Cloverdale Courier! T will then win or lose my Published Every Friday by Frank Taylor, Editor aud Publisher. “ Entered a?second-class matter, Nov­ ember 13th. 1905 at the post office at Clo­ verdale, Tillamook County, Oregon, un­ der Act of Congress, March 3rd, 1878. S u b sc r ip t io n R atks One Year, in advance ........................ $1.0C tjix M on th s..................................................... 50 Thtoe M o n th s................................................ 25 Single C opy.................................................... 05 AnvRRTisiNQ R ates Displayed Advertisements, 50 cents per inch per month, single column. All local Reading Notices, ft cents per line for each insertion. Timber land notices $ 10.00 Homestead notices 5.00 Political Announcement Cards $10.00 J ob D epartment My Job Department is complete in every respect and I am able to do all kinds Commercial Job Printing on short notice at reasonable prices. F R ID A Y . J U L Y 19, 1912. One who is not worried over the outcome of election ii Hon. White- law Reed, ambassador to England, #ho has been trying his best to lose his job. If you have six cents more now than one year ago you h«ve kept up with the prosperity procession. The treasury department’s figures show that the per capita circula­ tion is now $34.26, which is a gain of six cents over last year. Take it for what it is worth. We are advised that at the north pole the thermometer went up to zero during the recent hot »pell and caused much suffering. All the igloos were shimmering in the torrid glare, and heat waves made an inferno of the ice fields. Several Etkimos died of sunstroke. The seals and walruses lay panting on the floes. Children, driven to desperation, were breaking holes in the ice and taking bathe. HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD. cas« I deserve to win or lose.” Discussion ceased as there was no question of the honesty ot the judge who was being discussed. It required no further argument to convince the little gathering that it had made a mistake in entering upon the considering of an honest; that where honesty is ability abounds; that where an honest man tits upon the bench, the law books may be closed and no one suffer; that honesty is the supreme t*at of a man’s fitness to pass open the contentions of his fellows. For he who hesitates a moment must know that the law is founded upon honesty and that only an honest man cun therefore be trusted to interpret the law. A GOOD CHEER SOCIETY The daughter of a certain lum­ berman has founded a new society which she is pleased to call the Good Cheer society. She is de­ voting her time and money to pro­ moting the organization and has traveled to many places, establish­ ing branches of the society. The requirements of the mem­ bers are simple. All one has to do to join the organization is to sign a pledge to be of good cheer, and to promote cheerfulness— as simple a proposition as was ever put up to mortal man. Now, the organisation of the so­ ciety may be a fad with the young woman. It may be that she is spending her father’s money travel­ ing around talking about good cheer only because she wants the notoriety. It makes no difference about that. The point is that this young woman is doing a world of good, regardless of why she is doing it, and despite the fact the society may perish from the earth at an early date. . Cheerfulness is a mental pro­ cess. Ail that is necessary to pro­ mote it is to mention it. The most crabbed individual on earth straightens up and becomes cheer­ ful if any one mentions it to him; be is ashamed to admit that he is not always cheerful. So the fact that the young woman goes into lumber camps and the mines and m«ntion| cheerfulness is worth a whole lot to the world. Then, the newspapers cannot mention the society without re­ minding everyone who reads the item of the value of being cheerful, without spreading a contagion, in fact that runa on to the end of time. Have not you who have read this prosy comment already resolved in your mind that you will be more cheerful in the future? That is the way the contagion works. The gentleman under discussion was a judgt* npon the bench. One thought «bat he was not at all well read in law— learned in the law as the attorneys say— as some other judge. Another of tne party thought he was not as industrious as a judge might be and still not suffer from paresis. Still another believed that his education was not as classic as it could have been, had the gentleman under discus­ sion taken advantage of all of his opportunities. Then spake a member of the bar, a man df long practice before the courts, thoroughly learned in the law himself and a successful prac­ titioner from every standpoint. “ Gentlemen,” he began, “ I have listened patiently to whst vou have said of the judge. If he is honest, your remarks concerning Pia^ker Bros., Tillamook, his other qualifications are idle leaders in the plumbing line. words. Giye me an honest judge; are CLOVERDALE HOTE*. C LO V E R D A LE , ORE. D. N . REGER, Proprietor. A Home for Travelers and Visitors Meals 35 c and 50 c Beds 50e Everything First-class Your Patronage Solicited Billiard and Pool j Hall SPORTING GOODS A SPECIALTY We are arranging tc supply hunters and campers with amunition this fall. Our line of Shells, etc. will soon be here. Let us know your wants. DRUGS ÄND DRUG ene»weoneneno»e SUNDRIES! fr Accuracy i i compounding pre­ scriptions ami nure drug« is what gets us the tnisinesH. Orders taken for CLOUGH Tailor-Made Suits. EVEREST & LEARNED CLOVERDALE, ORE. Wants to see you, at his store you will not be urged to buy. and you are sure to tie interested even if you do not see anything you want. i ; CLOUGH, jgBfe ja g g I t o — « ,« » « « « »n n m » m » t O utings in Oregon v ia m e Excellent Train Service and Low Round Trip Fares To the Beaches Springs and . Mountains If you are looking for an ideal pits« to spend s portion of the summer, where you ean find rest, health and recreation, the outing resorts reachsd by the Southern Pacific are ytr excel lssoe. Newport— Yaquiaa Bay, Tillamook County Beaches, Crater Lake, Colestin Spring, Sbaeta Springs, Cascadia, Breitenbueh Hot Springs and many other springs of more or lees note. Low Round Trip Tickets With long limits on sale daily to the above resorts. Our book­ let, “ Vacation Days in Oregon” describing these and other out­ ing places can he obtained from any Agent, who will cheerfully furnish information as to fares, train service, etc, or s postal card to the undersigned will receive prompt attention. JO H N M, H G O f T, Gonorol P a « e e n $ e r A gen t P o rtla n d , O re g o n .