Cannon Beach gazette. (Cannon Beach, Or.) 1977-current, November 17, 2017, Page 5A, Image 5

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    November 17, 2017 | Cannon Beach Gazette | • 5A
Find the perfect wine to complement
your Thanksgiving holiday dinner
he holiday season is here and
customers often ask us to
recommend the perfect wine to
enjoy with their upcoming feast.
If you like turkey and all of the
fixings as much as I do, then you can
hardly wait. I can almost smell the
turkey in the oven now. Thanksgiving
is probably my favorite holiday because
the dinner is so diverse in flavors and
textures. From fruit salad, green bean
casserole and mashed potatoes, to
cornbread stuffing, cranberry sauce and
sweet potatoes, Thanksgiving dinner
is the perfect occasion for serve a wide
variety of wines.
While we have hundreds of wines
that are worthy, here are the wines we
are recommend for your Thanksgiving
table this year.
For starters, nothing says “party”
better than bubbles. I really enjoy Do-
maine Michelle’s “Luxe” 2012 sparkling
wine. Luxe is made in the classic style
of French Champagne, classic grapes
— pinot noir, chardonnay and pinot
meunier, and classic method — using
tirage, dosage and three years of sur lies
aging. The result is a delicious sparkler
with notes of apple, spice and freshly
baked bread. I also like Argyle Brut
sparkling wine.
For white wine fans, I think you’d
love Pudding River Viognier, because
of its wonderful aromas and flavors of
peach, apple, tropical fruits and white
flowers. If you are serving crab, shrimp
or a fruit salad with your Thanksgiving
meal, viognier is a wonderfully com-
plex partner. I also recommend Season
Cellars Viognier.
Because The Wine Shack is primarily
focused on Pacific Northwest wines,
I don’t recommend French wine very
What are you
drinking this
tanning is the mouth and offers flavors
of dried cherry, cocoa and baking spice.
This is a perfect wine for those of you
grilling your Thanksgiving turkey. I also
recommend Zerba Cellars Zinfandel.
When it’s time for dessert, pumpkin
pie and pecan pie are the traditional
Thanksgiving desserts and as you can
imagine, I love them both. While for-
tified wines like ruby port and madeira
go nicely with pie, I think a late harvest
dessert wine like Capitello Dolcino is
the perfect match. Made from frozen
gewürztraminer grapes, Dolcino is an
explosion of peaches, apricots and hon-
eysuckle with notes of ginger and clove.
This wine is special and a wonderful
way to end the Thanksgiving festivities.
I also recommend Kiona Chenin Blanc
Ice Wine.
Happy Thanksgiving from The Wine
Shack. Please drink responsibly. Don’t
drink and drive.
often. But this year, the perfect thanks-
giving wine lineup includes a bottle
of Kermit Lynch’s 2017 Beaujolais
Nouveau. Made from 100% Gamay
fruit harvested only six to eight weeks
ago, this Beaujolais Nouveau is packed
with flavors of red cherry, raspberry,
cranberry, cotton candy, spice and dried
fig. I can’t wait to drink this wine. For a
local selection, I recommend Primarius
Pinot Noir.
If you feel compelled to drink only
big red wines all of the time, my recom-
mendation is J Scott Cellars Zinfandel.
Made with fruit from the Columbia Val-
ley, this zinfandel is jammy with smooth
Wildlife biologist to share
the world of the puffin
happy autumn/almost winter to all our library friends
and visitors! Your Cannon Beach Library has already
morphed into a cozy winter nook — flickering fire, lots
of previously loved books for sale, and shelves full of good
reads to check out. And for these dark and stormy evenings,
we also keep a good selection of films to check out!
Just a reminder: The library will be closed on Thursday,
Nov. 23, in honor of
Thanksgiving Day.
These are a few
upcoming events at the
The always antici-
pated Holiday Tea will
be held at the library
on Saturday, Dec. 2, from 1 to 4 p.m. Tea and warm cider will
be available, plus lots of baked goodies, including brownies,
cookies, and homemade breads. It’s always been a good way
to get ready for the holidays. Also, quilt ticket purchasers, the
name of the lucky winner will be drawn at about 3:30 that
afternoon, so keep your fingers crossed! If the winner is local,
he or she can take it home that day. If not, we will telephone
the lucky individual and arrange to ship it out. You need not
be present to win!
Santa Claus will be arriving at the Cannon Beach Cham-
ber Hall on Saturday, Dec. 9, from 1 to 4 p.m.! He will be
present so all our little ones — both locals and visitors — can
have their pictures taken with him. The event will benefit the
The December HRAP lecture will be held at 7 p.m. on
Wednesday, Dec. 13. This month the talk will be given by
Shawn Stephenson, Wildlife Biologist with the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service. The title of his lecture will be “The Puffin
Study.” This will be a great opportunity for people who have
enjoyed watching the arrival of these clever birds each year
at Haystack Rock and Silver Point to learn more about their
habits and migration patterns.
