May 8, 2015 | Cannon Beach Gazette | • 3A Fund set up to help local family aft er theft The Campuzanos had about $30,000 worth stolen earlier this year By Erick Bengel Cannon Beach Gazette To help a local Hispanic family recover from a re- cent theft that set them back about $30,000, a Cannon Beach couple, Rex and Di- ane Amos, have created The Campuzano Family Fund. Donations can be made at any Columbia Bank branch on the coast from Astoria to Tillamook. In Delano Carmen and Victor Campuzano, of Seaside, are still grappling, emotionally DQG¿QDQFLDOO\ZLWKWKHDI termath of an incident that occurred in early January ZKHQ WKH\ WKHLU FKLOGUHQ and other family members embarked on their annual road trip to visit relatives in Mexico. At 3:31 a.m. on Jan. 4, ZKLOHWKHIDPLO\VOHSWDWDQ inn in Delano, Calif., some- one stole the couples’ 2003 Chevrolet Tahoe and the at- WDFKHGZKLWHWUDLOHUDFFRUG ing to the police investiga- WRUZKRUHYLHZHGWKHLQQ¶V security camera footage. The culprit drove off and looted the vehicles, taking all of the family’s personal belongings and gifts they had collected during the previous year to bring their relatives south of the border. Police managed to re- cover the trailer, found DEDQGRQHGRQWKHKLJKZD\ and a plasma TV the Cam- puzanos had purchased for WKHLU VRQLQODZV¶ IDPLO\ But the thief, or thieves, VWLOO DEVFRQGHG ZLWK WKRX VDQGV RI GROODUV ZRUWK RI items. 7KHVH LQFOXGHG WZR ZDVKHUV RQH GU\HU WZR PLFURZDYHV WKUHH ODSWRSV WZR L3KRQHV DQ L3DG DQ H[HUFLVH ELF\FOH WZR PDW WUHVVHV ER[HV RI QHZ DQG used clothing, their daugh- ter Paola Campuzano’s clarinet and school books, and Victor’s custom-made FDUSHQWHUWRROVZRUWKDERXW $7,000. They also stole an esti- mated $4,000 in uncounted WLSV ZKLFK 9LFWRU KDG saved during 2014 from his job at The Lumberyard Ro- tisserie & Grill. Reunion delayed 2Q-DQWKH7DKRHZDV found burned, though in- YHVWLJDWRUV GLGQ¶W RI¿FLDOO\ LGHQWL¿HG WKH YHKLFOH XQWLO mid-February. ³:KDW ZH ZRUNHG IRU WKURXJKRXW WKH ZKROH \HDU ZDVJRQHLQDVHFRQG´VDLG 15-year-old Paola Campu- zano, Carmen and Victor’s \RXQJHVWFKLOGZKRDWWHQGV Seaside High School. “We ZHUH OLNH µ+RZ FRXOG WKLV KDSSHQ"¶´ Carmen, Victor and Paola had taken the trip — LQ WKUHH YHKLFOHV ² ZLWK four generations of the family: Carmen’s mother, Lorenza Villa, and brother, Hector Tobar; Carmen and Victor’s son, Julio Cam- puzano, of Cannon Beach; their daughters Judith Cam- puzano and Marycarmen Campuzano, of Seaside; Ju- dith’s husband, Abel Sosa; and Marycarmen’s 4-year- old son, Alan Martinez, ZKRVH VFRRWHU ZDV VWROHQ DVZHOO Waiting for them in Pátzcuaro — a centu- ERICK BENGEL PHOTO Back row: Paola Campuzano, Judith Campuzano and Edmundo Martinez. Front row: Julio Campuzano, Marycarmen Campuzano, Carmen Campuzano and Victor Campuzano. $IWHU ¿OOLQJ RXW D SR lice report, the family split up. Some drove to Laredo, Texas, to legalize a truck in Mexico. Others returned to Seaside to retrieve another WUXFNZKLFKUHTXLUHGDERXW $1,500 in repairs before it could take them to south. Retrieve the trailer in Bix- ler, Calif., put them out an another $300 or so. Being strong Marycarmen’s husband 6KRFNHG DQG EHZLO and Alan’s father, Edmun- dered, the family reached GR0DUWLQH]²ZKRGLGQ¶W out to loved ones and close originally come on the trip IULHQGV OHWWLQJ WKHP NQRZ — drove to Laredo to pro- ZKDWKDSSHQHG vide emotional support. 7KH QH[W IHZ ZHHNV -XOLR ZKR DOVR ZHQW became a rush of coping, Laredo, eventually chose problem solving and lifting to return to Cannon Beach each others’ spirits. “I tried by bus. But not before giv- to be strong for them, and ing his mother the money they tried to be strong for WKDWKHZRXOGKDYHVSHQWLQ PH´&DUPHQVDLG Pátzcuaro. ries-old colonial and indig- HQRXV WRZQ LQ WKH VWDWH RI 0LFKRDFiQ ZKHUH 9LFWRU DQG &DUPHQ ¿UVW PHW DQG QRZ RZQ D KRPH ² ZHUH the couple’s eldest daugh- ter, Carla Campuzano, her family, and Victor’s broth- ers and sisters. 