Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, March 15, 1912, Image 6

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    made a stand
has gone a step
The Granger ease agreed Craven MiinMy. He turned to Mr. Tempi*. Suppose he’ll wish to see
too far.
It Is one I Mrs. Mason, who still sro> d, eyes wide you as soon as he gets here
(Continued from lirat page)
thing for a rich man to avoid punish­ ¡ open and chin down. the picture of over heels with things to do. Just
look at that—lordy. lordy!" He indi­
win applet and walked like India rub­ ment; It Is another thing f o r u rich prim New England astonishment
man to avoid punishment f>v throwing ' “ Mr.
Tern; le’s
Miss cated the littered desk and floor, and
"You two must be with quick, gingery strides quit the
“ Well, for my part, Mr. Craven. I’ll ' the guilt on another's shoulders. Thera Dale." said he
be perfectly frank. I’m going to give Is scarcely a man today who does not Í friends "
“ Mrs. Masou, oh. to think of findiug
The e'der woman pulled herself to­
up my position, too, only 1 don't in­ believe that Robert (»ranger Is a scape­
gether with an effort, and with a you here!” Just so soon as the door
tend to lie a bout It. I'm going be- I goat for Burton Temple '
“ W hv in the name o f heaven must rather awkward consciousness held was closed Anna had rushed to the
cause” —
“ Because, Mrs. MasonV" The law ! this (Jranger case come up again?" out her hand irt response to Anna’s elder womnn and was kissing her ex­
yor whirled around with surprise and shouted Craven, throwing down the veil poised, nonchalant gree'lng The uberantly on both cheeks
A third
paper with a hot expletive. “ Granger Plymouth Rock conscience anti diplo­ kiss she let fall neatly on the snick and
had a fair trial, was convicted, sent macy were not working well together, span gray head.
“ Well, things don’t suit me. sir."
“ Then why don’t you tire the cook. I to prison, and now. not content with and site, poor lady, was In dire straits.
“ And you, Anna Shepherd!
fire the butler, lire the whole blame ! the Justice of their own courts, these
"I understand I am to work here as were only fifteen when I saw you last,
outfit if they don’t suit you? 1 know I newspapers are trying to get him out." ; well us in the New York office?" said but I’d have recognized you anywhere.
Mr. Temple would rather lose all of
"And send Mr. Temple in his place Anna, turning toward Craven and Dear, dear child, for the love o f heav­
’em than you."
to serve his term." tiuished Mrs. Ma­ adroitly keeping his attention focused en what are you do’ ng h -re under an
Mrs. Mason finished the pipe rnolr J son quietly, "where he deserves to be," away from Mrs. Mason.
assumed name? Wh::t d <»■* it mean?”
and began nervously plying her duster she added In measured tones. "There,
“ Well, first it means that I’ m not
“ Uh-hub!" assented he.
"F o r the
among the antlers and engraved hunt-[ I ’ve said It To be silent is to acqul
Anna Shepherd et'be- aiiv more. I've
next few weeks we shall be utmterel
ing scenes.
osee. It is sheltering evil. ’Tisn't’ al­ ! fully rushed
“ Even ordinarily Mr. been married for n »arly eight years,
“ Oh. the servants are all right." said ways easy to speak out our thoughts. Temple carries on a large part o f his Mrs. Mason. Fancy!" She held her
she "Mr. Temple has given me full But I’ve b*en taught where a principle business here, but tills case will give out at arm's length and looked smil­
authority over them. ”1 isn't the s rv- is concerned it’s our duty to do so. hlin more than ever to do.”
ingly down Into the woman's surprised
nnts I complain of. Besides.’ a lot or It’s like the suu—it purifies.”
"The Granger case?” questioned the eyes.
them feel as i do. only they can t af- chin was well up In the air
“ And I've two hoys, just the finest,
new secretary, with strange avidity.
ford to quit."
A pause. Craven’s cigar was out.
bonniest boys In the whole world.
Craven nodded.
“ Eh? What's wrong then?" demand­ and lie was slow about relighting it.
