CLOVERDALE VOL. 5. CLOVERDALE. TILLAMOOK COUNTY. OREGON, NOV. 26. 1909. NO. 18 y**«rs since its manufacture is a THIS VICINITY IS VISITED BY A |conjecture, but it is supposed hy SEVERE KAIN STORM, air. Wooden that it was brought in by the Hudson Hay Company and ^ paid to the Indians in early days Water Has Not Been So High In THE OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS OF THU ¡and lost by them. It was found , Nineteen Years. I at the bottom of the furrow which ! oi would indicate that it had been there a long time blit was still as From Sunday afternoon until are thankful that we have enjoyed a substantial ¡ in the bright as when it came from the ‘Tuesday evening ot this week this mint. number • >f our depositors, during the past year and we hope eaeh locality was visited by the most and every resident of <>ur prosperous county lias much to he An agreement has been tiled severe rain storm of the past nine­ thankful for. We invite vou to call on us for anything in the with the County Clerk between N. teen years, the water raising higher hanking line, feeling sure that our facilities and resouices arc N. Brooten and John Anderson than it has been since 1890. such that we can please you. We are especially equipped for and T. H. Faulconer, in which it is The water reached its highest issuing drafts on the Old Country. agreed to sell the ore from what is stage about live o’clock Monday known as the Brooten mineral; evening and did not begin to recede property, in the south part of the until sometime towards the next county. The Ore is to be known as morning. When the water was at the “Brooten’s Kelp Ore.’ and the its highest it flooded the street in a l panics agree to take not less than front of the post office some, and $oQQ worth during the , first the »weet worn eis a gasoline two masted schooner, in ings, and under favorable con­ bulky mail arrived on Thurs- command of Capt. Latham, ar­ ditions. The officers are bearthed On Wednesday th e Launch and j rived in on Thursday on her maid­ aft in a deck cabin and the crew Queen of Pacific City made a trip to Cloverdale, having on board Mr. VVe un.Iei-Bta»,.1 that there has en trip to Tillamook. In her com­ ; forward. pany was the Elmore and Argo; Brier, Fred Murphy, Virgil Mag- bcen some had washouts on the Unearths Rare Coin. all three boats being tied up at arrell and J. H. Perkins. They grades south of Beaver and that a the wharf at one time gave our Trom The wdlamina Times: made the trip against the curreni large fill just this side of Tilla­ water front a lively appearance. Mr. James Wooden, who lives in one hour and eleven minutes. mook was partially washed away Tho Oshkosh’s gross tonage is some five miles out on the Butler Mr. Perkins is the father of Mrs. 145 ton, net 123. She is ‘>5 feet road, brought to this office last Magarrell, and he and wife who causing considerable damage. No long and 24 foot beam. Hold is 7 Friday a rare old coin that was are from Atlanta, Iowa, have been serious damage was done in thin feet deep and when fully loaded found by his son while plowing in visiting at the home of their locality. iraws Hft aft. She brought in a tlie field. The coin is a trifle larg­ daughter for the past two months, cargo of 187 tons under the hatches. er than the fifty cent piece and Mr. Perkins is an Iowa farmer, Ladies! make your men folks Capt. Thomas Latham, her cpm- l»ears date of 1830. It is of the and has seen the state develop buy the Ross shoe-sole, at the mander, informs us that she left Bolivian Republic of South Ameri­ from its earliest days, having been Cloverdale Mercantile Co. store, to Astoria at 5:45 a. m. on the 11th ca. Just where this coin came born there. He is now well'up in keep your fresh washed floors clean and arrived at (Jarabaldi at 11:20 from and how it has spent the Ho bis sixties. I and protect your carpets. LET ALL BE THANKFUL First National Bank " V. Tillamook " Cloverdale Meat Market All Kinds oi Fresh and Cured Meats Fur Sale at Right Prices. * Í