JULY 31, 2015 • VOL. 39, ISSUE 16 WWW.CANNONBEACHGAZETTE.COM Breakers Point homeowners seek ‘return to what was’ west of the development, VRXWKRI:HVW)LIWK6WUHHWDQG QRUWK RI (FROD &UHHN 7KH A new plan to grade sand commission heard presenta- dunes next to Breakers Point tions and testimony on Thurs- could make the beach safer, GD\-XO\ restore views and improve “There’s been a lot of sand quality of life, according to accumulation going on,” the many homeowners who Tom Horning, a geologist came to last Thursday’s Plan- ZLWK6HDVLGH¶V+RUQLQJ*HR QLQJ&RPPLVVLRQPHHWLQJ VFLHQFHV VDLG $ERXW $ERXWSHRSOHVWRRGXS FXELF \DUGV RYHU D \HDU to show support for the dune SHULRG ZLWK FXELF grading project, including a yards graded during that time, handful of residents who do DFFRUGLQJWRKLVUHSRUW QRWOLYHLQ%UHDNHUV3RLQW Normally the sand that is “It’s been tragic,” said Le- SLOLQJ XS WR QHDUO\ IRRW land Larson, a Breakers Point tall dunes would blow into the UHVLGHQW³,W¶VOLNHVRPHIRUP forest, but it’s getting caught of water torture to see the on European beach grass, he gradual erosion of views and DGGHG WKHTXDOLW\RIOLIH´ The new Breakers Point proposal includes deposit- An experimental plan ing graded material onto the Rather than move the middle-upper beach area to XQSUHFHGHQWHG FX the west, to be reincorporat- bic yards of sand originally ed into the littoral drift, and proposed and then denied by the planting of native species the City Council in March, to restore native dune prairie Breakers Point is asking for HFRV\VWHPV a conditional use permit to See Breakers, Page 9A JUDGH FXELF \DUGV By Dani Palmer Cannon Beach Gazette Pelican Brewing coming to midtown, to replace building By Dani Palmer Cannon Beach Gazette PAID PERMIT NO. 97 ASTORIA, OR PRSRT STD US POSTAGE Pelican Brewing Compa- ny intends to start construc- tion soon and have a brewpub running in Cannon Beach by VSULQJ 2Q-XO\WKHFLW\¶V'H sign Review Board unani- mously approved the compa- ny’s request for construction RI D QHZ EXLOGLQJ 3HOLFDQ won’t be the only new craft brewer in WRZQHLWKHU An applica- tion for modi- ¿FDWLRQVWRWKH Lumberyard Rotisserie and Grill for a par- WLDO UHFRQ¿JX ration to a craft EUHZHU\ZDVDOVRDSSURYHG Pelican’s plans involve demolishing the existing EXLOGLQJDW6RXWK+HP ORFN 6W IRUPHUO\ 'RRJHU¶V 6HDIRRG DQG *ULOO YDFDQW VLQFH 3HOLFDQ SODQV WR build a new one, according to architect David Vonada with 7RORYDQD$UFKLWHFW “We did start out think- ing we’d add to the existing EXLOGLQJ´ KH VDLG ³:KHQ we started contemplating re- designing it, it turned out we were going to be adding onto LW LQ DERXW GLUHFWLRQV 6R at some point, we threw our hands up and said, ‘Let’s just UHSODFHLW¶´ The brewpub will be 3HOLFDQ¶V WKLUG ORFDWLRQ 3HOLFDQ ¿UVW RSHQHG LQ 3D FL¿F&LW\LQDQGDVLWH in Tillamook was added LQ &RRZQHU 0DU\ Jones said they “love being on the coast” and had con- templated this location for a QXPEHURI\HDUV “It’s just a beautiful, vi- brant community with a strong economy and really we feel like RXUEUDQG¿WV well,” Peli- can’s other co-owner -HII 6FKRQV DGGHG Cannon Beach’s site will feature brewery tours and be VLPLODU WR 3DFL¿F &LW\¶V PHQXZLVH -RKQ 1HZPDQ was named Pelican’s new corporate chef and will be developing and maintain- ing menu creations at all WKUHH ORFDWLRQV 1HZPDQ RZQHURI1HZPDQVDW was one of Pelican’s chefs ZKHQ WKH FRPSDQ\ ¿UVW RSHQHGLQ 7KH VTXDUHIRRW EXLOGLQJ ZLOO VHDW LQ side and feature outdoor VHDWLQJIRURQWKHVXQVHW side of the building, with D¿UHWDEOHWRNHHSSDWURQV ZDUPGXULQJFKLOO\GD\V COMPLIMENTARY COPY Legion scores SUCCESS at annual Craft Bazaar T By Dani Palmer Cannon Beach Gazette 7KH-RKQVWRQIDPLO\IURP6HDWWOHFRPHVEDFNWR Cannon Beach every summer, but this year was their ¿UVWYLVLWWRWKH$PHULFDQ/HJLRQ$X[LOLDU\¶VDQQXDO &UDIW%D]DDU “We’re seeing some nice things,” Bob said, his wife, Oddny, on his arm as they walked the row of YHQGRUV6DWXUGD\-XO\³%XWDWRXUDJHLW¶VKDUGWR MXVWLI\DQRWKHUZDOOKDQJLQJ´ 6WLOOWKHUHZHUHDIHZREMHFWVWKDWFDXJKWWKHLUH\H