f patì FES ION AL CARD STATE PARAGRAPHS t # INTERESTING BITS OF CONDENSED NEWS GATHERED FROM ♦ ♦ f $ 'lillamook Abstract Company Tuos. C oa - bhs . P kibudkkt . VARIOUS SOCRCES IN OREGON I. O. O. P. ITIM PUTT K 8K T OK A H S Y R A C T BOOKS OF J Cloverdale Lodges. ♦ T IL L A M O O K COUNTY, OKIHiCKN. TILLAMOOK CITY. OREGON. T. H. GOYNE, i ’ By defeating Dayton Sunday Sheridan claims the baseball championship of the upper Wil­ lamette. valley. The Oregon Loganberry associa­ tion has raised $1200 to be Used in a campaign by the Salem cummer cial club to advertise loganberries and obtain a better market for them. The work will be com­ menced immediately. The 600-acre fire that has been burning for some time six miles southwest of Canyonville has been quenched, and the men returned only to start out again to fight a new fire on Panther Gulch, six miles southeast of Canyonville. In addition to the list of state and privately owned lands new opened for settlement on and near the Tumalo project, the Oregon Slate Immigration Commission is now'collecting data from all parts of the state and in a short time will issue a similar list covering avail- aide lands in practically every county in Oregon. v Neetucca Lodge No. 114 meets each Saturday at 7 p. in. Frank Owens. N . G., John Lowranee. Sec. Visiting brothers are cordially invited to meet with us when you are in Cloverdale. cut off Saturday while repairing the pump at the pumping station. ATTORNEY AT LAW The plant is operated by electric Conveyancing, Etc. Tl io Ocean Spray R. becca Lodge power and the young man was No. 148 meets every oil ier \\ »•dues- Tillamook, Ore. dnv in each month at 8:00 P. M. cleaning the gearing, when in some Opp. Court House, i Mrs Lena Coohran N. G. ; Mrs. manner be turned the switch, Lelio Gist, Sectv. starting the machinery and it GEORGE WILLETT drew his hand into the gearing in Masonic Lodge such a manner as to cut off the No. 120 meets on hand at the wrist. Thursday, on or Attorney at Law Oiilce Over Tillamook County Bank before full moon of H. D. Badger and wife, while on each month. Chas. TILLAM O O K . ORE. Ray, VV. M., Wm. their way to Ashland the other M. Owen, See-. day had the good fortune to sight Calvin R. Worrall, a doe, two yearlings and a fawn LAWYER near the summit of Greenspring GRANGE Mountain. The animals were Business Counsellor, Titles, Ac­ Cloverdale Grange quite tame and waited by the road meets on the First countant, Notary Fublic. and Third Saturday until the car went bv and stopped, in each month at 10 Commercial Club Bid., Tillamook. when they walked across and went a. m. M illie Sappington, into the brush, seemingly very FRANK TAYLOR, W . M. little frightened. A short time M rs. E. Lundquist, Secretary. Notary Public ago a five-prong buck was found dead in Jenny Creek, having been Cloverdale, Ore. A R T I 8 A M L O D G E » shot by some hunter and not found ,_I,The movement of the recall of the Columbia countv court is be­ ing urged in Clatskanie. The pe­ titions which are being circulated cite the following alleged facts and Complaining that the manage charge selfishness and extrava­ ment ci evLcal railroad companies gance in the management of the in the state allowed passengers business of the county on the part during the recent warm spell tore- of County Judge \V. A. Harris and move their shoes, and that the at­ Commissioneis Louis Fluhrer and mosphere of the cars became un­ John Farr: That a road has been bearable, a resident of the state, ordered built between the city of whose name is withheld, has asked ¡St Helens and Columbia City and the State Railroad Commission to Warren highway at a cost of about issue an order forbidding passen­ $60.000, which road when com­ gers from indulging in the prac­ pleted, will be of no practical bene­ tice in the future. Pending an in­ fit to the public and is being built vestigation to determine whether parallel with the present county it has jurisdiction over the subject road for a distance of about three matter, the commission has taken i miles, also that an automobile the complaint under advisement truck was purchased at a cost of $1,675 without advertising for bids. O. A. Miller, son of J. II. Miller, proprietor of the Junction City- Neyer say die. Expire sounds water system h»d his right hand more classy. Walter Logus, Treasurer, Write for Literature. - - OREGON AT THE HEAD OF THE J.L. GEORGE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon - Cloverdale Phone 13 S-7. Physician and Surgeon Commercial Club Bldg. Tillamook, Ore., DR. ELMER D. ALLEN, Dentist Office Commercial Bldg Hours 9 a .m . With new buildings, better equip bn.ry W o - i , Music, Architecture, . ly_i!Cal Training and Fine Arts. and strongest departments educat'on. of m o re than M, v o lu m e «, t w o „.-nu iifllunar, e le v e n h u ik fiog .i iu lly tf . p p rd . N w j * dauioistratioii In «rourre o f c o o u r T u d io e . T u it io n F ree. D o » a l t c r ^ i io r teen fo r w o m e n . E rp e a * * # lo w e s t. V r ..e fv.r c a t a lo g a r d t.fuiLrrrcd b o o k le t, A tV r.-ssin r R e g istra r, 5 p .m . Tillamook, Ore. — Both Phones— Ollice 214, 215 and 210 Tillamook Com­ mercial Club Building. W. A. WILLIAMS o s is o n AGENTS I Reliable Harness Maker Harness and Saddlery ---------------, Oregon. ..... Tillamook, UNIVERSITY 3F OREGGIt cuaer-E. »> • Advertise in the Courier. by everybody. Caille Perfect' n Engines WE ARE FACTORY Sente ette ex* ette ex*ax* •> • ex*#>• * CLOUGH Wants to see you, at his store you will not be nrgfhd to bny, and you are sure to he interested even if you do not see anything yen wunt. | CLOUGH, Reliable Drupyist.^ OBSTETRICAL S P KC I A L I S T ! DRUGS AND ? DRUG SUNDRIES Accuracy in compounding pre­ scriptions rfnd pure drugs is what gets us the business. I t p a y s t o a d v e r t i s e ' i n t h e C l o v e r d a l e C o u r ie r DR. L. E. HEWITT, Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon nif it, enlarged grounds, and many ad­ ditions to its faculty, the University ° Oregon will begin its thirty-ninth ye^r Tuesday, September 15. .‘■oecial training for Business, Jour- rial iAna, Law, Medicine. Teaching, Li- PROCESSION SELLING L. L. HOY, M. D. Both Phones. 477 N. N. Kirby, Master Artisan, Ed Worthington. Past Master, Mrs. A. Applewhite, Secretary, REAL ESTATE Ofiioo Main St MO. - - Meets on lirst and third Fridays of each month at I. O. O. F. hall a t8:30 p. m. F. R. BEALS TILLAMOOK. I " and can save you tlm middle-man's profit. Engines are shipped direct to S us from the factory at Detroit, Mich. We do not buy through an) • :ency and can sell you a marine or stationary en­ • ■ gine at the lowest possible price. Sumple Read engines on display. I 4 FRANK TAYLOR, Agent, Cloverdale.