Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, November 26, 1909, Image 5

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} For the general new sof the
World also tor infer mat ion about
how to obtain the best results
in cultivating the soil. Stock
R aising, Fruit Growing etc.
You can secu re this excellent
p ap er by
T h e W e e k ly O r e g o n ia n
And Cloverdale Courier $1.80 Per Year
Notiee for Publicafion.
D epartm ent of th è In terio r,
r . S. Lami o lin e ut Portland, Oregoa.
O c t. 23. 1000.
Notieo is lierebv given th a t Alfred
C um m ings of l’ilner, Oregon, w ho, un
Aprii ti—mi l !H)9, inaile hom eetead e n try ,
«•rial No. 01890, for s e ' 4 stvtiou 21,
Tow nship i* sonili, rango 9 west, \\ il -
la m e tte nieridian, has (lieti notiee of in*
tention tu m ake linai c< m m u ta tio n
proni, to estahlisli elaini to thè lami
alaive tleserihed, l*ef«*re th è Register
aliti Keceiver, I S. Lami Otlice, at
l‘ortlantl, Oregon, un th è Stli tlay of
l'eeemhor, I1HI9.
Cluimuut mime, as w itnesaos :
«foliti \V. 1 foyer, Kdwunl K. West,
•lohn K«*pf, ritorna.- i iloie, all of l'itner,
( )rcg«*n.
Algernon S. I>resser, Register.
Notiee for Publicafion.
D epartm ent oi thè interior,
I . S. Lami Otlice at Portland. Oregon,
O e t. 23. 11 HO.
Notieo in ,herel*y given th a t H arry
Mavì e-, of l’ilner. Or«g«m, who, un
Aprii 22nd, P*09, inaile bomo-toud entry
serial No. 01SÓ2, for s e l4 station 23,
Tow nship li South rango 9 west, Wil-
laniette nieridian, lias lìled notiee of in-
tention to m ake linai coinm utation
proof, to ostai lish d a in i tt* th è land
altove tleserilieil, bifore thè Register and
lteeeiver, U. S. Lami Otlice, nt Portland,
Oregon, on th è St1 1 day of Deeeinher,
Claim unt nam es as witnossos:
(ì. \\ lleaeh, A nthony Van Btraleu,
Frank Van St raion, Puniol Reca, all of
| l’itner, Oregon.
A i . okknon S. I)RKssKr, Register.
Notice for Publication.
and area less critical and m ore cre d u ­
Notice for Publication.
D epartm ent of the Interior,
V. S. Land Oilice at Portland, Ore.,
D e p a rtm en t of th e Interior
E x -P resid e n t Roosevelt m ade a vain lous th a n can be found to d a y ; but by U. 8. Land Otlice, at Portland. Oregon,
Oct. 23, liKKi.
effort th ro u g h consultation with col
Notice is hereby given th at Reuben .1.
Nov. 6th, 1909.
Notice is hereby given th at Samuel Miller, of (iraiul Rondo, Oregon, who.
lege p residents a n d football highbrows fact rem a in s th a t th e re is a positive
to a m eliorate or hum anize the game. force a n d an a p p a re n t intelligence t h a t C. Buster, of Rose Lodge, Oregon, w ho, *>n April 22nd 1909, m ade homestead
on J a n u a r y 30th, IflOiS, m ade homestead e n try , serial No. 01H42, for s e l4 section
It was after his effort th a t his son who transcends th e known or norm al. At a application No. 15644, serial No. 01185, 36, tow nship 0 south, range 9 west, Wil­
has just entered H a rv a rd University
for n e ’4 . section 12, tow nship 7 south, lam ette nieridian, has filed notice of i n ­
had hie nose broken.