In December, Cannon Beach Reads, the library book
club, will be reading and discussing “In Defense of a Liber-
al Education,” by Fareed Zakaria. Bob Lundy will lead the
discussion. New members are always encouraged! The book
discussions always occurs on the third Wednesday of each
month from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Cannon Beach Library.
We library volunteers would like to wish each and every
one of you a warm and wonderful holiday season!
Cannon Beach’s Best Selection
of Oregon and Washington Wine!
Tuesday, Nov. 21
Seaside School District Board of
Directors, 6 p.m., 1801 S. Franklin,
Tuesday, Dec. 5
Cannon Beach City Council, 7 p.m.,
City Hall, 163 E. Gower St.
Monday, Dec. 11
Cannon Beach Rural Fire Protec-
tion District, 6 p.m., 188 Sunset,
Cannon Beach.
Tuesday, Dec. 12
Cannon Beach City Council, 5:30
p.m., work session, City Hall, 163 E.
Gower St.
Seaside School District Board of
Directors, 6 p.m., 1801 S. Franklin,
Tuesday, Dec. 19
Friday, Dec. 29
Emergency Preparedness Commit-
tee, 9 a.m., City Hall, 163 E. Gower St.
Cannon Beach Public Works
Committee, 9 a.m., City Hall, 163
E. Gower St.
Tuesday, Jan. 2
Tuesday, Dec. 21
Tuesday, Jan. 9
Cannon Beach Parks and Commu-
nity Services Committee, 9 a.m.,
City Hall, 163 E. Gower St.
Cannon Beach City Council, 5:30 p.m.,
work session, City Hall, 163 E. Gower St.
Cannon Beach Design Review
Board Meeting, 6 p.m., City Hall,
163 E. Gower St.
Ecola Creek Watershed Council,
4:30 p.m., City Hall, 163 E. Gower St.
Thursday, Dec. 28
Cannon Beach Public Works
Committee, 9 a.m., City Hall, 163
E. Gower St.
Cannon Beach Planning Commis-
sion, 6 p.m., City Hall, 163 E. Gower St.
Cannon Beach City Council, 7 p.m.,
City Hall, 163 E. Gower St.
Monday, Jan. 15
Tuesday, Jan. 16
Nov 18 • Wines for Th anksgiving Day
Nov 24 • Puffi n Wines
Nov 25 • Sokol Blosser
Dec 2 • Stranger Th ings
Dec 9 • Best Wines of 2017
Dec 16 • Holiday Favorites
Shack Hours
Sunday - Th ursday
11am to 5pm
Friday & Saturday
11am to 5:30pm
Tasting Room Hours
Saturdays • 1 to 5pm
“Best Wine Shop”
- 2016 Reader’s Choice Award
124 N. Hemlock, Cannon Beach - 503.436.1100 -
MAYOR: Sam Steidel
COUNCILORS: Mike Benefield,
Nancy McCarthy, Brandon
Ogilvie and George Vetter
INTERIM CITY MANAGER: Jason Schermerhorn
Is published monthly by the City of Cannon Beach
163 E. Gower Street • P.O. Box 368 • Cannon Beach, OR 97110
(503) 436-1581 • Fax: (503) 436-2050 • TTY (503) 436-8097
City Council Regular Meeting
City Council Work Session
Design Review Board
Planning Commission
November 7, 2017
• Council met in executive session
to conduct City Manager finalist
November 8, 2017
• Council met in executive session
to deliberate on the City Manager
November 8, 2017
• Council announced the candidate
of choice for the City Manager
position: Bruce St. Denis. He is
scheduled to start on December 1st
as the new City Manager for Cannon
SION, November 14, 2017
• Council to consider an
appointment to the Public
Works Committee for a
4-year term starting imme-
• Council to consider the ap-
proval of the City Manager
Employment Agreement
with Bruce St. Denis;
• City Attorney to explain how
the Charter defines Council
vacancies and appointments;
• Council to schedule their
Goal Setting Retreat and the
special work session with the
Tourism & Arts Commission
in January 2018.
• Finance Director Laurie Saw-
rey to present the 1st quarter
fiscal year ending 2018 (July-
Sept 2017) report.
– The Design Review Board
met October 19, 2017 and
DRB 17-08, Endreson et al,
Application for External Modi-
7:00 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
fications to a Duplex at 163 W. Orford.
DRB 17-03, Bell, Request for Exte-
rior Modifications to an Existing Com-
mercial Building at 3115 S. Hemlock.
The Design Review Board is meet-
ing scheduled for November 16, 2017
at 6:00 p.m. has been cancelled.
Planning Commission met September
28, 2017 to conduct work sessions
on the foredune management plan
update, work force housing and tree
The Planning Commission is sched-
uled to meet November 21, 2017 at
6:00 p.m.
The search for a new City Manager is over. The City Council
has decided to hire Bruce St. Denis whose first day on the job is
expected to be December 1st. Bruce St. Denis has 25 years of
upper-level local government management experience, and re-
cently served as District Manager for DFPG, a municipal service
management firm in Tampa, FL. Previously, Mr. St. Denis served
as Town Manager for the Town of Longboat Key, FL for 15 years,
and as Director of Facility Management for Pinellas County, FL
for 10 years. He holds a Masters of Management degree from
the University of South Florida.
