APRIL 8, 2016 • VOL. 40, ISSUE 8 WWW.CANNONBEACHGAZETTE.COM COMPLIMENTARY COPY FIRE BOARD RECALL ELECTION Fire directors win a vote of confi dence Cannon Beach fi re directors will stay on board By Lyra Fontaine Cannon Beach Gazette Three directors of the Cannon Beach Rural Fire Protection Dis- trict targeted for recall for ¿ ring Mike Balzer as ¿ re chief pre- vailed in Tuesday night’s election. Sharon Clyde, Garry Smith and Linda Beck-Sweeney will remain in of¿ ce. Two other di- rectors, Mark Mekenas and Bob Cerelli, were not subject to the recall . Clyde said she was “extreme- ly happy” with the vote. “I would like to thank all the members of our d istrict that supported all three of us that were subject to this re- call attempt,” she said in a state- ment. “We won’t let you down.” I nterim F ire Chief Jim Stearns congratulated the directors . “I am happy that folks who are willing to give up their time and serve on a volunteer basis can continue doing that, ” he said. The vote was a strong valida- tion of the board’s decision to ¿ re Balzer in October. Voters opposed recalling Clyde by a 55 percent to 45 per- cent margin, according to the Clatsop County Clerk’s Of¿ ce, while voters were behind Smith and Beck-Sweeney 57 percent to 43 percent. The history Cannon Beach resident Susan Neuwirth organized the recall drive after Neuwirth and others criticized the board’s handling of Balzer’s ¿ ring . See Recall, Page 10A JOSHUA BESSEX/EO MEDIA GROUP Election workers count ballots in the Judge Guy Boyington Building on Tuesday. City says no to ban on cannabis STARTING A CULINARY CAREER CONFIDENTLY Council to develop time, place, manner guidelines By R.J. Marx Cannon Beach Gazette The path was cleared for licensing the sale of cannabis in Cannon Beach, one of the last cities in the South County to do so. By voting down a ban, the city opened the door to dispensaries and recreational sales. Despite the success of state Measure 91 allowing recreational sale and possession of small amounts of marijuana — approved by 63 percent of Cannon Beach voters in Novem- ber 2014 — the city only licenses businesses which abide by local, state and federal law, which excludes pot. After hearing opinions from both sides of the issue , councilors con- sidered an array of options, including to opt out of state law and maintain a ban on mari- juana sales. Voters “can override our proposed ban, or they can override our acceptance,” Council- or Mike Bene¿ eld said before joining Mayor Sam Steidel and councilors George Vetter, Mike Bene¿ eld and Melissa Cadwallader in voting to overturn the prohibition. Wendy Higgins was the sole councilor to vote to renew the ban. SUBMITTED PHOTO Christian Culinary Academy director and chef-instructor Ira Krizo (center) cooking with this year’s students at the Chris- tian Culinary Academy: Jordan Neahring, Anna Strand, Morgan Georgioff and Christopher Keller. Christian Culinary Academy aims to be a ‘light’ in the industry By Lyra Fontaine Cannon Beach Gazette “Hell’s Kitchen” may just be a reality television show, but Ira Krizo said the culinary industry can be cutthroat. “I’ve seen knives thrown,” joked Krizo, the president of Christian Chefs International and the Chris- tian Culinary Academy. The academy, located in a downtown Cannon Beach building overlooking the ocean, offers a one-year intensive pro- gram for Christians to enter the food-ser- vice industry “with con¿ dence” and re- ceive a Certi¿ cate in Culinary Arts. Just last month, the school was the site of the seventh annual Christian Chefs In- ternational conference. “We focus on how to be a light in the culinary industry,” Krizo said. “This is a foundation of who we are, and this is how you can cope and do very well in the industry.” Combining hands-on kitchen training, classroom learning and mini-internships with several weekly hours of devotions and Bible study, Christian Culinary Academy aims to help students manage the profession’s demands while being “effective witnesses.” Courses include topics like culinary fundamentals, culinary math, nutrition, regional cookery and food-service man- agement. Students are trained to be cooking professionals with a Christian mindset, such as living with “love, joy, peace, pa- tience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” It’s the only school of its kind, Krizo said. A vision for a culinary school A West Coast native, Krizo has been in the culinary industry since 1995. While See Chefs, Page 10A Limitations, tax ahead In coming months, the council will con- sider time, place and manner rules regarding where marijuana may be sold within the city. Bene¿ eld indicated he opposed its sale in the downtown commercial area. There are already limitations in place, Herdener said at previous meetings. Dispensa- ries must be located more than 1,000 feet from schools. The prohibition does not apply to day care facilities or institutions like the Christian Conference Center. Marijuana will be on the ballot in Novem- ber in any case, as councilors also voted 4-1 to approve a 3 percent tax on its sale, a tax that must be endorsed by voters. “Because we can tax doesn’t mean we should tax,” Vetter said in opposing the levy. Vetter, the sole dissenter, said it was unfair to single out or “burden a potential business even more” with an additional tax. “We’re not doing it to fatten our budget,” Cadwallader said. “The council would look for the 3 percent to be used for treatment and enforcement.” PAID PERMIT NO. 97 ASTORIA, OR PRSRT STD US POSTAGE See Dope, Page 10A Authors and readers to gather for fi ft h annual Get Lit A stellar lineup at annual festival By Lyra Fontaine Cannon Beach Gazette Get Lit at the Beach returns to Cannon Beach from April 8-10, offering book lovers the chance to spend time with best-selling and award-winning authors. Fans can attend author discussions, signings and a key- note dinner presentation. This year, acclaimed writ- ers with either a movie or television show offer based on one of their books headline the ¿ fth annual Tolovana Arts Col- ony literary event. A committee, which in- cludes Brooks, chooses authors to present at Get Lit each year. Authors’ books will be avail- able for purchase at the event. Event organizer Tracy Abel ¿ rst became involved with Get Lit as an attendee. “I went to see an author of one of my favorite books, but left the event with many more favorite books and authors,” she said. New York Times best-selling fantasy author Terry Brooks, the master of ceremonies for previ- ous Get Lit events, is a featured author this year. He has writ- ten 35 books, but may be best known for his 25-book “Shan- nara” series, recently made into an MTV television series, “The Shannara Chronicles.” This isn’t Brooks’s ¿ rst brush with screen adaptations. He was personally asked by George Lucas to write a novel- SUBMITTED PHOTO/CANNON BEACH GAZETTE SUBMITTED PHOTO/CANNON BEACH GAZETTE SUBMITTED PHOTO Author Elizabeth Eng- strom, one of the authors presenting at “Get Lit.” Author Jess Walter, from Spokane, Wash., will speak on the craft of writing. Author Terry Brooks, former- ly a master of ceremonies at the event, is a featured author. ization of “Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace.” With about 100 expected attendees, the “intimate” event offers the unique experience of meeting and talking to promi- nent authors for more than just a book signing, which is why many return year after year, Abel said. Each attendee has several opportunities to meet the presenting writers. The gathering opens with an authors’ reception Friday evening at the Cannon Beach Chamber Hall. On Saturday, Brooks, Elizabeth Engstrom and Jonathan Evison will give individual talks on their lives and craft, answer questions and sign books at the Surfsand Re- sort Ballroom. Keynote speaker See Lit, Page 10A