C lo v erd a le Courier Published Every Friday by Frank Taylor, Editor and Publisher. “ Entered assccond-elass matter, Nov- amber 13th, 1903 at the post office at Clo- rerdale, Tillamook County, Oregon, un­ der Act of Congress, March :’>rd, 1878. (SUBSCRIPTION KATES One Year, in advance........... . . . $1.0C Six Months............................................. 50 Thfee Months......... ................................25 Single C opy.................... 06 A d vertising K ates Displayed Advertisements, 50 cents per inch per month, single column. All loca l Reading Notices, 5 cents per line for each insertion. Timber land notices $10.00 Homestead notices 5.00 Political Announcement Cards $ 10.00 J ob D epartment My Jot) Department is complete in every respect and I am able to do all kinds Commercial Job Printing on short notice at reasonable prices. FRIDAY. MARCH 15. 1912. RUSSIA’ S RESENTMENT. As might have been expected Russia is resenting the breaking of the treaty between that country and tlte United States. Sbe has not proposed to declare war, er anything of that kind, hut there are a good many indignation meet­ ings being held, mostly behind closed doors, and efforts are to be made to “ get even with the United States” h r having so suddenly ended a treaty that was in force for so many years. One of the propositions may re­ sult in great good to Russia, as W ell as to the rest of the world. It will certainly do so if the state­ ments made by the man proposing it are correct. At one of the meetings of pro­ test, a map of J'urkestan was shown, with a large area “ marked off.” It was claimed within the desig­ nated area splendid cotton can la- grown, and it was argued that the Russian government take stops to develope cotton growing in Tuske- stan, “ so Russia will not have to buy any more cotton from the United States.” Tha First Umbrellas. Those who suppose that the um­ brella is a modern contrivance will be surprised to learn that umbrellas may be found sculptured ou some of the Egyptian monuments and on the Nineveh ruins. That umbrellas bearing a close resemblance to those of today were in use long before the Christian era is shown by their rep­ resentation in the designs on an­ cient Greek vases. The umbrella made its first appearance in London about the middle of the eighteenth century, when one Jonas Ilunwav, it is said, thus protected himself from the weather at the cost of much ridicule. A Young Logician. Jennie’s mother was expecting company, but just before train time, says What to Eat. a telegram ar­ rived which read: “ Missed train. Will start same time tomorrow.” Jennie lushed home from school expecting to sec the guest, hut in­ stead was shown the message. After reading it laboriously and carefully through she exclaimed. “ Why. mamma, if she starts at the same time tomorrow she will miss the train again!” u. S. CLOVERDALE HOTEL CLOVERDALE, ORE. D. N. REQER, Proprietor. A Home Beds 50c Everything Eirst-class Your Patronage Solicited Our new story “The Fighting Hope” Now running in the Courier. Read it. BACK TO THE FARM is now the slogan, and the low Colonist Ta r e s From the Middle and Eastern portions of the. United ¡States II. F. H ig by , Register Travelers and Visitors Meals 35c and 50c Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior. Laud Ottice at Portland, Oregon, Jan. 3. 1912. Notice is hereby given that Mr. David W. Jones, whose postoffice address is <>08 Ash St., Portland, Oregon, did, on the 4th day of December, 1911. tile in this office sworn statement and appli­ cation, No. 03292 to purchase the s e ^ n e ‘4 and n e ±4 s e Section 34. Township 5 South, Range 10 West, Willamette Meridian, and the timber theron, under the provisions of the act of June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, known as the “ Timber and Stone Law.’’ at such value as might be fixed by ap­ praisement, and that pursuant to such application, tlie land and timber there on have been appraised, the timber es­ timated 300.000 boar* feet at 50c ]>er M, and 200,000 board feet at 20c per M, and the land $40.00; that said applicant will offer final proof in support of bis ap­ plication and sworn statement on the 20th day of March, 1912, before the Register and Receiver United States Land Office, at Portland, Oregon. Any person is at liberdy to protest the purchase la-fore entry, or initiate a contest at any time before patent issues, by filing a corroborated affidavit in this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry. tor T o O R E G O N ftND T H E N O R T H W E S T prevailing dolly AT THE HEAD OF THE An Indorsement. “ Mike,” said Plodding Pete, “ die idea of recallin’ judges, sounds like a good t’ing to me.” “ ¡Sure, I ’d like to be brought be j fore a brand-new judge every trip. He’s more apt to be sympathetic.” PROCESSION I SELLING \ DRUGS AND • DRUG SUNDRIES! CLOUGH ! CLOUGH, ovor the Southern - Pacific It* tho host moa^s of currying It out. Fates from How to Preserve Old Photo«. A unique wav to preserve old photos is us follows: Put the photo- , graphs into clean hot water; very soon the pictures loosen and may be easily removed from the cards. Accuracy in compounding pre- 1 When dry, either trim down to 1 script ion* and pure drugs is economize space or carefully cut w list gets us the bn tines* away the background entirely. Mount them in a scrap book or a Wants to see vou, at his store book made especially for kodak pic­ ' , you will not l>e urged to buy, tures. Yon will then have a book 1 and you sre sure to be interested with which you cun spend many | even if you do not see anything happy moments looking over famil­ I you want. iar scchcs and faces.— National Reliable Magazine. , M arch 1 to Apri! 15, *12 DmqflUt j j CHICAGO - - • •33.00 ST. LOUIS • * • 32.00 OMAHA • KANSAS CITY - • * • - 25.00 25.00 8T. PAUL • • 25.00 From other cities c«»i resoundingly low Colonist Fares are WEST-BOUND only, but they can be prepaid Iromanv itoint. If you have friends or relative* in the east who desire to “ OKI BACK TO TH E FARM ,” you can deposit the value of the fare with your nearest local »gent and a ticket will be telegraphed to any address de­ sired. . . . . ... Call on the undersigned for go<*l instructive literature to send hast. JOHN M. b o o n . GoneralPasssnder Agent Portland, Oregon.