T w i ü v C i U c n ii I p e c ^ o rv u « « r *•• i e a r were thrown into the air, ami tlie !W-liO u„ w.„ through them as though they were putty. A potato, Published Every Friday by wrap|xd in red white and blue paper, C. E. Trombley, Edltoi and Publisher. was tnen thrown up and shot at with rifle, with the result that the entire object was so thoroughly shot to pieces "Entered as second-class matter, Nov­ as to cause what api>eaied like a shower ember J3th, 1905 at the post office at Clo­ verdale, Tillamook County, Oregon, un­ of confetti to fall upon the ground. der Act of Congress, March 3rd, 1878. With a 32-20 semi-smokeless cartridge, using a Stevens Ideal rifle, he did some pretty work in reflection shooting, and . S ubscription R ates with the use of a small mirror, hit ob­ jects without looking at them, holding One Year, in advance...................... $1.0C the gun in many different positions. He dix Months............................................. 50 then gave a demonstration with a 2'- Three Months......................................... 25 caliber rifle, using cartridges which he •ingle Copy.............................................05 had secured at the Cloverdale Mercan­ tile Co., store. This was the most wonderful work he did and best showed A dvertising R ates his remarkable skill as a marksman. displayed Advertisements, 50 cents per Little bits of bricks as small as the ends inch per month, single column. All of your thumb, slot machine slugs, pen­ I ocal Reading Notices, 5 cents per nies and all sorts of little things like line for each insertion. that were thrown into the air and the Tim her land notices $10.00 unerring hit every one of Homestead notices 5.00 them and markcman them singing into spuce Political Announcement Cards $10.00 To show sent the cleanliness of the Peters semi-smokeless cartridge, the Captain died, two hundred shots from a 22- calibre rifle without cleaning or stopping J ob D epartment onlv long enough to till the magazine, My Job Department is complete in every and when the two hundred shots had respect and I am able to do all kinds been fired the gun was as clean as Commercial Job Printing on short though not more than one shot had been fired, notice at reasonable prices. The demonstration concluded with an exhibition of shotgun shooting at which the captain showed himself to be as ex­ pert as with the rifle. He filled the FRIDAY, AUG. 6, 1909. magazine of a Remington auto-loading gun with mixed shells of semi-smoke­ less and different grades of nitro powd­ ers, and shot at tin cans and other ob­ A Clever Man With a Rifle. jects both stationary and thrown into the air. A tin can thrown into the air had all of the shots of the magazine emptied into it before it got a chance to ' light.” As deputy United States Marshal, Captain Bartlett had a fight with a bad gang of horse thieves in 1883 in Daxota, and in the scrimmage he was shot in the knee. Afterwards he conducted a trad­ ing store near the Pin** Ridge Agency and the Indians gave him the name of I "Wounded Knee” on account of his slight limp, the result of his wound. Personally the captain is a most inter­ esting gentleman and has a rich fund of historical knowledge of much value. He has been with the Peters Company for ten years, an 1 is now permanently located in San Francisco as the repre­ sentative of the firm. m i,„liet8 1 r Dried r ruft! Peaches, Pears, Raisins, Appl e s, I Sees Mother Grow Young. "It rwould be hard to overstate the wonderful change in my mother since she l>egan to use Electric Bitters,’’writes Mrs. W. L. Gilputrick of Danforth, Me. Although past 70 she seems really to be growing young again. She suffered untold misery from dyspepsia for 20 years. At last she could neither eat, drink nor sl«*ep. Doctors gave her up and all remedies failed till Electric Bit­ ters worked such wonders for her health ” They invigorate all vital organs, cure Liver and Kidney troubles, induce, sl«*ep, impart strength and appetite. Only 50c at Cloverdale Drug S, >re. Captain George E. Bartlett, ex-Unit- ed States marshal and scout, known among the Sioux Indians of the Dakotas as "Wounded Knee,” was shooting up the town here Tuesday. The captain is the coast representative of the Peters Cartridge Com(>any and the exhibitions he gives are for the pur- l«oae of demonstrating the superiority of the cartridges made by his company and the different kinds of powder used. After a preliminary, and very in­ structive talk on the various kinds of Material for Boxen, powder and cartridges used, the captain Boat Lumber, proceeded to demonstrate. Using a Remington auto-loading rifle shooting All kinds of building material 30-30 cartridges, he first shot at pieces of ( except matched lumlier. brick throw n in the air and the pieces We saw perfect lumber in Fir were reduced to powder. He shot at a and Spruice. quart tin can filled with water and are after busines and want sealed, thrown in the air, and the bullet to We treat our customers right. struck the can square in the end and G ive u e a T rial. reduced it to a scrap of tin, while the water disap|>eared in thin vapor. Borne P O ST E R B R O S. pieces of boiler plate al>*ut three inehes Meda, Ore. square auu a quai ter ut an iiicli thick, Building Material At Prices that are right. Tomato Catsup 15c per bottle or two bottles for 25c. I Yours Respectfully, Cloverdale Mercantile Co. General Merchandise. -J