Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, June 28, 1912, Image 1

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    VOL. T.
C L O V E R D A L E , T IL L A M O O K C O U N T Y , OREGOW. J U N E 28, 1912.
NO. 44
in itia l let tel uu it.
th is she loused
on the dining tab le and stood w aitin g
for him to w ith d ra w
H e saw by the
pallo r on her face and other signs
! th a t she was badly frig h ten ed , aud he
felt a pang at having caused her an
noyauce. So Instead of going at once
he stopped to reassure her
T a k in g a
card fro m his pocket aud a pencil,
he asked her to w hat in s titu tio n be
should send a donation
She was not
especially Interested In any and for a
for you when you commence
mom ent could not th in k ot any
W hile
she was try in g to do so an elderly
paying by ch»>cka on this
j xentlem an, w ith a gray m ustache, step
ped into the room
bank instead of in cur*
T h e girl turned paler s till. If th a t
rency. Many a leak in
w ere possible, tea rin g th a t the story
would not go dow n w ith the new
your ca§h will bo stopped, many a saving made in your ex­
com er and there w ould be trouble
penditures. Why not open an account today and commence
“ Uncle.
sbe said, "th is gentlem an
Das m ade u bet th a t he would m b this
enjoying the benefits.
house '
"In d ee d !" said tin* uncle quietly
"Yes. at the ----- club. H e is to w in
i $100 and give it to any c h a rity l may
“ A hundred d ollars! T h a t ’s no price
fo r a g en tlem an b u rg lar to pay for the
• «
privilege o f robbing a house.
might have got a w a y w ith $5.000 or
j $. i.i nm i w o rth o f property.
C o uld n't
i you m ake it Sl.OOO. sir?"
C h am b e rlin was very rich, but rich
men don't like to p art w ltti tlie lr rnon
ev anv u .u ,,r th ll„ poor men
He said
he mtKbt double the am ount o f his
I t W ill b e o
D ay
“ Yon tliii.i vmi onirt m ake a good
burg lar. do »on- uevei get caught aud
all th a t? I d .ike to .»ee you try it, A
■ilk stn k i n a like you won id soon be
tak en
io n wouldn t iiave the coolness
to save you rself '*
“ 1 w ouldn i un:id try in g it Just once.”
" I ’ll g iv e you an indiii euient. I'll bet
you n hundred you w o n t go into the
bouse of some em in en tly respectable
fa m ily - whom you rtou t know , m ind
y o u —and rob them or some a rtic le '
"T h a t's ju s t the kind ot a Job i d tike
to try
The danger m it would m ake it
fe a rfu lly interestin g
" A m i it you got caught it would g ive
you an excellent o p p o rtu n ity to show
youi presence o f m ind
"So it would I m in k I'll go you
"H e re 's my check
W e ll put the
stakes I d H a w k in s h an d s'
T h is dialogue occurred between P ick
T h u rsto n and Ned C h am b e rlin at a
club, and the next night C h am b erlin tn
evening dress sallied fo rth to b u rg la r
Ire a gentlem an s d w e llin g
tie w alked
w innings
I'lie gentlem an stepped to
slow ly up au a risto cratic avenue, and. a telephone In the hull and called fo r
selecting a tiowse m id w a y betw een two a police station
street lum ps aud standing w e ll buck in i C h am b e rlin w as cornered, lip oh llod
shadow, he entered the yard and. tak
out th a t he would m ake his donatioo
lng the parts o f a b u rg la r’s Jim m y from S l . O O i )
hi3 side pocket, began lo s le w them
“ 1 have called the police. ’ said the
together in order to secure the length g en tlem an ; " it w ill now cost $2.000."
o f handle required for leverage. Then,
"D o n e !" cried C h am b erlin , tearin g
m ounting u side porch, he pried up a that before he could assent ttie price
w in d o w and entered u room.
of tus e xp erim e n t would go up another
H e stood listening tor a w h ile , but. thousand
hearing no sound, began to explore. A
“ A ll rig h t." rem arked the gentlem an.
