Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, November 19, 1909, Image 5

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    Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior,
l T. S. Land office at Portland, Oregoi,
Oct. 23. 1909.
> For the general newsof the
World also for information about
how to obtain the best results
in cultivating die soil. Stock
I Raising, Fruit Growing etc.
You can secure this excellent
paper by
Notice is hereby given that Alfred
Cummings of Pitner, Oregon, who, on
| April 22nd. 1909, made homestead entry,
serial No. 01890, foi s e l4 section 21,
Township 6 south, range 9 west, W il­
lamette meridian, has tiled notice of in-
( tent ion to make final commutation
proof, to establish claim to the land
(above described, Indore the Register
j and Receiver, IT. S. I .and Otiice, at
! Portland, Oregon, on tin* 8th duv of
I December, 1909.
Claimant names as witnesses:
John W. Hover, Edward K. West,
John Kopf, Thomas tilore, all of Pitner,
Algernon S. Dresser, Register.
Notice for Publication
Department of tin Interior,
T. 8. Land Otfice a* Portland. Oregon,
Oct. 23. 1909.
Notice is hereby given that Harry A.
Davies, of Pitner, Oregon, who, oil
Aoril 22nd, 1909, made homestead entry
serial No. 01832, for s e *4 section 23,
Township t> south range 9 west, W il­
lamette meridian, has tiled notice of in­
tention to make tlnal commutation
proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before the Register and
Receiver, 1'. S. Laud Otiice, at Portland,
Oregon, on the 8th day of December,
Claimant names as witnesses:
O. W. Reach, Anthony Van Stralvn,
Frank Van Stru’en, Daniel Rees, all of
Pitner, Oregon.
A uiehnon S. Dams s ir, Register.
T h e W e e k ly O r e g o n ia n
And Cloverdale Courier $1.80 Per Year
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior,
and shall he credited and kept by painting the inside wood werk of
l . S. Land Otfice at Portland, Ore.,
Suppose those
The new law gives rulings for the treasurer to the account of the Webb’s mansion.
Oct. 23, 1909.
Notice is hereby given that Reuben J.
holding district road meetings, and
Miller, of Orand Rondo, Oregon, who.
James Atkinson has been on the on April 22ml 1909, made homestead
voting special read levies, for the
entry, serial No. 01842, for s « l4 section
sick list of late.
3*1, township 0 south, range 9 west, W il­
improvement of county roads by
lamette meridian, lias tiled notice of in­
Emmett Webb, and Ira Dimond
district taxation. It reads as fol­
Jerrr Lewailen and son Fred tention to make final commutation
were Tillamook visitors last week.
lows: The taxpayers of any road
and family visited at Atkinson’s proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, Iwfore the Register
district in any county of the state
Norman Myers had the misfor­ for a few days Iasi week.
ami Receiver, U. S. Laud Otiice, at
Portland, Oregon, on the 9th day of
may vote an additional tax for tune to loose a horse last week.
Elt Webb understands the art December, 1909.
road purposes, providing at least
Claimant names as witnesses:
Joe Osborne has left the Lake of painting pretty well. Ask Joe
Noah D. Ilnrt/.ler, Frank L. Buck.
ten per cent of the taxpayers of
bound for 'Tillamook and Portland. Finnigau about it.
Andrews P. Neilsen, Charles Cogle, all
said district shall give notice by
of Grand Itonde, Oregon.
Algernon 8. Dresser, Register.
Joe Finnigan and Elt Webb
posting notices in three public
Kills Her Foe Of 20 Years.
places in said road district, and spent Sunday at the Edwards
“ The most merciless enemy I had for
one in the court house and pub­ home.
Notice for Publication.
20 years,” declares Mrs James Duncan,
Department of the Interior
lish one notice three weeks in one
Ade, Ola and Lucious Lane of of Haynesville, Me., “ was Dyspepsia, I U. 8. Land Otiice at Portland, Oregon.
weekly newspaper of general cir­ Hebo ure visiting with relatives in
Nov. 6th, 1900.
suffered intensely after eating nr drink­
that Henry O.
culation, signed by at least ten our vicinity.
ing ami could scarcely sleep.
