The Universal C ar And the “ one car” particularly adapted to Tillamook County highways. H L J Y C R S T O S M - A R E UN P K O F I T Î » . Effective from August 1, 1014. to August 1. 191”>, ¡mil guarauteed against any reduction during that t ! me T o u r i n g ( a r , d o l i v e r e d at T i l l a m o o k Runabout •• “ “ S 5 59 S.509 demonstration and all information see C'--; K L E V , Tillamook, Ore P h o t o by At. erica n P r e s s A s s o c i a t i o n British Army Officers Locating the Enemy England Ins the greatest navy In the world, but its army from a nu­ merical standi <> lit ranks tlfth. Germany, France. Russia and Austria-Hun­ gary rank, in the order named, above Great Britain. In time o f peace there are 2.VI,500 i: . u In the army. There are 470,500 reserves, or a total war atrengin ot 7,. • • oil men. However, there are available for duty 2,000,000 men lie fact we wish to hammer is that Alex McNair it Co.’s gives more quality, service and satisfaction than any other ■ in Tillamook county. Gar Pliencmijal ¿ access Demonsiates that Fact, Ki mem!>er Alex McNair A Co. for Builders’ Hardware, ■ Troughing. Farm Tools, 8helf Good», Cutlery, and every- : kept- in a fully stocked hardware store. Saturday Evenings ; Tillamook, Ore , sn ow New Reels and a Admis. A4 15 Co.its SPECIAL AGENCY A, F b r th a F& rrvous “Star BrancTShoes The Largest Selling Brand of Shoes in the World ^ ............ I he t'. enm M a *» • Thv ' Socu tv” som e p o p u l a r lines Our Futility"—• F E v r r y Member of die Family Siren g cr-T h «n -T h o -L » A 1 '.titu tiUr Shor for PuticttUr VVotro 1 f t i St T ed ’* S. S o ol Sho*si— fuf ik VI .A: k ) Ù lli A l l m a d e c f G o o d I - e it h e r . 11m L^ntfrrt Vt raang W c k Sboe Mack 'Soft ang G oo d ” — A • i* k Shoe T ru e to Nam e N o s u b s t it u te s f o r le a t h e r a r e e v e r u a e d , “ S tar B rand Shoes A re B etter ** IG ttG rV N T iL rL G O Photo by American Pres« Association. Austrian Mountain Gun Detachment In the cou filet botw>m Austria and Servla a great ileal of th? fighting will I h ‘ iu tbe mmtnt. .. ' Neither country has a first class navy, and the armies will be depended on for victory. In this picture there 1» shown a num ber o f the Austrian mountain gnus. These are manned by etfielent corps of soldiers. nlHUtt >ix men to each cun