even for a couple who had been vacationing here for PRUHWKDQ\HDUV7KHMHZHOU\H[KLELWVGUHZ2GGQ\ DQGWKHERQVDLSODQWLQJVIDVFLQDWHG%RE 7KLV \HDU¶V ED]DDU IHDWXUHG ERRWKV LQVLGH DQGRXWVLGHVHOOLQJLWHPVVXFKDVDUWZRUNFDQGOHV DQGKDWVDWWKH$PHULFDQ/HJLRQ3RVWORFDWLRQ $QGLWZDVDOOVROGIRUDJRRGFDXVH7KHHYHQW serves as a fundraiser for hospitalized veterans in Or- HJRQ¶VIRXU9HWHUDQV$IIDLUVKRVSLWDOV 3RUWODQG¶V/DUU\6KDSLURJUDEEHGWKHDWWHQWLRQRI visitors with his collection of bonsai plantings, a hob- by he began after leaving the National Guard in the V:KLOHLQWKH*XDUGKHUHPHPEHUVVDYLQJD VPDOOWUHHIURPEHLQJUXQRYHUE\DWDQN7KDWLQFLGHQW VSXUUHGDQLQWHUHVWWKDWKDVFRQWLQXHGIRUGHFDGHV 6KDSLURXVHVWKH³URRWRYHUURFN´VW\OH5RRWVRI the bonsai grip the rock for the stability of the tree and LQWHJULW\RIWKHSLHFH 6KDSLURVDLGKLVSODQWLQJVKDYHDSHUFHQWVXU YLYDOUDWH³,WHOOSHRSOHERQVDLDUHKDUGWRNLOO´KH DGGHG He has participated in the Legion bazaar for the SDVW¿YH\HDUV “This has been successful, right in the heart of town,” he said, noting the location move from the Chamber of Commerce to Cannon Beach Elementa- U\6FKRROEHIRUHVHWWOLQJLQDW$PHULFDQ/HJLRQ3RVW Auxiliary member Jean Furchner said the craft VDOHRULJLQDOO\WRRNSODFHLQGRRUVLQ2FWREHU/HJLRQ member Nancy Teagle suggested doing it both inside DQGRXWGRRUV6RWKH\PRYHGWKHED]DDUWRWKHVXP PHUIRUQLFHUZHDWKHUDQGPRUHWRXULVWV See Bazaar, Page 9A DANI PALMER/CANNON BEACH GAZETTE Monica and Mahone, 7, take a closer look at pottery during the Craft Bazaar at American Legion Post 168 on Saturday. Good news, bad news with new fl ood plain maps By Dani Palmer Cannon Beach Gazette In this FEMA fl ood plain map draft , Cannon Beach’s downtown area would be removed from the fl ood plain. The city of Cannon Beach doesn’t want to wait WR DGRSW QHZ ÀRRG SODLQ PDSV 'HVSLWH GHOD\V LQ WKH 1RUWK &RXQW\ LQ ÀRRG prone areas affected by the Columbia River, Cannon %HDFKRI¿FLDOVVD\WKH\OLNH the federal government’s new maps and the city could see cost savings with their DGRSWLRQ Flood insurance rates rose VLJQL¿FDQWO\ WZR \HDUV DJR and subsidies were phased RXWODVW\HDU $W WKH FRXQFLO¶V -XO\ work session, planner Mark Barnes said it could take months to solve the issues up north while changes are “overwhelmingly good” for &DQQRQ%HDFK Flood plain maps have WZR VLJQL¿FDQW XVHV WR VHW ÀRRG LQVXUDQFH UDWHV DQG WR provide cities with guidelines IRU UHJXODWLRQ 1HZ FRQ VWUXFWLRQLQWKHÀRRGSODLQLV required to be above reach of WKH\HDUÀRRGOHYHO “The entire downtown DUHDFRPHVRXWRIWKHÀRRG SODLQ´%DUQHVVDLG³7KHFRVW savings there are tremendous IRUWKRVHSURSHUW\RZQHUV´ The city is urging ac- FHSWDQFH RI WKH 6WDQGDUG Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map drafts from the federal government despite DFFXUDF\FRQFHUQVLQÀRRG prone areas affected by the See Maps, Page 9A See Pelican, Page 9A Fire danger closes Ecola Creek reserve Cannon Beach isn’t taking chances with dry summer “We’ve always closed it down at some point during the year because there’s CANNON BEACH — GH¿QLWHO\ SRLQWV LQ WLPH LW Wanting to escape the city, gets dry,” City Manager a hiker makes his way to %UDQW.XFHUDVDLG Ecola Creek Forest Re- Cannon Beach pur- serve for a walk through FKDVHG WKH ¿UVW DFUHV the woods, but instead RIWKHUHVHUYHLQDQG ¿QGVWKHHQWUDQFHEORFNHG WKHUHVWLQDFFRUGLQJ “Land closed to public to the North Coast Land HQWU\GXHWRKLJK¿UHGDQ &RQVHUYDQF\ ger,” reads a posted sign, This year, closure of the by order of the city man- DFUH IRUHVW UHVHUYH DJHU came early — right around In- The Oregon Department dependence Day — following of Forestry may have Clat- the advice of the Oregon De- VRS &RXQW\¶V ¿UH ZDUQLQJ partment of Forestry and Can- JOSHUA BESSEX/THE DAILY ASTORIAN level set at moderate, but QRQ%HDFK)LUHDQG5HVFXH Th e Ecola Creek Forest Reserve is closed to the public because of high fi re risk in the area. Cannon Beach isn’t taking See Ecola, Page 9A Signs hang from gates located on the property. DQ\FKDQFHV By Dani Palmer Cannon Beach Gazette