Viter Starr, of Rose Lodge, Oregon, who, on
per cent of the taxpayers of said
March 25, 1909, made homestead ap­
The dance at Lane’s Saturday many remedies had failed and several plication, serial No. 01755, for lots 2, 3
road district, giving the time, place
evening was well attended and all doctors gave me up. I tried Electric and 4, section 6, township 7 south, range
and object of said meeting, which
9 west, Willamette Meridian, has filed
Bitters, which cured me completely. notice of intention to make final five
report a jolly time.
meeting shall be held in the month
Now I can eat anything. I am 70 years year proof, to establish claim to the
Norman Mvers returned from
of December and at the time of
land above described, Is-fore Register
old and am overjoyed to get my health ami Receiver, U. 8. land otiice, at Port­
said meeting it shall be organized
ami strength hack again.”
For Indi­ land, Oregon, on the 20th day of De­
by the election of a chairman and him another horse which he bought
cember, 1909.
Claimant names as witnesses:
secretary, and at such meeting at Portland.
Samuel Buster, U. H. (leaner, Jasper
ble, Larne back* Female Complaints,
there may be a majority vote of
John Deakins, all of Rose L slge,
Mable Dimond left the Lake it’s unequaled. Only 50c at the Clover-
such taxpayers, levied such ad­ Saturday to work for Mrs. Guy dale Drug Store.
A ixiehnon 8. D hkshkk , Register.
ditional tax as they may deem ad­ Vaune.
Forced Into Exile.
visable to improve the roads of
Notice for Publication.
Guy Vaune of Tillamook was in
of iilenn Oak, Oklu.,
said district, and if a tax he levied
I>epartment of the Interior.
this vicinity last Saturday.
was an exile from home. Mountain air, U. 8. Land Otiice at Portland, Oregon,
it shall be the duty of said chair­
Nov. 6th, 1909.
Bowley Edwards of Dundee is he thought, would cure a frightful lung-
man and secretary to certify to the
that Charles
racking cough that had defied ail rem­
county clerk of such county, prior on the Lake visiting relatives.
edies for two years. After six months
On June 17th, 1909, made homestead
to January 1st, the levy so made
Mr. Foster of Missouri, hut late­ he returned, death dogging his steps. entry N o .----- Serial No. 02009, for lot
by the taxpayers of »aid district, ly from Dundee is on the Lake. “ Then I began to use Dr. King's New j 4, Sec. 5, lot I and s • ' 4 of n e t£, sec­
6, township 7 south, range 9 west,
• nd the county clerk shall com­ We understand he intends locating Discovery,” he writes, “ and after tak- tion
ing six Isittles I atn as well as ever.” It Willamett • Meridian, has tiled notice of
intention to make final three year proof,
pute and extend said levy on the out in tha wild west to see if his
saves thousands yearly from desperate | to establish claim to the lam! alstvs de­
assessment roll for said year the wife’s health will improve.
lung diseases. Infallible for coughs and scribed, before register ami receiver, U.
same as other taxes are extended,
colds, it disjwlls hoarseness and sore 5. land office, at Portland, Oregon, on
Those Webbs and Will Galloway
throat. Cures drip, bronchitis, hemor­ the 2ist day of lh*c. 1900.
and it shall be the duty of the tax
Claimant names us witnesses:
and wife spent Sunday at the Ira rhage, Ast hma, Croup,Whooping Cough.
11 (.’ . Starr, Samuel C. Buster, Jas|>er
collector to proceed to collect said
Dimond home.
50c ami 11.MU, trial bottle free, guaran­ Agee, Frank X. (leaner, all of Rose
taxes in money the same as any
ixslge, Oregon,
teed by the Cloverdale Drug store
Emmett and Kit NVehb are busy ,
A u . khno . n S. D kksskk , R egister
other taxes are collected by him,
Important To Road Districts.