether.
cam e to this simp?" stie asked
If w a s a graud arm y of w ealth and cu1
Mire P inner w as fairly under way kindly
“No'm. Willie answ ered quickly.
and the lady on the captain's right was
"But you get less money."
beam ing when she hap|>ened to cast
lie eyes down the talile. and her fare
"W ell, vv tiat was the m atter with the
w ent as w hite as dentil in a second
H alf a dozen |*oople caught her words bakery T
as he whlspervsl to her supposed him
•• Tvvuz this way." explained Willie,
"it hurt my mouth I wnz in de pie
"John, there Is the Judge!"
part, de cherry pie part, an' i Uad lo
The m an looked, and the color went stone cherries An' iley got a rule ov
out of tils cheeks and Ids Jaw fell. er there dat all de boys has to whistle
Near the foot of *,lio table sat th e man all vie tim e dey's work in . so as to show
who had taken a new name. He was de.v ain't entln no cherries."— Popu­
cool and placid, and only the ghost of lar Magazine.
a sm ile hovered around Ids m outh lie
looked the woman and the himii full In
U nshrinkable M aterial.
the eyes for a minute, hut m ade no
flint law yer a rather ex trav a­
sign of recognition.
"W h at Is It7" Hsbed the > iptaln as gant m an?"
“ Mrs. B ends'’ shuddered and gasped "By no moans! I've known him to
tnnki' one suit Inst for several years!"
and seem ed on tin* point ot l.i ting
"A —tl sudden illness heart trouble!"
Fie-H of the Beaver.
she stam m ered ns she left the table for
of the forequarters of the
her stateroom
At every meal M ajor Davis faced beaver ! s som ething of the flavor of
the guilty pair Some or the passen­ » beef, while that of tie hindquarters
gers suspected nothing, but o th e.- tn has a fishy taste.
“It Don’t Hurt a Fact to
Hammer it.”
The fact we wish to hammer is that Alex McNair tfc Co.'s
store gives more quality, service and satisfaction than any other
store in Tillamook county.
Our Phenominal Success Demonstates that Fact.
Remember Alex McNair & Co. fur Builders’ Hardware,
Eave Troughing, Farm Tools, Shelf Goods, Cutlery, and every­
thing kept in a fully stocked hardware store.
/ilex b id s lf & Co.,
Tillamook, Ore.
Saturday Evenings
Mew Reels and a Good Show
Admission 15 Cents
Star BrandShoes
L a rg e st
F h m m is
Lran d o f Shoes in th e W o rld
The "Patriot” —
“Our Family**—
A Fine Shoe for Men
For Every Member
the Family
The “Pilgrim**—
The Business Man*« Shoe
“ Stroniter-Th&n-Th e-Law*v—
The “Society’*—
The Longest Wearing Work Shoe Made
A Particular Shoe for Particular ^Vaaien
‘Soft and Good”—
J*Io ti & Ted” School Shoes—
For Boys and Girls
A Work Shoe True to Name
All m ade of Good Leather.
No substitutes
leather are
“ Star Brand Shoes Are Better ”
G M )V L R D f\ L B
M o t t G A N T IL L
50 YEARS.’
ever used.
is the only
rade M arks
D e s ig n s
C o p y r ig h t s A c .
A n y o n e « en d in g > » k e tch und dew -rlptlnn nu»y
atil.-*:y l u n v t s r i < n r o p in io n fr e e w h e th e r »1:
In v e n tio n t» p r o h k b ly p a te n tg b te . Com niunlen-
tio n i-M rtctlv o o iia d e n tljk l. HANDBOOK on l ’ Rtent«
»»lit fr«ev OI.I»«t Hireiioy fo r » e c u rtn f p n le n ts.
r L ien t» ta k e n t h r . ugh M utin A Co. re ç o iv e
.m fc
l c h .r e o ^ , In the
Tt tot n.
n (, w
w it
It h
Scientific Am e rica n .
A tm n d eo in ely lll.n ttw tw d w e e k ly .
c u la U .n o f .n v H ie n tlfle Jour»»).
y e a r ; f o u r tu o a U w , S L
Ien .-e»t d r
T err , f »
6 0 k l b y *11 n e w » . : r * .
tlUKN i Co.“ '8'™-*' New Yiii
ifrikorh I H M i S® V S t - W aslH uirton, D- i -
Hates m ade known and
inform ation gladly given.
< liollie \V. Watson
Keal Estate and Eire Insurance
Tillam ook.