In th e last few ami u n s y m p a th e tic scrutiny, a table range 10 west, W illam ette Meridian, tention to m ake final com m utation
tli.vs four prom ising young men have was seen to rise entirely from th e floor. lias filed notice of intention to make proof, to establish claim to the land
final th re e year proof, to establish claim above described, before th e Register
m e t th e ir d e a th th ro u g h this brutal E ith e r th e spectators were hypnotized, to th e land above described, before and Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at
as was also th e cam era which took an
game. College presidents are p rea c h ­
Register ami Receiver, U. S Land of­ Portland, Oregon, on th e 9th day of
in sta n ta n e o u s picture, or else th e r e was fice, at P ortland, Oregon, on the 20th December, 1909.
ing against it b u t such is th e intensity
levitation in d e p e n d e n t of n o rm a l, m e ­ day of Dec« inber, 1900.
C hiiinant nam es as witnesses:
of the craze t h a t it is doubtful if th e t e r ­
Noah D. Ilnrtzler, F rank L. Buck.
C la im a n t names as witnesses:
chanical or physical means.
B ut this
rible recent exam ples will be potent i n
P. Neilsen, Charles Cogle, all
phenom enon is not new or even rare.
m ore th a n a tem p o rary check of deadly
| Beaver, Charles K. (iorton, all of Rose of (tre n d Rondo, Oregon.
Algernon 8. Dresser, Register.
football. W hile a com plete list of foot­ T housands and tens of th o u sa n d s are Lodge, Oregon.
fam iliar w ith it.
It has occurred in
A i . ukr . non S. D kicshkk , Register.
ball fatilities will not be m ade up until
a fter Thanksgiving th e d e a th list up to family circles in d ep e n d e n t of m sdium -
Notice for Publication.
istie assistance, and th o u sa n d s more
Notice for Publication.
d a te m akes it clear th at if th e gam e is
e p a rtm e n t of th e In te rio r
Departm ent of the Interior,
to retain its hold on popular favor r a d ­ m ay, with a little trouble and patience,
C. 8. Land Office at P ortland, Oregon,
l . 8 . Laud Office at Portland, Oregon,
Nov. 6th, 1909.
ical revision of its rules m ust he made. produce th e sam e results in th e family
Nov. 20. 1909.
circle where th e bona fidcs of those
Notice is hereby given t h a t H enry C.
A commission composed of Arm y and
Notice is hereby given that Flora M.
present will e lim in a te th e suspicion of Collings, of Butler, Oregon, who, on Starr, of Rose Lodge, Oregon, who, on
navy officers might he appointed tt*
trickery. How is it done? W ho knows? March 23rd, 1909. made homestead entry March 27», 1909, m ade hom estead a p ­
adopt ru 'e s which would be accepted as
plication, serial No. 017A6, for lots 2, 3
Maylte s o .
Undiscovered serial No. 01714, for n lc of n e ’4 , tri* of and L section 6, tow nship 7 south, range
a model by th e universities of th e
h u m an agency? Perhaps.
S upernor­ n w ' 4, section It, tow nship 7 south, | 9 west, W illam ette M eridian, has filed
c o untry.
l range 9 west, W illam ette m eridian, Ims
m al? Uoubtless, E lim in a te th e scores filed notice of intention to m ake fimd noth'** of intention to m ake final five
T he in au guration of th e President of of vulgar professional m ed iu m s, tricky | com m utation proof to establish claim to year proof, t<* establish claim to th e
land above described, before Register
th e TnitCvl States occurs b u t once in fortune tellers who subsist on hum an th e land above described, before Regist­ and Receiver, II. S. hind office, a t P o rt­
four years, an d tn c wet ami snowy bliz­ credulity and h u m a n sorrow.
The er and Receiver, a t Portland, Oregon, land, Oregon, on th e 29tli «lay of De-,
cemlier, 1909,
zard of .March F o u rth last ami the pro­ presence of a force unknow n to science, on tIn■ 28th day of December, 1909.
C laim ant nam es as witnesses:
Cluitnnnt nam es as witnesses:
verbial bad w eather of th at d ate has and a su p e rn o rm a l intelligence cannot
(ieo. A. Deluding, II. L. Toney, Frank
Samuel Buster, 1J. S. (leaner, Jaspei
aroused a s e n tim e n t for changing th e l*e d e n ie d —is not denied e x c ep t by Riee, Edw ard Rahior, all of Butler, Agee, J o h n Deakins, all of R«««e L<»lgc,
d a te to th e 30th of April, th e d a te on scientific dogm atists.