“ Weil, perhaps you’ll be kind enough Really and truly they are!"
ed Craven sharply. A light had fallen
“ The sun purities, yes." sighed he. to explain this—this Granger case to
" I ’ m sure of it. I'm sure o f it." ac­
on the darkness o f his first surprise. “ but It germinates too. H alf the moral
Mrs. Mason "H ow could you
me a bit now while we have time? It
He was beginning to understand.
and social crimes would cease if worn will save Mr. Temple that much oxer
help having children of that sort! You
Mrs. Mason left the antlers and bunt­ en and men also buried the other
tio n "
She spoke with pretty little know I always had a very warm spot
ing scenes and went to the favorite half la silence. That hysterical de
staccato catches in her breath, and her In my heart for you. Anna. Your moth­
sire to express it belongs to u past age
eves were like stars
“ An alert and er and I " —
“ I've been strictly brought up. Mr. Mrs. Mnftott." lie said sternli, ";:fte
"Oil. I know, I know! Poor, beau­
Craven and somehow 1 feel It ain't nil, we don’t know much about our Intelligent young womau,” commented tiful young mother of mine!" nnstffy
right -It's doing violence to my c<n- neighbors’ lives—really any of us—so
Anna brushed away a bit of undue
"W hy. yes. Miss Hale." be respond
seience—to stay on under this roof.'
it’s safer ami wiser to be L'nd ia our
lu her lustrous eyes
"H o w
For a second Craven studied her Judgments, eh? None of us needs to off aloud, “ the case is very simple. Sii she used to [ reach love and ideals to
curiously—this sturdy New England resolve himself Into a fraction of the down. About a year ago Mr. Temple me, and how you used to preach duty
rose to the presiden -y of the Gotham
housekeeper who for three years had day of Judgment, thank G o d "
He Trust company. Robert Granger was and principles! Have you stlb that lit.
made the dally routine of living in the swallowed hard, this old stoic o f a
tle yellowed book compiled by your
cashier Cornelius Brady, a big finan
Temple home a smooth and com tor- * lawyer.
"And. by thunder." he ex cier, presented a check for STOP,- great-grandmother fi led with clippings
table thing.
ploded. “ If three years’ knowledge of
concerning the duties of motherhood,
Her eotisi ieuce yes. that was It. a man's dally life, with all its Integrity POO. Mr. Temple did not feel justified the goodness o f woman and the Ineon
She was beginning to feel that she and fineness and honesty of purpose,
without Temple’s knowledge, went to stnney o f man? 1 remember the mar­
could not live In the san e place and must go for naught th» n "—
Granger and Induced h'm to certify it. gins of the book were strewn with
take money from a man whom she
The telephone bell interrupted. Mrs making tb > trust company responsible old recipes for the dressing of metis,
considered had come by It unworthily. Mason, close at hand, took the mes­
for the money. Now. G r 'ie p r had no the preserving of fruits, the trowing
"Puritanism Is ns lasting In a family j sage.
right to do this, you understand
It of emitting cord'n's. till of which struck
as sin—to tin» third or fourth genera-I
“ It's Miss Dale, Miss Graham's suc­ jvas an overcertilicaMon
\rd the me us ministering to rt least on«» con­
tion," lie thought to hlnis«»if. the outer j cessor," announced she. nwmtiug Cra­
cvorcertiflcatien of that eh» k. coming stancy in man—his devotion to a good
corners of Ills eyes still contracted ven’s orders
as It did lust before the poní
helped dinner, eh?" Anna laughed at the rec­
" I think, somehow, that sin might ho
oil»* -tion.
“ Have her shown up." tartly
And ; !:i large measure to bring on the fall
easier to lot» off tin» family tre e"
incisively. “ Hope she’ ll prove ns o t’ -a
"Yes, I still have it
And speaking
"Y es," went on Mrs Mason, “ and I ble a secretary its Miss Graham and •” *e o r tb > Gotham Trust company."
wn to he a
•-n,.« thin (!ran"er. did lie not have
can't work for a man who lots done a fairer woman "
a d^fenre?" asked Gie v-ntig womau
wickedly as Mr Temple has. Ills con
With this little dig he turned to the
husband but. by the way. yo > haven't,
duet would reflect on me. There you ' big bay window and let the nlr of
yet to'd roe v-mr hush.:ml’.• cam e;"
fr->n her black lasb.-s
have it, Mr Craven. My conscience I the Hudson cool his brow, while the
A vlv'd r r l - s o i Furyr»d t> Anna's
••DoVuse? Sure.” grunted !».<» “ He
won't let me give silent consent to his housekeeper stood at the d<>'>r to usher
her s '!n real:, her IlfMe e-trs awl
!I«»d. Tried like Ihe «'«vil to convince
deeds by my presen •«»“
In t h»* new secretary
open brow. Then sh-» ’ brew I .ick her
“ Oh. I say. Mrs. Mason, come, come," j “ Anna, A rn n !" she gasped, stepping the Juw that Temple had -riven Mm an pretty. pntr’oinn head proudly
order "
laughed Craven In spite of himself. back, confouuded
"M y husband's name is Robert Gran­
“ And there had been no order—w rit­ ger."
