Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, July 19, 1912, Image 1

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    VOL. 7.
NO. 47
-v-v-w trv-yvtvnrv yv
That same evening Miss Ormsby re­
ceived a note from Mr Trusdell. be«
«in g to know wherein he had offended
her She called up Mrs Edmonds, re
ported the mutter and asked for In
“ Pay no attention to the note.” was
the reply
"Rut now your treatment of the case
Is getting me out <>r chronic indiffer
cnee as well as Mr. I rusdell. I tear
Mrs Edmonds at forty-live found Her
I shall make a breach that will never
in a businesslike way.
self a widow with no income As Kate
be headed
That would be dreadful!' 1
Uownierinkle stie had In her youth
“ It will never be healed until you do
Have a batik account aud
more otters of marriage ttiau she knew as I tell you.”
pay by check even if your
There followed a silence Miss Orths
wliat to do with
Site had married
Roger Edmonds because he was the
business is not a large one.
last of those who proposed before she precipice with no >ne to help her .Nev
ertheless she dart not disol>ey mat rue 1
lot of care and worry over
was too old to flirt. At his death she
tions. She did not reply to Mr Trus
conceived the original idea of making dell’s
your cash. It will free your mind of them to you can give all
a living by teiiebiug young womeu how
of it to making that business bigger.
One evening there was a ring at the |
to «et husbands
doorbell ami a g lest was ushered into ,
So she put out a circular In which the drawing room, where Miss Orrnsoy
was sitting.
He was Mr
she ugrw j tor a stipulated fee to tell
The lady had no opportunity to cousult |__ONI.Y GOVERNMENT EXAMINED BANK IN T H E C O U N T Y
au.v girl now to «e l any man she want
-Si <StA.Jl.JV
her Instruct res t
She must dejiend
ed. the fee to be paid after engage-
Haviug uo
nient. This looked fair enough. and a upon her own resources.
resources, she fell back on the general • a
numbei of young women called at her
Instructions she had received in the
consultation rooms for advice A mon«
Sh*> stood still, said uoth
them was Johanna Urmsby. who staled ing and prepared to appear penitent.
what she wanted as follows:
"1 have called.” said Mr. Trusdell,
-‘1 wish to marry Mr. Sam Trusdell
all o f u tremor, “ to ask what In the
He Is a bachelor of thirty-five aud a world l have been doing to meet your
woman buter. 1 have tried to make < contempt’
There w an no reply Miss Ormsby s
myself agreeable to him. and he .likes
eyes were bent to the floor. Mr Triis
to pass an eveuiug with me for a chat
The fact we wish to hammer is that Alex McNair & Co.’s
That is to say. he never is anything doll came nearer and Implored her t</
tell him
toward me hut friendly.”
store gives more quality, service and satisfaction than any other
"H o w long has this been going o n T
“ 1 fear." she said at last, "that 1 hnve
store in Tillamook county.
done you a great Injustice.’’
“ About a year.”
"T h a t’s bad. If you had but recently
“ Injustice/*
” \cs
l am very sorry for what I
made his acquaintance It would he
much easier Such chronic cases need have done.” Her voice trembled
Remember Alex McNair A Co. for Builders’ Hardware,
desperate remedies. In your ease I see 1 "H a s any one maligned me/’’
Eave T roughing. Farm Tools, Shelf Goods, Cutlery, uud every­
"Y es no
Let It all pass as some
uo way hm to pick a quarrel with
thing too painful to he remembered.”
thing kept in a fully stocked hardware store.
" W ill you not name my traducer/”
•’A quarrel’/"
“Yes; you must contrive something
"That would only make matters
out of which a quarrel shall grow. worse l>o. i beg of you. drop the mat
Then misconstrue something tie does, ter I will do any penance you ask."
or. tf that is imprncticuhle. make the
"W h y do you feel so deeply concern- j
light on mi basis whatever, trusting lug it/"
to invent one. and it you can’t Invent | "I don’t know, i can t tell— 1"—
one toll him you have been mistaken
"M y dear Johanna, do not trouble '
tu something which has passed, hut yourself further in the matter
It Is j
which now. since It Is all over. Is loo ; enough for me iu lie assured that yon ,
painful for you to mention
In that feel toward me"-
case you will have the advautage of
Miss Ormsby blushed and turned her
being penitent and ibrowlug yourself head aside
ou his mercy."
"Rut I wish him to love m e
A few weeks iHter Mr* K(J morula re
make him angry/"
ceiled h Hlzrible fee
’ To start tun»
The longer your re
Ir.tions remain hn they are the more
Petroleum H a s Been Long K now n.
chronic they will become and the hard­
The petroleum Industry, which has
er to break up Siu<e voti are uot an
made such great advances during the
apt scholar I shall have to manage
I iHst fifty years, deals with a product
the affair for von
To make a tie
which tins h.-eu known in other lands
ginning, cut him the next time you
: from earliest days.
In China it was
meet him on the street"
used long before history was first writ
“ For what ostensible reason?”
We endeavor to treat our friends and depositors squarely. Your bus
| ten
The famous |>etroleum springs
“ Cut him and leave the resi to me
relations and all transactions had witli or through this bank will alway
near R; ku. on the western shore o f the
Use the telephone freely, and I win
Caspian sea, have l>een known from
l>e treated with the strictest confidence.
beep you advised ”
the earliest times
Antiquarjnns say
No bank can nlways satisfy everybody.
Miss Ormsby went away, and the
that Pliny and Herodotus each knew
Rut if you think there is anything in which you haven't had a square
nest time she met Mr. Trusdell she
or had heard o f |>etroleurn.—New York
deal tell I ’M.
sailed by him "with her nose In the
W e’d like to make it rigid if |«>ssihle, and we’d much rather you would
He looked at her with astonish
than any one else.
Give« Him Away.
What could he have done to
Give your bank— as this hank ex|*ect* to give you— a square deal.
Bilkfus was sneaking into the house
merit such treatment? He turned to in his stocking feet at 2 o’clock a m
look back at her. then passed on his The stairs creaked as lie ascended to
0 1 ,1 )
I ) « i n k
way In much agitation. There Is noth
his room
trig that will so rack a man as to receive
" I s that you. William?” Mrs Mllkins
the contempt of a indy She may fighi called
him. she may plead him. and he
"No. dear." Rilkius replied, ’’it’« the
can stand It manfully, but let her con
stairs.’’—Seattle Times
femn biin and he Is crushed.
H A N D L E n
F in a n c e «
H First National Bank of Tillamook
“It Don’t Hurt a Fact to
Hammer it.”
Our Phenominal Success Demonstatcs that Tact.
Alex McNair & Co., mss * ; ore.
It pays to advertise in the Cloverdnle Courier
— A S Q U A R E D E A E -—
' ^ \JJV*
“ bank