Algernon S. Dresser, Register.
Al.OKK.NON S. D hksskk , Register.
which P re sid e n t W ashington was in ­
$100 R ew ard, $1 0 0 . *
W i t h im provem ents in:
Kills Her Foe Of 20 Years.
m eans ami cheanness of travel, with I The readers of this t*a|*er will f*e
N otice for P ublication.
... - . .
j pleased to learn t h a t th e re i s a t least one
„large*! accom odations in W ashington
hllH Uh5I1
“ T he ino»t meiciless enemy i had i«>r
D epartm ent of the in te rio r.
th e n u m b e r of visitors will greatly in­ able to cure in all its stages, an d t h a t is 20 years, ’ «lectures Mrs Janies Duncan, 1 8 L and Office al P ortland, O r w o n ,
crease, and it lias become a <pi stimi C a ta rr h . H all’s C a ta rrh C u re is the
Nov. 6 th, It««».
of Ilayncsville, Me., "w a s Dys|*epsia, I
Notie** is hereby given th a t ( 'b a r b s
not only of public convenience but of only positive cure now know n to the
medical fraternity. C a ta rrh being a
public health th at a m ore salubrious constitutional disease, reijnires a consti­ suffered intensely after eating or drink- i F. (io rto n , of Rose faxlge, Oregon, win*,
After «ni J u n e 17th, 1909, m ade lioinestea«!
d a te shall be selected for this national tutional t re a tm e n t. H a i r s C a t a r r h Cur« ing ami ooul<I scarcely sleep.
e ntry N o . ----- Serial No. 02009, for lot
is ta k e n in ternally, acting directly u|*on m any rem edies had faile«l ami several 4, See. 5, lot I ami s • ' 4 of n «• (^, see-
th e blood a n d mucous surfaces of the
tion 6, tow nship 7 south, range 9 west,
I tried Electric W illam ette M eridian, has file«! notice of
Through eX|*eriments with Eusapia system , th ere b y destroying th e foundat «loctors gave me up.
I’allidino, th e fanioii- Italian m edium , i 11** ii of th ed ise ase , and giving th e {*atieti Bitters, whieli cured me completely. intention to m ake final th re e year proof,
who is now in New York, atte n tio n will [ s tre n g th by building lip th e constitution N'*w I can cat anything. I am 70 years to establish claim to th e lami above «le­
and assist ing na tu re in doing it- work
so ri I .«>d. •-»? «re register and receiver, C.
a* i
-<»nce more m l »«e
directed h* w hat ha- »*ecn ' T he proprietors have so m uch faith ii. o’d ami an; ovcrj..wd t*> get my health 5. lumi oilice, at Pori land, Oregon, «»n
• ailed “ spiritualism
r h i s m ay not i t s c u r a l i « « |«<w«i« m at they offer t me ami stre n g th hack «ga;n ."
For fmli- th e 21-t day of Dec. 1909.
be a correct n am e or a scientific nam e. H u n d re d Itollars for any case th a t it gestiofi, L«»-a of a ppetite, Kidney T ro u ­
C laim ant nami's as witnesses:
tl. ('. S ta rr, Hairiuel C. Buster. Ja sp e r
It may not la-th e n am e by which it will fails to cure. Send for testim onials.
Address K. J . C h e n it f <i Co., Toledo, O
Prank \ . (iesuer, all of H ose
l*c finally known.
Spiritualism was a
it - iine*|iia|fd. Only 50o ¡it the Clover- Irrigo, Oregon,
Hold by all druggists, 7 ••
na m e given it fifty y ea rs ago in an era ( Take H all's Fam ily Pill-for const! pat lor. dale Drug St .re.
A u . khnon 8. D rksskh , R»*gi»t«'r.
Washington, D. C. Notes.