Following is a brief synopsis of the recruitment process:
a. Our recruitment attracted a highly qualified candidate
pool. The average level of municipal management expe-
rience was very impressive.
b. The recruitment drew interest both locally and across the
country. In total there were 33 applicants, 14 of whom
were from Oregon, and four of whom were from the
North Oregon Coast.
c. The three finalists participated in multiple rounds of
interviews, including with the City Council, community
members, City department heads, and local government
d. The finalists also underwent background and reference
checks, and provided a supplemental written essay.
e. Additionally, a public forum was held on Monday evening,
November 6th, at which the finalists answered questions
provided by the community. The City staff also had an
opportunity to meet and ask questions of the finalists here
at City Hall.
f. Each person who participated in the evaluation process,
including interviewers and forum attendees, was able to
complete a feedback form on which they could express
their opinions and preferences.
g. The Council announced their decision at a special meet-
ing, Wednesday, November 8th and authorized the City
Attorney to enter into contract negotiations at that time.
h. Approval of the Employment Agreement was added to
the November 14th City Council agenda.
Please take the time to fill out your survey and return it to the
NRC. Surveys need to be completed mailed back to the NCR
by November 21st to be processed and analyzed. Your input
is valuable to the City Council when prioritizing the many tasks
before the City. The results of this survey will guide your elected
officials and city staff in their strategic planning process early
next year. Rarely do we hear from more than a handful of resi-
dents on any given topic. Not everyone can attend City Council
meetings. The National Citizen Survey is your opportunity to
have your voice heard.
Please remember that your response is completely anony-
mous. We look forward to hearing from you!
The City of Cannon Beach is seeking applications for the
following vacancies:
BUDGET COMMITTEE: THREE (3) vacancies to fill three-
year terms beginning January 2018. The primary responsibility
of the Budget Committee is to review and recommend the
proposed annual budget for the City. The Budget Committee
meets on several occasions between April and the end of June.
Meeting times vary.
DESIGN REVIEW BOARD: ONE (1) vacancy to fill a four-
year term beginning January 2018. The Design Review Board
(DRB) reviews development proposals that are subject to the
design review provisions of the City’s zoning ordinance. The
Design Review Board holds its regular meetings on the third
Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m. and may also schedule
work sessions as needed.
THREE (3) vacancies to fill four-year terms. The EPREP Com-
mittee meets regularly for the purpose of providing evacuation
planning and public education regarding emergency prepared-
ness. The Emergency Preparedness Committee normally holds
its regular meetings on the last Friday of each month at 9:00
a.m. and may schedule work sessions as needed.
fill four-year terms beginning January 2018. The Farmers Mar-
ket Advisory Committee develops rules and procedures for the
Market, monitors the Market finances and makes recommenda-
tions to the Council on Market related matters. The Farmers
Market Committee meets as needed.
PLANNING COMMISSION: ONE (1) vacancy to fill a four-
year term beginning January 2018. The primary responsibility
of the Planning Commission is to review and consider land
use matters and make determinations and recommendations
regarding appropriate and orderly physical development of the
City through the application of accepted standards and criteria.
The Planning Commission holds its regular meeting on the
fourth Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m. and work sessions
are scheduled monthly as needed.
PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE: ONE (1) vacancy to fill a
four-year term beginning January 2018. The primary respon-
sibility of the Public Works Committee is to review all public
works projects and make recommendations to City Council. The
Public Works Committee holds its regular meeting on the third
Tuesday of each month at 9:00 a.m.
TOURISM & ARTS COMMISSION: ONE (1) vacancy to fill a
four-year term beginning in January 2018. The seven-member
Tourism and Arts Commission develops grant guidelines and
procedures, and distributes and accounts for the monies in
the “Tourism and Arts Fund” which are to be used by local
non-profit groups to promote tourism and the arts in Cannon
Beach. Each member shall have experience in one or more of
the following areas: public relations, marketing, advertising,
tourism, lodging, promotions, events promotion, art and/or
publicity. The Tourism and Arts Commission holds its meetings
as needed.
Note: Tourism and Arts Commission applicants are not
required to reside in Cannon Beach and are eligible if he or she
has worked, at least part-time, within the City of Cannon Beach
for at least one year, immediately preceding appointment.
To be eligible to serve on a City committee, applicants must
have resided within the city or its urban growth boundary dur-
ing the one year immediately preceding appointment; or at the
time of appointment, shall have owned real property located
within the city or its urban growth boundary for at least one
year immediately preceding appointment. (See ‘Note’ re: TAC).
Applications with questionnaires are available at City Hall, 163
E. Gower Street, Cannon Beach, by email addressed to riggs@, or on-line at For consideration at the December 5, 2017 City Council
meeting, applications and questionnaires must be returned to
Colleen Riggs, Assistant City Manager, Cannon Beach City Hall,
at P.O. Box 368, Cannon Beach, OR 97110 by November 27th.
Late applications will not be accepted. For more information,
please contact Colleen Riggs by email or phone at (503) 436-