7 0 L . 10. < < •> fs-s*-' '■ <* & CLOVERDALE, TILLAMOOK COUNTY, OREGON. OITOBSR 16, 1914 NO. ‘/0 ?• ,T*<»«* -T 2 U RAL TEACHER | r of rural ■■ s up to the opportunities demand for in- j fered him as a rural leader, he will Seve ral of our customers are people we do not know by sight i lentil !.:v ilities and the | tr; n boys and girls distinctly for d t i m [Iveisal education which i rural life, not only by giving them • though we have done business by mail with them for years. We o c ii . : ; the country calls for in- the rrdime’ ts of agricultural training, t i d con - -crated leadership but by em ding them to see the at­ ' believe we have given them satisfactory b a n k i n g service and can in ■ rti.- ! schools. It is upon the tractive sic' ■> of farm life, and to real­ i 1 ,v.v' r that one of the heaviest ize that it is a scientific business, an i j give you the same satisfaction. b ;.s Oi civilization falls, for not one of the most complex of all pro­ Mail us You next Check or Checks oi lay the foundation ot fessions with opportunities as great . . t he must .".Iso instill into as those of any other calling. I! it saves you time, and TI MK IS MO.NKY, e s p e c i a l ly at this season he real love for country “School for Parents” Needed. life, which will hold him on the The duties of the rural teacher are !! of the y ea r. Xo need to come to tho ha nk in person. farm and help to stem the townward more variid and complicated than SECURITY AND SERVICE our Motto tide. those of the city teacher, and he some­ In the ci'y, the teacher is a cog in times has o include the parents in nal muchin directing lus efforts for the best re­ the wheel. sults. In communities where the old­ it ; ; . ’ t mold the character, er population is opposed to any de­ iI • the des- parture of the younger generation i 1 | his. and from established customs in either ■«©♦©« 6 * 4 4 # . if ; • >. iittoc! |.i <•; . r the taask, social or economic life, their co-oper­ i ] of his ef- j ation can often be secured by calling not 0!l!\ v ill ; ils, but community meetings and instructing rc ;• for; inanity will the parents on matters of community gradually ! 1 ■ whole u cion for i interest. It is related that a success­ be lea veiled Much has been said and more writ­ toil in Urn cities, the city pulpit progress. ful young teacher In a remote local­ ten about the woman in the factory path} for her, and : • 1 the school ity had weekly meetings attended by and behind the counter, but how about Mu' 1 -i-:! < > o r a t e in her beha'f, Tic can o; the boys and parents of his pupils, which linallv the woman who works in the field, hut <>t a li !■■■ written, a word said the main . e for co­ evolved into a “school for parents" | T want to say a few words in her be­ or girls and d bdlverod In the interi'st il ill displace in which they were taught how to live half. I regret a necessity that com­ of tb i-i operation, v women who lalior on iism and a community life in its broadest and pels woman to work for a livelihood, li, ' nr. the edd corn . • one woman works mgenlal biggest sense. and I favor not only shortening her l.i t’ Hii io tills state, there ure a make rural .Hie: ■¡ities for hours, but freeing her from manual hi. and s ;tis»> ng. 1 i tl-fi's tolling in the field, Social Features Essential. labor entirely. T crave for society .i.I the social ni: ' : th-- n.i 1 r ti a In made of it. Is the a the comma The successful rural echool is the that high standard of excellence where i:i the city entitled to any id the facul- vital social and economic center of the home is woman’s throne and her alien than the woman may have the community and the successful life Is devoted to molding the char­ i contend that she is all his time rural teach r is the one who realizes acter and elevating the thought of ty woman may ho more ia the full that the responsibility of training lo­ the rising gerera'ion. Put so long as . a , , i ined by legislation, and cal leaders for the future devolves want, greed and misfortune prevail in she may 1 >vc a more attentive an meaaure of success. upon him. Organized play, inter­ this world, women, through choice or di when she cries aloud, but the Must E7e Community Leader. community athletics, community fes­ necessity, will work, and perhaps , n ..1 labor problem, In so far as It re­ A noted college professor recently tivals, lyceum and debating clubs, Y. they will work nt one task or another late.; to women and children, Is on said that thi are now re M. C. A.’s, with occasional neighbor­ as many hours per day as they please tin' t i i where mother and child, quired of a rural teacher. The first hood entertainments, utilizing home We may pity the weak and admire wield' th • hoe and gathering the r quin men is that he must be strong talent, c nt«-sts in cooking and various the strong in the’.** s!niggle, but the haw t, toil day In and day out with em ah to t-stabii h himself as a lead other phases of home economics, in farm woman Is i-nt'Me.l to her share out 1 o' reward. or in the community in which he lives corn and hog clubs and other pgricui- of sympathy and rev,aid. The City Life Puny. a. d labors; second, that he must have i tural activities are h few of the moth- Al! Must Toil. the organization and , The farm women work from sun The lab r piohk.ai, as relates to until on. They do their housework U and scientific . f : 1 scho< ! and. third, that he mu :t , while tea king them the men, is a tnosl vexatious one, and and > -11 :i ’mlf-milllon babes to sleep show expert ability in dealing with fu., - d principles of successful when we apply it to ...amen it becomes I after the chickens go to roost, and more seriously complicated. We will i th v cct breakfast and milk the cows i mi dern rural school curriculum c always have to work unless some po­ | b f, the lark sings. The city wo- litical geni is can put a law on the j rr - n frequently chafes under hard statute book that will enable us to Fhlv tl at the farm wonuyi would live wlthou- labor. So long as every j ci.atuder a blessing. The rffy people > i erson mu; ■ m • toll face to face, the ar great talkers and ofttlmes great bo-t we can do Is to equitably dis­ ly i agnlfy thejr troubles and enlarge e tribute th*1 burdens and reward labor, tb.ir accomplishments. 'Ibis charac­ CLOVERDALE, ORE. end if tlie'o is lo bo a revision of teristic permeates organized society O wages and a shortening of hours, I as well rs enters into the Individual * want the farm woman to aet her life of cities. There are orphnn asy * sh rp. She lir.r more reason to com­ lurns which are doing commendable plain than any other class of toilers. work and should he encouraged, that She has, p a rule, fewer comforts, of their accomplishments, but o fever pi - rr ~, less recreation and boast I have seen widows in the country enjoyment than make a crop, drink branch water and her sister !n the c'ty. She has not eat corn-bread and molasses and •o many emv«n 1 < nces and fewer lux- ' raise more children and better chil- uric..- ami lev; to l/f thankful for than , dren than many of these city orphan women wlm live In the town, but Bhe asylums The eitif s need to get back toil- on, a model of consistency, pa­ to the soil with their ideals. They th ice and womanly devotion. Cer- are hysterical, puny and feeble in tainiv she should be the first to be their cone« ptlon of life, Its require­ rewarded. ments and its opportunities. The Real Labor Problem Is on the The farin' r problems are pressing Farm. for solution and the awakening Is at The ereat dailies with (laming heari- hand [ lines deplore the lot of women who v O « J v C . v ‘. • • - - il 11: omcs the | T he W o m a n ssi th e TieSd CLOVERDALE HOTEL A $ $ Home for Travelers and Visitors * Meals 35c and 50c Oeds 50c and lip, Everythin£ First-class Your Patronage Solicited