Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, November 26, 1909, Image 6

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Miss Tohl of Slab Creek wras u n ­
Fred Stalford intends going to
on account of the storm to
Portland in a few days.
hold school one day this week.
Thanksgiving Day cleared in
time for the people to gather at the
A Scalded Boy’s Shrieks
Grange Hall. A nice program was horrified his grandmother, Mrs. Maria
rendered and a dinner such as only Tayfbr, of Xehn, Ky., who writes that,
when all thought lie would die, Bttck-
Tillamook people know, was en­ len’s Arnica Salve wholly cured him.
joyed by all,
The dinner was Infallible for Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Corns.
planned by the Grangers but others Wounds, Bruises. Cures Fever-Sons,
Boils, Skin Eruptions, Chilblains, Chap­
were present to share in the ped Hands, soon routs piles. 2oc a
Cloverdale Drug Store,
Thanksgiving hospitality.
Take advantage of
Bailey’s Sale of Boots and
Some good values at a reduction to
make room for incoming stock.
Bran i""1 Barley at Bailey’s . ;
Gome to the
From Tumor’s Leaflet.
out for hi* arrest, but owing to the
It is stated by the Mutual I ele- \ lateness of the hour it was not at-
phone people that the Hell lele- tended to until Tuesday morning,
phone Co. has offered to sill its lie came down next morning to
rights and system in this e< inty. j make his escape, hut having been
At a mutual meeting last week, d e ta in e d owing to his inability to
M. W. Harrison of the Tillamook have liis check cashed, he did not
County Bank and .1. C. Bozarth of get an early start
lie finally had
the Bay City Land Co., were a p ­ it cashed by J. J. Spencer, and
pointed a committee to inquire in­ started down by the Kdee mill to I
to the full legal and technical cut across the country and strike!
scope nf the offer, and parties rep­ the county road about a mile from 1
resenting both companies will ex­ town, in order to avoid capture.
amine the Hell system in its en­
Deputy constables were sent out
tirety, with a view to determining to the Necarney trail, and one was
its actual cost, if both lines should sent to the Edee mill, which hap G a re fu l W o rk m a n s h ip and
come into possession of either of pencd to he Mr. Spencer. He fail
corporations, the rates should ed to intercept his game at that
he raised to a point that will in­ point, so started on the road lead­
sure proper maintenance. An u n ­ ing to the necarney trail, to inter­
St.iftfaction G u a ra n te e d .
reliable telephone service is more cept him at a point near the Pine
harmful than beneficial in most Grove school house. He had just
c ises. The Hell Co. would certain- reached the probable point of the
ly have rendered better service i f ) prisoner’s intended junction with
the system had been a profitable the county road, when he heard a
investment. The rate per phone disturbance in the brush near the
should not he less than ll.oO to I'J road, and was surprised to see the
per month, and those for the use criminal coming toward him, not
of kids and gossipers should be bavins an idea he was wanted by
twice that rate. There is no satis- friend Spencer.
With the gentle
faction in trying to do business on persuasion of a 41-Colta he decided
a “skin-a-llee basis,
to retrace his steps toward town
«.* ■ | n v— ,
. .
with Mr. Spencer, and wasovident-
Por all knds of
O ob W ork
Wonld Be Murderer Arrested.
lv glat| to (lo so
From the Nclmlcm Enterprise:
j After a ,u.arinp Jn j ugUce Kf_
A great deal of excitement was fcnberger’a court he was bound
created when a man of desperate j oyer to the circuit court nnti, t h e !
character, Jacob Hill by name, apring u.rm> to shrre th„ ,ut o f |
was arrested on a charge of attempt- t |lo, # numerous - pigs.” which
ed murder in one of the camps Veterinary Surgeon Reedy was un-
along the construction work of the able to clnsify. ^ According to the
Sweeney Comtruction t’oinpnnv Headlight )
Returning about 11 p. m. with a
|>eputv sheriff Dawson took the
companion they entered the tent p r i i o m . r (|own to Tillamook. It’s
occupied by the station gang, of tim,, w\ . Wrre up an(, doing aJ
which he was a partner, picked up
“undesirables” are not the
a knife and attempted to lacerate C|.IS> thot ,V(>> rts R community, are
one of the men who were in bed. catering to
lie struck ut his intended victim
with the blade, but missed; the
others than rushed up m the as-
Tlu> cheow factorv clus<K,
sasin and saved the lift of their TuesJ..y
eompanion by timely interference.
Then they cam #' d,.wn to the
Mrs. Ole Red berg has recovered
her recent illness.
justice to have a warrant «worn
Blacksmith Shop
Has Opened and is ready for business
under the immurement of
Constantine Kozyreki
All work in wood and iron
done with neatness and