Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, November 26, 1909, Image 4

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    saw something the other day
Cloverdale Courier that We looked
like a spider on the
Go To The
Published Every Friday by
moon, but when we got closer we
that it was John Dickens
0. E. Trombley, Editor and Publisher.
trying to hold the roof on his barn
"Entered ns second-cl ass matter, Nov­ in that wind storm.
ember 13th, 1905 at the j>ost office at Clo­ John Morris is “laid up” with a
verdale, Tillamook County, Oregon,un­
der Act of Congress, March 3rd, 1878. sore hand,
John Bones’ horse fell down with
him the other day injuring his foot
•* S ubscription R ates
pretty badly.
One Year, in advance................... $1.00 Any one wanting to buy a good
Six Months ...........................................50
T) iree Months........................................ 35 dog call on Perry Wheeler; any
Single Copy............................................05
one wanting to buy lots of dogs
call on John Dickens.
A dvertising R ates
Some one poisoned one of Mel
Displayed Advertisements, 50 cents per Burton’s dogs the other day. We
inch per month, single column. All think that is about as low down
l oca I Reading Notices, 5 cents j>er and cowardly a trick as a man
line for each insertion.
Timber land notices
$10.00 could do. If you haye anything
Homestead notices
Pelitical Announcement Cards $10.00 against a mar. take it out on him,
don’t slip around and kill a dumb
brute; if you do, stand up and
J ob D epartment
shoot it like a man, don’t be a
My Job Department is complete in every coyote.
respect and I am able to do all kinds
Commercial Job Printing on short Lots of salmon coining in Devils
notice at reasonable prices.
Lake now. The law breakers are
all catching their winters fish,
while the fish warden sits up at
FRIDAY, NOV. 26, 1900.
Salem and smokes his pipe and the
fishermen pay for it.
Otis News.
Lota of land buyers here from We see by the Kernville writer
the Valley, but they want to put that they are talking cheese fac­
the prica on our places ami get tory over there. Bv the run of
the writer’s talk during the last
mad if we will not sell.
or three years, a man must
Mrs. Fred Butterfield is on the two
enough to fill a syrup
sick list and is quite ill at this keg if brains
he would make cheese, and
a purse of money three feet long to
It. K. Oviutt and family and A. build a factory with. We saw in
M. Roy sc have gone to Sheridan the items last spring where one
with a load of smoked salmon.
party down there had 500 dollars
Miss Edith McDonald is work­ to help build a factory with. Now
Mr. If. F. Parmele is going to col­
ing for Mrs. Walt Crowley.
lege this winter to learn to make
Lots of coyotes hero now. Jim cheese.
don’t they take two
Savage killed one the other day or three Why
hundred dollars and put
and took it to Willamina. Jim up a factory,
then some one go
belongs to the wolf club in Yam- over to the Nestucca
country to
bill county.
some good factory and work three
The dancing season lias opened or four weeks and learn to make
here. There will be two dances cheese, and stop talking. Mr. Al.
Thursday night; one at Ote Me- West of Otis wanted a factory last
Milieu's and one at II. C. Curl’s. spring so he took a couple of hun­
Let the young folks have a good dred dollars and built as nice a
time this bad weather.
litPc factory as one would want
I’armele’s have a fine lot of and sufficient to take the milk
spruce lumber in their yard now. 1;>D eows. Mr. Lilhurn Hurd-
Lots of fine boat lumber. Send in inK ,,»'n didn’t know a cheese from
your order and build you a boat t,,e
moon, however, he went
before you yet drowned in one of to Cloverdale and worked four
those old Carey tubs.
weeks in a factory and came back
Clint Star put hia fishing tackle * " d
cheeae for Mr. West al!
made as good cheese
away and went home from Silclz
Oregon. We have
this week.
factory that will be r«*ady
Charley jlem strret has stood on another
the sand spit and looked toward iu the spring.
A N kw C om e h .
Astoria for a U>at ’till, at the pres­
ent. he is about “laid” up with sore Go and see the new furniture at
%• and he savs
* if the boat don’t
get here soon with something to the Cloverdale Mercantile Co’s,
«'at he will U* bothered with furniture department. They may
“atummick” trouble.
have something that you will want.
Cloverdale Mercantile Co.
And inspect their new lino
(look Stoves,
Heating Stoves, I
At Right prices.
Always glad to show
( i i v e us a call.
Cloverdale Mercantile Co.
General Merchandise.