6A • June 5, 2015 | Cannon Beach Gazette | cannonbeachgazette.com Two Cannon Beach women arrested BU SIN E SS for possession of methamphetamine DIRE CT ORY Junction Road at the U.S. Highway 101 and U.S. Highway 26 junction. The occupants — Wen- dy G. Phillips, 33, and Kathleen J. Skinner, 47 — were discovered to have methamphetamine in their possession. Both subjects were charged with possession of a con- trolled substance. In addition, Phillips was charged with fugitive arrest, and Skinner was charged with distribution of a controlled substance (methamphetamine). They were taken to Clat- sop County Jail. Altogether, 22 grams of methamphetamine ZHUHFRQ¿VFDWHG7KRXJK Gregory found the narcot- LFV KLPVHOI . 2I¿FHU Gunner was deployed at the end of the search. Cannon Beach Police Log May 10 12:03 a.m. Chapman Point: other all. Caller reported large fire near dune grass. Officers contact- ed the party and determined the fire to be in compliance. Subjects were advised of city ordinances and requested to clean up after- wards. Officers cleared. 1:56 a.m. Les Shirley Park: camping within city limits. Sub- ject contacted and warned for overnight camping. 2:07 a.m. Tolovana Wayside: camping within city limits. Sub- ject(s) warned for unlawful lodg- ing. 3:27 a.m. 100 block of West Gower Street: burglary I. Report of burglary on 100 block of West Gower Street. 4:25 a.m. 200 block of East Jack- son Street: warrant arrest. 3:24 p.m. Traffic complaint: re- port of elk on the side of the road and traffic stopping to look. Officer advised. May 11 5:21 p.m. 100 block of Ma- her Street: hit-and-run vehicle vs. property. May 12 2:59 p.m. U.S. Highway 101 and Sunset Boulevard: criminal mischief III. Report of fresh graf- fiti to underpass. Officer checked graffiti and found it to be old. City has not yet painted over it at this time. May 13 5:39 p.m. 200 block of North Hemlock Street: property crimes. Report of female who stole wal- let from store. Female returned wallet to owner after owner said he would decline prosecution if wallet returned. 2:19 p.m. Tolovana Inn: hit-and- run. Vehicle vs. property. 12:09 a.m. 1100 block of Spruce Court: suspicious circumstances. Caller reported receiving a suspi- cious text message. Officer con- tacted the caller and conducted a welfare check on the sender of the message. Officer determined the message not to be suspicious. Officer cleared. 2:25 p.m. 3400 block of South Hemlock at beach: public indecency. within city limits. Subject(s) warned for unlawful lodging. 1:26 a.m. Ocean Avenue at Adams Street: camping within city limits. Subject(s) warned for unlawful lodging. May 18 3:01 p.m. West End at Gogona Avenue: welfare check. Report of two small children alone in van. Mother of children was in van lying down. Children not at risk. 11:42 a.m. 2400 block of South Roosevelt Drive: warrant arrest. 9:45 p.m. U.S. Highway 101 at milepost 27.5: DUII. Report of possible DUII southbound on high- way. Contacted driver, found to be under the influence of an intoxi- cant. Driver later blew 0.28 BAC. May 15 1:08 a.m. Second Street at sewer ponds: camping within city limits. Subject(s) warned for unlawful lodging. May 16 12:30 a.m. Tolovana Way- side: camping within city limits. Subject(s) warned for unlawful lodging. May 17 2:28 a.m. 30 block of north 11:42 p.m. Breakers Point: call on a disturbance. Verbal only. Civil resolution. 2:19 a.m. Elk Run Park: camp- ing within city limits. Subject(s) warned for unlawful lodging. 6:13 p.m. 100 block of East Van Buren: burglary I. May 19 1:13 a.m. 12th Avenue bridge: assistance provided to Seaside Police Department with assault I investigation. Located suspect vehicle. 2:12 a.m. 40 block of Avenue A: DUII. Subject arrested for DUII, refused standardized field so- briety test and implied consent. Search warrant obtained and drew blood. Subject cited for numerous offenses and released to sober re- sponsible party at Seaside Police Department. 11:58 a.m. 3900 of block of Ocean Avenue: code violation. Complaint of illegal dumping of yard debris. 3:10 p.m. 100 block of North Larch Street: missing person. Seaside Hospital. 3:08 p.m. Warren Way: wild- land fire. Fire extinguished. May 7 10:04 p.m. Fifth and Larch streets: medical call. Call can- celed. May 3 11:16 a.m. 900 block of South Hemlock Street: patient fall. Patient refused transport, signed refusal. 7:33 p.m. 2000 block of Pa- cific Street: patient having syn- cope episode. Medix transport to Providence Seaside Hospital. 