“ Get off* old Plymouth rock Just foi
ten or verbal?"
once, that's a good soul!"
They stared for an Instant at e-ch
C H A P T E R H i.
" I saiil that Granger lied. Miss Dale other, woman to woman. Then Mrs.
“ It might l»e I »otter for your nets
He had tt fair tria
He was convicted Mason gv.sucd:
New York If It stood a bit firmer on
H E new secretary, equally as and sent to Fing Sing The jury gave
oltl Plymouth rock," snnppod site, **tn |
“ Robert Granger, the man"—
tonlshed. put lier fingers to her a rightful verdict."
stead o f Wall street quicksand ’ She
The young w ife looked at her old
lips, commanding silence, and
“ But why. may I ask. why has this frleed almost sternly.
was about leaving the room In high
come up again "If it is nil settled
(1ml gimn when her eye chanced upon
“ The man who Is In prison serving
some glaring headlines in ihe morn ! tnnee abruptly as Craven, at the slight and done for?" Slu- brought the tips a term that Burton Temple should be
of her little glov« d hands together in serving Oh. Mrs. Mason, what have
lug's paper whl It. with < the“ lourtials. noise, turned from the window.
’’I'm Craven. Mr. Temple’s legal ad a play o f pretty Interest.
Craven In Ills hustle had ttun>r upon
I done? You must guard my confi­
“ Well. Brady, the financier, bus beeu dence sacredly—you must! You will,
riser." he said "I suppose you are the
the fi.*nr
"See! See that!" she said, ricking It young woman Miss Graham has reo dolug a lot of talking, you see. Gran­ won’t you—yon w ill?" Site was white
ger’# conviction reflects pretty blackly now and wide eyed with the imitort
up and handing It trlnmt hantlv to the c •»intended?"
lawyer. " I t ’s that piece In today's pa- > The young woman nodded cheerful­ on mm. Then, the sensational yellow o f it all.
per which has finally decided nip to ly. Flu» looked very girlish and grace­ Journals have taken It up—you know
“ Why. yes, dear; of course- o f
“ 1 trust ; the way. I should advise you. Miss course.
make a change All about th- Graug r ful in spite of her dignity
Rut tell me. | don't under­
case and Mr. Temple's connection wl h I’ll prove worthy o f Miss Graham's Dale, if you wish to become an ettb lent stand. Why are you here?**
It. Look!”
recommendation.” said she in low secretary to Mr. Temple, to arrive
“ » am hen». Mrs Mason, to find
quickly at a Ivellcf In the guilt of that some evidence flutf will clear my bus-
“ 'Justice and high finance.’ ** rend m n’ ralto tones,
“ Miss Graham is thoroughly alive to (Jranger. now Justly confined in ihe i onnd’s name and that will send the
Craven half aloud In tine, sneering
difficult nature o f the work here prison yonder." He nodded across and I guilty man to Sing Slag in his place"
" 'The continued silence on
the part o f Mr Burton Temple re­ Just at present. I take It for granted up the river toward the grim walls of The soft Insistence with which she
pronounced her purpose was more
garding his connection with the Gran she must have known yon well and Ossining
ger case only confirms suspicion lu the felt convinced o f your ability to give ' "1 understand. Mr Craven. I bar» startling than any violence could have
minds o f the thinking public’ —
Craven come to do my duty, and I shall be been.
"T h in k in g public.’ thnt’s good!" opeued his large Nebraskan hand with . guided only by the truth." «he said
Continued in our next insuel
with low. even serenity
But In the
ejaculated he
He bit off the end of an eloquent gesture
a cigar
"E very successful man's a
Just for an appreciable fraction of palm o f her right hand glove where
cur <iud every rich man a malefactor a second tw o tl.s*;Ing dimples stirred she had clutched It tl.-n-cty there was
a tragic rent.
In that Messed thinking public's eve "
In the new secretary's oval cheeks
A Handsome 42-piece
"Just read It through, please.” plettd-
"Miss Graham has known me for , "Right. That’s common sense." said
ed Mrs Mason, with clasped bands
many years, ghe knows I will do nir he appreciatively, pulling out ills watch Dinner Set every Satur­
again. "Now. Mrs. Mason will show day.
“ 'When the law is so fiagmnily de­ duty "
fied It Is time that the American pub-
•'Looks ns i f you would, anyhow," * you to your room. I must go to meet