fa in t light troin w ith o u t h a rd y e n ­ “ N ev er mind the |>o||oe
H a v e you a
abled him to move w ith o u t stum bling blank check in your pocket, sir?
against a n y th in g , and he got his baud so please m ake the am ount payable to
on a large uncovered table
Suspet t
st. I.tike's hospital. "
ing ne was in a d ra w in g room, lie was
C b a m lie rlln . w ho carried a check
hunting for the sideboard, when there book a lw a y s with him. w ro te a check !
w as a sudden
b u r s t ,,f lig h t,
a young for $2.000 anil handed It to the gen
lady stood at the d«>oi of the room. | tlernan. who took it and said:
w ith her tingei on an electric button
“G w e tid o lln . this is M r C ham berlin.
She appeared
astonished, uot ut find | met him once at his club, hut he has
lng some one
in the room, but some fo rg o tten me H e ear: afford
to pay
one in evening costum e
for any freak tn which he tra y choose
C h am b e rlin braced himself for the to indulge "
it was his rig h t, under the
"Goodness g racious’* from G w en .
provisions of the bet. to tell any story
he pleased, and tie decided to lell the
W h y Lincoln Holpod a Bug.
tru e one.
President Lincoln was w a lk in g w ith
" I beg pardon for Ih e trespass." be a frie n d about W ashington and turned
said, " b lit I am sure th a t is. if you are ; back for some distance to assist a
a w om an of the w orld I shall have beetle that had got ou Its back and lay
your sym p ath y a fte r you have heard on the w a lk . legs sp raw lin g in air.
the reason for my being here
Last v a in ly fry in g to tu rn itself over. Th«
night at the — club i bet a friend frie n d expressed surprise that the pres
a hundred dollars that 1 would hur id e m , burdened w ith the < ares o f a
glum e a dwelling, brtngiug him some w a rrin g nation, should rind tim e to
stolen article to prove the robbery spare in assisting a ling.
I f you will permit me to take away n
“ W e ll." said Lincoln, w ith that home­
spoon 1 will be happy to donate my ly s in cerity th a t touched the hearts of
winnings to any charity you may m illlo u s o f Ids cou n trym en “do you
kn o w th a t I f I had le fl that hug s tru g ­
The girl by this time bad regained g ling th e re on his back I wouldn't
her composure, fo r Cbamlierlln spoke have fe lt Just rig h t. I w anted to put
softly and did not seem one to be him ou bis feet and give him uu equal
afraid of. Nevertheless at>e consider chance w ith all the o th er bugs o f his
ed him to be one of those villains who class.”—Kansas City Star,
d r e s s tti. uiselves like gentlemen for
the purpose o f aiding them to hood­
For sale—Several thrifty four-
wink whoever they may meet. Site
D. T. W erschkul,
pretended lo tieheve hit» atory and. go­ moths old pigs.
ing to a sideboard. o|<ened a drawer and Cioverdale.
took out a sliver simoon,.?.:b the family
First National Bank of Tillamook
“It Don’t Hurt a Fact to
Ham m er it.”
The fact we wish to hammer is that Alex McNair Ar Co.'s
store gives more quality, service ami satisfaction than any other
store in Tillamook county.
Our Phenominal Success Demonstates that Fact.
Remember Alex McNair & Co. for Hu i I dors' Hardware,
Eave Troughing, Farm Tools. Shelf Goods, Cutlery, and every­
thing kept in a fully stocked hardware store.
Alex McNair & Co., Tmamook, ore. I
It pays to advertise' in the Clovenlalc Courier
¿ A 1 ^
D E A L » -*-
We endeavor tn treat our friends and depositor« squarely. Your bus
ness relations and ull transactions hail with or through this bank will alway
Is* treated with the strictest confidence.
No bank can always satisfy everybody.
Hut if you think there is anything in which you haveu't had a square
.leal tell T 8 .
WeM like to make it right if possible, and we’d much rattier you would
tell us than any one else.
Give your bank—as this hank expects to give you—asqunre deal.
D unk
w ith
“T H t
k L U T IJU /’