9:45 p.m. 1000 block of South Hemlock Street: patient needing lift assistance. Patient refused transport, signed re- fusal. May 5 8:02 p.m. 100 block of East Washington Street: patient hav- ing chest pain. Medix transport to Providence Seaside Hospital. May 6 1:24 p.m. 400 block of Fir Street: patient having back pain. Medix transport to Providence 1:22 p.m. 300 block of tient denied transport, signed refusal. 10:49 p.m. 2000 block of Pa- May 20 12:02 a.m. City Hall: camping May 21 3:10 a.m. Whale Park: camp- ing within city limits. Subject(s) warned for unlawful lodging. Sleeping on the beach. 10:57 p.m. Camping within city limits. Subject warned for overnight camping. May 23 2:16 a.m. Gower Street park- ing lot: camping within city limits. Subject contacted and warned for overnight camping. 9 p.m. 200 block of North Larch Street: welfare check. Report of possible suicidal female. Female was determined to not be suicidal but highly intoxicated. Female was taken back to motel room and left with husband to look after. 10:51 p.m. 200 block of North Larch Street: welfare check. Intox- icated female left motel room. Unable to care for herself. Officer was able to get her back to her room and to agree to stay there. Husband was left as responsible to watch over her. May 12 12:49 p.m. South entrance: potential fire. Controlled burn. Cannon Beach Fire and Rescue canceled. May 8 May 11 8:57 p.m. 100 block of Pa- cific Street: patient having syn- cope episode. Medix transport to Providence Seaside Hospital. 1 a.m. 200 block of East Van Buren Street: possible overdose. Medix transport to Providence Seaside Hospital. Street: patient experiencing ab- dominal pain. Medix transport to Providence Seaside Hospital. 1:21 p.m. 400 block of Fir North Larch Street: patient experiencing weakness in leg. Medix transport to Providence Seaside Hospital. sistance to patient off of cliff. Patient refused transport. Street: patient having back pain. Medix transport to Providence Seaside Hospital. Anderson Painting (503) 738-9989 • Cell (503) 440-2411 • Fax (503) 738-9337 PO Box 140 Seaside, Oregon 97138 “ Custom Finishing ” C ONSTRUCTION “Helping shape the character of Cannon Beach since 1973” Residential • Commercial • Remodeling New Construction • Storm Damage Repair Full Service Custom Cabinet Shop 503.436.2235 www.coasterconstruction.com • CCB# 150126 H EATING & C OOLING Expert Service, Repairs & In stallation Residen tial & C om m ercial G as, O il & E lectric Fu rnaces D u ctless System s • Fireplaces W ater H eaters • H eat P u m ps & A C C om m ercial R efrigeration L icensed & Bonded L ocally O w ned & O perated C annon B each, O regon 503-440-6975 coastheating@ gm ail.com L ANDSCAPING GARDENER arcadia organic landscaping & design 503.440.1491 arcadialandscaping@hotmail.com lcb 9071 C ONSTRUCTION B OB M C E W AN C ONSTRUCTION , INC . Broadway Street in Seaside: mutual aid to structure fire. 2:23 p.m. Hug Point: as- 36 Years Experience 6 a.m. Second Street parking lot: camping within city limits. RV parking; warning for illegal lodging. cific Street: patient experiencing rapid heart rate. Medix transport to Providence Seaside Hospital. May 9 Randy Anderson 4:40 p.m. 100 block of North Hemlock Street: forgery/fraud. Cannon Beach Fire & Rescue Log May 2 Licensed • Bonded • Insured CCB# 89453 www.andersonpainting.biz Promenade: assistance provided to another agency. Officer responded to Shilo Resort in Seaside to assist Seaside Police Department with report of a disturbance involving juveniles. Department of Human Services was notified and children taken. Female subject was taken into custody for disorderly con- duct. May 14 P AINTING CCB#1992 05 Two women from Can- non Beach were arrested for methamphetamine possession early Thurs- day morning. At 12:02 a.m., Can- QRQ %HDFK 3ROLFH 2I¿- cer Josh Gregory pulled over a vehicle at 84806 May 13 1:18 p.m. 400 block of Fir 9:13 p.m. 600 block of E XCAVATION • U NDERGROUND U TIITIES R OAD W ORK • F ILL M ATERIAL S ITE P REPARATION • R OCK OWNED AND OPERATED BY M IKE AND C ELINE M C E WAN 503-738-3569 34154 H WY 26, S EASIDE , OR P.O. B OX 2845, G EARHART , OR S ERVING THE P ACIFIC N ORTHWEST S INCE 1956 • CC48302 L ANDSCAPING Laurelwood Compost • Mulch • Planting MacMix Soil Amendments YARD DEBRIS DROP-OFF (no Scotch Broom) 503-717-1454 3:45 p.m. 100 block of North Larch Street: patient experienc- ing chest pain. Medix transport to Providence Seaside Hospital. 34154 HIGHWAY 26 SEASIDE, OR May 10 8:02 a.m. 100 block of West Taft Street: patient fall. Medix transport to Providence Seaside Hospital. 9:11 a.m. 80000 block of Pa- cific Street: patient fall. Patient denied transport. 11:04 a.m. Second and Spruce streets: patient fall. 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