\ ( GREAT CLEAN SHOE SALE BEGINNING SATURDAY, JULY 20th In order to make room for our new fall stock we are offering what we have on hand at cost. This is a genuine bargain sale. Shoes of good standard make. Men’s High Grade $4.50 and $5.00 Shoes for $3.10 Men’s High Grade 3.50 and 4,00 Shoes for 2.60 Broken lots and odd sizes, all good, reliable stock, 3,50 to 5.00 grade at 2.50 Women’s 3.50 to 5.00 grades at greatly reduced prices CLOVERDALE MERCANTILE CO. Sporting Shoes and Men’s and Women’s Oxfords at prices you can’t afford to miss. Come early while you can get a fit. ' it T h e T cm par of a T h u n d ersto rm . A t a ll. >ve;i v w >ie I y o u n g woman entered one «>r th e d e p a r tm e n t stores, accompaiM i l».v an a n g e lic appearing little g ir l o f th re e y e a rs . "W hat a beautiful c h lM !" th e shoppers m urm ur­ ed as she pr.sseri. Emm one counter to another ; i.c two w e n t, purchasing gloves, a w h ite lace veil, some rose pink rihlmn. th a t the m other held un- dcr h e r daughter's ciiln and then at her child to see th e effect, which the saleswoman d e c la re d perfect. All the tim e the child w a s sweetly acqulscent In all her m o.he.'s plans. Once or tw ice sin* sp oke q u ie tly 10 her mother, who a n s w e re d h e r b y s a y in g , “P er­ haps, Inter." a nd s m ile d . Suddenly a change came over the nngellc face. It was like a g re a t b la c k thundercloud passing over the fact* of the sick. “I won't sto p teasing.” shrieked the angelic one; "I won't! 1 w ant choco­ late Ice cream! 1 will have It! I will! I will!” The voice rose In a shriek of rage and determ ination. Then she threw her dainty self to the floor and rolled over and over.—New York Mall. N apoleon’* L a s t Doctor. M. Frederic Masson has traced the rem arkable career of Signor Antom marchi. whom Cardinal Fesch sent to St. Helena to act as Napoleon’s medi­ cal adviser. He was not even quali­ fied. but was only a student holding an appointm ent In the dissecting room of the Florence hospital, and he diag­ nosed cancer of the stomach as a sim­ ple indigestion and counseled the em ­ peror to cure It by digging In the gar­ den. A fter Napoleon's death he tried to obtain a pension from his heirs on the strength of an unsupporti-d state­ m ent th at there w as n codicil In the will bequeathing one to him. Marie Louise and Neipperg refused to do anything for him, but the m atter ulti­ m ately went to arbitration, and he was aw arded an aunulty of 3,000 francs. H e raised a little ready money by cell­ ing Napoleon’s death m ask, and then, after setting up In medical practice in Paris and failing to obtain patients, he crossed the ocean to New Orleans. H e died in Santiago In 1838.—W est­ m inster Gazette. A Pun n in g M atch . Father ruefully gazed ou his last shilling. “Money has wings, and house rents make it fly.” he said. “Yes.” said his flfteen-year-old son. “and some houses have wings, for I’ve seen many a bouse fly ” “ You’re sm arter than your old dad. maybe, my sou. but i alw ays thought that oo part of a boose except the chimney flue!” —London Tit-Bits. C u rious Beehive«. In the village of Hoefel. Silesia, there are a num ber of beehives In the shape of life size figures cleverly carved In wood and painted In colors. The fig­ ures were carved more than a century ago by monks of the Naum burg mon astery. who were at that tim e In pos­ session of a large farm In the district The beehives represent different char­ acters. ranging from Moses to a mill tary officer, a country girl and a night w atchm an with a spear. T h e Fastidious. “Catch any fish on your trip?" “No, and I can’t understand why. Had a $200 outfit Had the light kind of books and the latest thing In flies.” “Maybe you w eren't wearing the right kind of hat.” —W ashington Her­ ald. ___________ ' She Did. “Jack proposed to me while turning the music for me at the piano.” “ Ab. 1 see! You played right Into his bands.’’—London Answers. „a T h e M agic Glasses. The first flehlglass brought to the New Hebrides sorely puzzled the sim ­ ple minded nativ«*s, who. of course, thought them the product of wizardry, lu “ Islands of Enchantm ent" Florence Coombs tells how one of the mission clergy was walking along the shore, when a native at his side poiuted out a tiny figure In the distance. “There goes one of my enemies," said he. The white man, draw ing out Ills field- glasses and adjusting the focus, band­ ed them to his companion, who. gazing theough them in excited amazement, beheld his foe apparently close at hand. Dropping the glasses, he seized his arrow s and looked again. The ene­ my was as far away as at first. Once more he snatched the magic glasses, once more exchanged them for his a r­ rows and once more was baffled. To lose such an opportunity was hard lu- deed A bright thought suddenly oc curred to him. “You hold the glasses to my eyes." said he to the missiouary, “and I can shoot him.” “Certainly!” “n a v e you any-lnfluence w ith him ?" “N aturally.” “Do you talk to him often?” “Of course.” “Then tell hint for mo th at he cooks w ith a Canadian accent.” — Chicago Post. H e Guessed R ig h t. This story w as told at a prom inent club the other day by a m an who had met Lord Decies In one of his visits to London. Although Lord Decies is an experienced nnd traveled man of the world, he does not believe In throw ing aw ay money In those extravngant tips th at characterize Americans nnd th at are very often m istaken generosity. The Englishm an also Is quite able to take hls own part If his reasonable tips are taken unreasonably, as was evi­ denced one day when he had taken a cab to the club. When he alighted nnd pn!d the driver cabby seemed to think hls tip was too small. “W ot’s this ’ere for, my lord?” said the cabby, regarding with some con­ tem pt the coin he held In hls hand. N o t P ure P a risian . “Drink, I should be Inclined to think. The landlord of the liest hotel In the Judging by your nose." was the polite small western town was solicitous and effective reply of Lord Decies a-, about the impression that his accom he vanished Into the club.—New York modatious had made upon the dlstln nerald. guished visitor. “I think we set a good table.” he confided to the departing guest. “You T h e T e s t of Society. easterners are aw ful finicky about "Pa. bow can you tell w hether a your meals, and for a long tim e we ) mon Is I d society or not?” had difficulty In getting a cook who "The man who Is uot In society, my could do anything more than slam son. Is trying to get known, nnd the ham and eggs and fried potatoes to­ man who Is In Is trying not to ."-S n tlre. gether. We have one of the best cooks in the country now —yes. sir, a Politeness W ith a Purpose. regular Parisian chef. lie worked In "The doctor Is such a polite man. He a lot of the best restaurants In Taree™ i alw ays sees hls patients out right to told me so him self.” the door." "Yes; he once had a m ag­ “Do you know this chef?" Inquired nificent fur coat stolen!”—London Opin­ the visitor. ion.