Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, September 04, 1914, Image 3

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The Labor da.v procession was com­
ing down the street. The first man iu
it was six feet four inches tall, with
a bearskin hat on his head that raised
him to seven feet, lie was the drum
major o f the hand and was twirling
his big silver headed staff and throw­
ing it into the air with tine jugglery.
Behind him came the'bund and then
the man of most real importance, the
graud marshal, followed by his aids.
Then came the different unions march­
ing in line, every man looking happy
on this c lea r‘ September day that he
could lay aside his hammer or his
trowel or whatever tool best represent­
ed his trade and step out to the in­
spiriting strains of martial music.
Among those who lined the side­
walks, occupied tlie steps o f the build­
ings and climbed the lampposts along
the line o f march was a certain Mrs.
O'Toole, who had recently come over
from Ireland. With her was her sou,
Daniel, six years old. The mother was
standing with the crowd on the curt),
but Danny was perched with a leg
on each side o f a horizontal piece of
iron under the lamp, straining his eyes
to catch the first glimpse o f sunlight
that would strike the brass horns of
the band.
“ They’re cornin’, mother!" he shout-
ed, w ild with excitement. Every eye
within "hearing o f flic boy's voice was
turned in the direction lie was looking.
True enough, a line of mounted po
lice wheeled around a corner, and iu
another moment the strains o f music
were heard in the distance.
kept his mother Informed o f each ap­
pearance as it was revealed to him and
was not a little proud to think that
there were those in the crowd direct­
ly lieneath him who were benefiting by
his information.
“ Oh, mother, there's a giant with a
woolly dog on his head throwiu' up a
big stick.
Reckon he’s ruunin’ the
whole business.
“ Oh, mother, you'd oughter see the
man on a horse with a whole lot o’
other men on horses. They’ve all got
broad white things over their shoulders
and hold round sticks in their hands
with ribbons round 'em.”
The big horns grew hoarser, the bass
drum pounded louder, the piccolo shrill­
ed harder, as the columns advanced.
\\ hen mounted police riding abreast
came a man on the sidewalk interest­
ed in Danny's description and his ea­
gerness that his mother should see it
all handed her a soap box on which
he had been standing and bade her
mount it. She thanked him and, step­
ping up. had a fine view' o f those pass­
ing in the street, much to Danny’s sat­
The drum major passed, the band
passed, the grand marshal and his aids
passed. Then came the Carpenters’
union, the Plumbers’ union and the
Masons' union.
“ Oh. Danny." cried Mrs. O'Toole,
“ there's your father!"
Now. Danny O'Toole had known ever
since he was old enough to know any­
thing that his father had left him and
his mother iu Ireland when Danny was Q
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a baby to come to America, lie was to long silence, lie had been suddenly
send money home and when he got taken ill and attacked witti loss of
enough together to send for his w ife memory. It had partially returned to
and boy he would do so. For awhile him, and he had written his wife, hut
letters had eome from him; then they she had already left Ireland for Amer­
had ee»isell.
II is w ife had come te ica.
O’Toole was getting on tits feet again
America to look for him.
when his w ife and boy were restored
"W hich?" cried Danny.
“ The man on the far side, him with to him, and it was not long before he
was able to make them comfortable.
the red bead. Call him.“
That was a number of years ngo.
Dhnn.v, knowing only one way to at­
tract his parent's attention, shouted Since then Danny O’Toole has grown
“ Ited head!" with nil the power o f his to he a stalwart young fellow, has
little lungs. The man heard him and, learned Ids trade and can swing a
turning his head, saw a kid on a lamp- sledgehammer with any man.
post waving his hat nt him. Then, when labor processions march down
lowering his eyes, he saw his w ife the street between admiring crowds
looking in his direction. Leaving the Danny Is sure to be among them. And
ranks, he came across the street, el­ he takes a greater Interest In the day
bowed his way through the crowd to because It Is the anniversary o f bis
first meeting witti Ids father In Amer­
his wife, and she fell into his arms.
nnd o f the family reunion.
Meanwhile Danny, feeling that he
was not getting his share iu this fam i­
ly reunion, dropped down on to his fn-
ther with one leg on each shoulder.
His father pulled him down into his
“ The child?” asked O'Toole.
“ Yes. It's Danny."
Danny got A hug that made him
cry out. and, drawing off ns far as he
could, lie punched Ids bugger with his
little list.
Anyone «ending a »ketch and description mny
ijnl, i y nsce'tmn rmr opinion ir e * whether an
“ Don't you hurt me that way ag'lu!"
Inrent' <n tir probably putentahlp- Conimonic«.
he said fiercely.
tion» strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patent«
■•nt free. Oldest agency for securing imterit«.
“ Oh. Danny.” said Mrs. O’Toole,
Pater.Is : ,keo through Munn * Co. receive
ly e in! notice, without charge. In the
laughing through her tears, "your fa­
ther's so glad to see you."
That ended the O’Toole fam ily’s In­
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. I.nraest etr
filiation o f any scientific Journal. Tern.*, • 1
terest in the Labor day procession.
rear: four months, |L Bold by all newsdealer-.
O’Toole went with his w ife and hoy to
their rooms, where he explained his
'-ranch Others. «25 V H t. Washington. U -1 -
Scientific -Hmmcaw.
^/lUNN & Co.,6,Broart^ New Yor'^