Cloverdale Courier progress and we are sure there is [ pendent candidate, leaving the THE SLAB CREEK SAGE SAYS none in this co mmu nit y who will j dry element without a sta nda rd \ Published Every Friday by Frank Taylor, Editor and Publisher^ vote against this progressive meas- bearer, the outcome as between A girl who is kittenish during “ Entered us second-class matter, Nov­ ure. Some may he reluctant about Smith and Withycombe depends courtship may develop into a cat ember 13th, 1905 at the post office at Clo­ voting for the measure on the on which will get the bulk of the after marriage. ver dale, Tillamook County, Oregon,un­ grounds t h a t they are not familiar j prnhi-vote, and there is no de ny-| der Act of Contrress, March 3rd, 1878. Once in a while a ma n has so with it. The law in full regarding ing the prohibition vote in Oregon S cb scrictio n K ates ,$i.oe ! this measure was published in the is going to he ma ny fold larger much money th a t he feels he can One Year, in advance........... Six Months. ... * ................... afford to be honest. Courier, ttit* Nehalem Enterprise this year tha n ever before. Three Months ....................... .05 Single Copy............. Occasionally a bachelor marries and both Tillamook papers and because he imagines divorce is ■-ummed up it means t h a t the high A d v er tisin g R ates Fiji Isla nders’ S u g a r Cane Dance. Displayed Advertisements, 50 cents per schools of the county will be s u p ­ A very curious and exceedingly clev­ less expensive th a n a breach of inch per month, single column. All ; er dauce may be witnessed in Fiji call­ local Reading Notices. 5 cents per! ported and directed by the county, ed by the natives “the sugar cane j promise. line for each insertion. tha t it will he possible to have meke.” or sugar cane dance. It rep , When a bachelor marries a Timber land notices $10.00 Homestead notices 5.00 high schools in localities where it resents the growth of the sugar cane. widow the females who also ran Political Announcement Cards $10.00 is impossible to have high schools In the tirst figure the dancers squat low on the ground, shake their heads, are u n a n im o u s in condemning his now. T h a t instead of sending shut their eyes and murmur sldvvly choice. Jon D epartm ent My Job Department is complete in every your boy or girl to the city to re ami softly an unintelligible sentence. respect and I am able to do all kinds Victory is sure to perch on the Commercial Job Printing on short ceive a high school education, p a v ­ Gradually they all stand up together, growing taller and taller, and as they ba nne r of the ch ap who never lets notice at reasonable prices._________ ing their board and tuition, you ‘•grow’ they wave their arms aud doubt creep into his heart. will have a high school in your tremble all over from ankle to head, FRIDAY. AUGUST 28. 1014. After a woman makes up her own neighborhood, which makes like the tall, tasseled cane waving In BETTER EDUCATIONAL FACILI­ the measure an econiuical and safe the wind, and still they keep on chuut- mind she may not be satisfied until ing louder and louder. The last fig­ TIES. one. ure represents n series of combats some man comes along and u n ­ meant to symbolize the exactions of makes it. "We mu st give to the people who live on the farm the same e du ca ­ The two big statewide contests the chiefs, who compel the “kalsl,” willing and unwilling, to come aud cut tional ad vantages for their children th a t are beginning to shape up are their crops.— London Standard. as those of cities enjoy.” The above four lines is taken the Senatorial contest and the E t r u s c a n Vases. A< from one of our exchanges and will fight over the Governorship The famous Etruscan vases were is the only hear reading over and oyer again. to the Governorship it is very wrongly named, for. though made inj ASSET YOU MAY HAVE IN Etruria, they were the productions of j Pages could be written using the generally conoetded in Portland Greek geuitis. They are elegant In CASE OF DISASTER. above for a subject matter. The th a t the withdrawal of U ’Ren as form and enriched with bands of beau­ WS WRITE THE KIND THAT c ou ntr y boy or girl, abounding the Prohibition nominee has made tiful foliage and other ornaments, fig- PROTECTS. i ures and similar objects of a highly ar- ’ with health, vigor and cheerful the outcome between Smith and tistic character. One class has black | ness, is in a far superior condition Withycombe more problematical | figures and ornaments on a red ground j Kate« made known and Before U ’Ren threw —the natural color of the clay; another j information gladly given. to add to his or her already ac th a n ever. has the figures of the natural color and quired qu litications education up the “ Dry” nomination, the the ground painted black. The former ltollic VV. Willson th a n is the city reared boy or girl. logic of the nomination pointed to class belong to a date about <>00 B. G., | Real E state and F ire In su ra n c e The a dv ant ag es of the city you Withycombe as the winner, but the latter date about a century later and extend over a period of some 300 may think is a great thing. Let! now that the Clackamas “ lawgiver” or 350 years. Tillamook. - - Oregon us see. Ninety per cent of the has elected to stand ns an Inde- citizens of our great cities have i never visited the public or m a n u ­ facturing ins titution s of their own city. Let a c ount ry boy spend six m on th s in the city and he will visit every nook and corner of the city where there is a n y t h i n g to see worth seeing. And hence, the city w E WANT every man, woman and child in this county to make an exhibit and help ma ke this is only good to the cou ntry boy as > Fair a grand success. Good grounds and buildings have been prepared. T H I S IS YOUR a sort of post-graduate course. FA IR and we want to PROVE TO T H E WO RLD T H A T TILLAMOOK COUNTY HAS P R O ­ Education, knowledge of things FIRE INSURANCE Tillamook, Ore., September 15, 16, 17 and 18 and about things, theoretically, practically, is what is me ant and the greater the education the I k t ter equipped is the country boy or girl to succeed. So far ns the c ou ntr y boy or girl are considered they are head and shoulders above their city cousins when it come» to the foundation for education, hence the full purport of the above four lines can be easily understood. At the coming election this fa 1 the voters of Tillamook county w ill haye an opp or tu n i ty to assi-t iu giving to the child living on the farm the same educational a d v a n t ­ ages as those living in the city. O i the ballet: “ For the County High School F u n d , ” vote yes. I t me an s tha t hit h school advantages w ill he given children on the farm where now they are deprived of it, except they arc sent to the city. It is a measure along the line of DUCTS OF T H E FARM, T H E SEA AND T H E F O R E S T T H A T CANNOT BE E X C E L L E D . Cal! or write the following Supe rin te nden ts of D ep artments AND LET T H E M KNOW W H A T YOU H A V E TO E X H I B I T : Dr. J. E. Reedy— Su perin te nd en t of Livestock F. W. Christensen— Superinoendent of Milk and Cheese H. Booth—Su p e ri n t en d e n t of Poultry R V. Blalock—Su perin te nd en t of Vegetables and Fruit W. C. King— Su pe rin te nd e nt of Flowers Mrs. Crenshaw— S u p e ri nt en de nt of Needlework, Crocheting, Etc Mrs. Anna Billings—Su pe rin te nd en t of Domestic Baking Mrs. Lola M Shr ode—S upe rin te nde nt of Pa int ing and Photography Mrs. Mary F. D u n s t a n —Su pe rin te nd en t Better Babies Contest The aboye, together with the members of the Fair Board and County Expect Jones are at you r service. The Secretary will give your inquiries prompt attention. YOURS FOR A G R E A T . BIG G E T T O G E T H E R FAIR TILLAMOOK COUNTY FAIR BOARD J. H. DUNSTAN, President. WM. G. TAIT, Secretary. L. M. KRANER