Irfn v m i • MMMMMMMMI A j j LOCAL AND PERSONAL ITEMS ö a a a a a AND OTHER NEWS OF INTEREST F. J. Meitzke was up from Meda Mrs. S. E. Gaines was up from Tuesday. Meda Saturday. Henry Weiss was in town from The theme for the service next Meda Wednesday. Sunday morning, ‘ 'The First Gift.” G. H. Ward was in the city from In the evening, “ The Perennial Springs.” Tillamook Sunday. SPECIAL 1 j 1 ! --- k. THE SMITH ON Toilet Sundries Perforated Razor Hone While They Last ! 10c j Just the Thing to Sharpen : 25c j “25c that DOLL RAZOR. ‘25c 25c TRY ONE. ___________________________________ 25c Petrola...................................7c i Proxide Cream......................19c Dental Cream........................19c Proxide Tooth Powder. . . . 19c Imperial Talcum Powder 19c Peerless Almond Cream. . .19c There are about a third more F. W. Berger, of Tillamook, was fishermen on the Nestuccas this a Cloverdale visitor Tuesday. year than last and reports are Jeff Wallace was down from current that excellent catches were FULLY GUARANTEED 25c Witch Hazel Cream.......... 19c Tillamook the first of the week. made the first night. The crew of ________________________________ 125c Imperial Cold C re a m .......... 19c Frank Strong, of Hillsboro, was Charles Murphy, Victor and Alva 25c Perfumes ............................ 19c AT the guest of his nephew, Elmer Learned caught 120. There are 25c Tooth Brushes, assorted . . . 19c two buyers in the field, the Elmore Webb, Monday. 50c Persian Massage Pomade.39c canning Co. and Mr. Small, of 50c Perfumes...............................35c Miss Emma Ward, of Neskowin, Tillamook. Virgil Magarrei is Sundayed with her sister Mrs. Yours for Business, Cloverdale, Oregon. buying for the latter, using his Landirigham. boat, the Jack Rabbit, to pick up Judge Mason, accompanied by the fish. The price paid is 3^c per Robert Kelso, of Yoncalla, were pound. guests in Cloverdale Tuesday. Jane Examination. Lee Wilson, of Sand lake, was Pupils of Tillamook county who ► PROP. quite seriously injured Monday by were awarded Eighth Grade di­ ’ Tor Confectionery, n bull belonging to Jas. Atkinson. plomas at the June examination: Soft Drinks, Ci­ Kraner Block, Cloverdale, Ore. Mrs. W. A. High and children Charles Peterfield, Carl Com­ gars and Every­ left Tuesday for a week’s visit with mons, Lillian Severance, Harold thing f o r In n i Mrs. High’s parents at Tillamook. Mason Victor Nielson, Charles UUJ Johnson, Herbert Moore, Lena Prof. Grout, city school superin­ tendent of Portland, with his Trout, Claire Finley, Clifford Kin- and refreshment Heisel, Bernice family were guests of W. M. Owen naman, Eddie Barber, Flora Robitsch, Martin Sunday. Ripley, Orsen Batterson, Mary T. H. Rogers and wife, of Mc­ Rowland, Bornice Knight, Dolly Minnville, passed through Clover- Buckles, Willie Harrison. Oral dale for Neskowin Wednesday Barnes. HILL BELIEVFD IN MOVE morning. Pupils who failed on not more than two subjects and who will be SOUTHERN PACIFIC ENGINEERS We are arranging to supply hunters T. B. Reeves, secretary of the and campers with amunition this West & Owen company, of Port­ permitted to complete September RESURVING SURVEY. fall. Our line of Shells, etc. will land, was here fiom Saturday to 5-0, without rewriting on the sub­ soon he here. Let us know vour jects on which they have paesed: Wednesday on a business visit. W ork of Eight Years Ago Gone wants. Buelah Funk, Gilbert Rock, Benjamin Via and Henry Orders taken for Over Again, Dno to A ctivity of Brooten were bound over to the Reuben Glad, Leonard Paquet, Tailor-Made Suits. grand jury last Saturday by Justice Glenn S. Taylor, Lizzie Tohl, Fred Portland West Coast R. R. Coulson, Emma Bauer, Eustace Stanley, of Tillamook, their bonds being fixed at $250 each, which Petteys, Katie I. Jones, Martha (Evening Telegram) Burge, Lucy they furnished. Jeff Fleck was Balmer, Arelene CLOVERDALE, ORE. Sheridan, Ore., July 15.— A par­ Sowers. acquitted and discharged. Highest average, Lillian Sever­ ty of Southern Pacific engineers The Christian Endeavor business ance, 5>1 5-9; seoond highest, Oral left here today to resurvey the old and social meeting was held last Barms, 87 5-9; third higbeat, Southern Pacific survey from here to the coast. The original survey Friday night at the home of Mr. Charles Johnson. 87. is the onlv and Mrs. Frank Owens. Refresh­ W. S. Buel, County Supt. was made some eight years ago and ASSET YOU MAY HAVE IN the present party is merely relocat- j ments of ice cream and e.lke were CASE GF DISASTER. terysd and an enjoyable and Hotel and Livery Barn for Sale ing and checking the data as fur- WE WRITE THE KIND THAT Good Hotel and Livery Barn »»shed by the original survey, profitable evening spent. PROTECTS. L is probable that when the Mra. Wheeler, while here, or­ located at Cloverdale for sale. An excellent opportunity for the right electrification of the Southern Pa- Rates made known and ganized a W. C. T. U., which meets party. Enquire at this office. cific proceeds this far they will information gladly given. the fourth Tuesday of each month. build on, providing the present Plasker Bros. Tillamook, are The otlicers are as follows: Mrs. party relocating the survey reports R o llio \Y. W atso n 8. L. Clark, president; Mrs. J. E. leaders in the plumbing line. 1 favorably. Real Estate and Fir* Insurance Cochran, vice president; Mrs. El­ This action on the pari of the Tillamook, - - Oregon bert Worthington, secretary, Mi? Southern Pacific is due to the act­ Mabel Owen, Treasurer. The ne i o n of the Portland West Coast. “ regular meeting will be held in the which has a survey and stretches t church Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 'of right of way through this f W. A. WILLIAMS 1 o'clock. Mrs. Lawyer, who i* .section. It is said here that the j deeply interested in the work, has Portland West Coast is merely a | Harness and Saddlery kindly consented to addrees EVEREST & LEARNED dummy corporation, operating for f Tillamook, Oregon. # meeting All are cordially invited. the Hill lines CLOVERDALK. t)RE. HIGH’S DRUG STORE Cloverdale Card & Novelty Co. : Albert’s Store * GEO. W. STIVERSON, \ ¡Campers’ Lunches Billiard and? Hall J Ä J SPORTING GOODS A SPECIALTY EVEREST & LEARNED fire I nsurance :: IceCream Parlor Ice Cream Soda and Confectionery Reliable Harness Maker {