7KHUHXQLRQZRXOGKDYH to be delayed. Coffee Roasters, he for Haystack Lodgings. It is still unclear at this SRLQW ZKDW WKH\¶UH LQVXU ance is going to cover. They have not retained a ODZ\HU DQG DUH GLVFXVVLQJ ZKHWKHU WKH\ FDQ DIIRUG one. But, on the positive side of the ledger, the family re- XQLRQ ¿QDOO\ KDSSHQHG LQ 3iW]FXDURZKHUHWKH&DP puzanos received “lots RI KXJV IURP WKH IDPLO\´ Uncertainty Carmen said. &DUPHQDQG9LFWRUZKR ³:HDOZD\VWDNHORWVRI have lived on the North gifts for them, try to help Coast since 1991 and in them to have it easy the 6HDVLGH VLQFH ZRUN UHVWRIWKH\HDU´VKHVDLG This time, instead of together at the Lumber- yard Rotisserie & Grill, she Carmen and Victor’s fam- as a server, he as a busser. ily giving to their family Both U.S. citizens, she also in Pátzcuaro, the opposite ZRUNV IRU 6OHHS\ 0RQN happened, Victor said. As she told this part of this story, Carmen began to cry, suddenly overcome ZLWKJUDWLWXGHIRUKHUIDPL O\³,IHHOVROXFN\IRUWKDW´ “We all believe in God, so that helps to not suffer IRUWKHPDWHULDOWKLQJV´VKH said. “That helps to take it easy and let it go and thank *RG WKDW ZH GLGQ¶W JHW KXUW´ “It could have been ZRUVH´3DRODVDLG Council rejects halt on sand grading permits ZKLFK ZDV RULJLQDOO\ DG RSWHGLQEXWZKLFKLV in the process of revision. The City of Cannon $UHTXHVWIRUSURSRVDOIRUD Beach declined to adopt a FRQVXOWDQW WR VWDUW ZRUNLQJ moratorium on dune grad- RQDQHZVDQGPDQDJHPHQW ing at its meeting Tuesday SODQFRXOGFRPHZLWKLQWKH QLJKW 7KH UHTXHVW IRU D QH[W VL[ ZHHNV DFFRUG moratorium had come from ing to City Planner Mark the Oregon Coast Alliance Barnes. in an April 13 letter. The The issue came in the OHWWHUKDGUHTXHVWHGWKDWWKH ZDNHRIDGHQLDORIDGXQH city initiate an update of the grading project at Breakers sand management plan and 3RLQWZKLFKZDVVXEMHFWWR stop issuing sand grading a Land Use Board of Ap- permits until such an up- peals action, although that date is completed. DSSHDO ZDV GURSSHG WKLV Rather than accept the ZHHNDFFRUGLQJWR%DUQHV moratorium, members of In February, the city the council agreed to ap- planning commission proach the matter in their WXUQHG GRZQ D UHTXHVW E\ Comprehensive Plan, %UHDNHUV 3RLQW KRPHRZQ By R.J. MARX Cannon Beach Gazette ers to remove sand in front of the condominium proj- HFW7KHKRPHRZQHUVDVVR FLDWLRQKDGUHTXHVWHGDFRQ GLWLRQDOXVHSHUPLWWRDOORZ IRU GXQH JUDGLQJ ZHVW DQG south of the condos. In re- cent years, Breakers Point dunes — held in place ZLWK (XURSHDQ GXQH JUDVV ZKLFK WUDSV ZLQGEORZQ VDQG ² KDYH JURZQ KLJK er than 40 feet, blocking RFHDQIURQWYLHZVDQGSXVK ing sand onto properties. The purpose of the proj- HFW ² ZKLFK ZRXOG KDYH involved shifting almost 74,000 cubic yards of sand onto the beach during the QH[WFRXSOHRI\HDUV²ZDV to restore the residents’ YLHZV DQG SUHYHQW IXUWKHU sand inundation. At least 25 feet of sand needs to be removed in some areas, ac- cording to Tom Horning, a JHRORJLVWZRUNLQJZLWKWKH KRPHRZQHUVDVVRFLDWLRQDW the February planning com- mission meeting. In response to this proj- ect, the council considered the plan for a moratorium on all sand management SHUPLWV ZKLFK ZDV VXS ported by the Oregon Coast Alliance and joined by the group 1000 Friends of Ore- gon; Surfrider Foundation; and Friends of the Dunes, based in Cannon Beach. See Council, Page 8A THE NATIONAL AWARD-WINNING Publisher Steve Forrester Editor R.J.Marx Reporter Erick Bengel Advertising Manager Betty Smith Production Manager John D. Bruijn Circulation Manager Samantha McLaren Advertising Sales Laura Kaim Wendy Richardson Visit us online at C us to m H o m e s & R e m o d e ls Jo e Za k Gen era l Co n tra cto r CANNON BEACH GAZETTE The Cannon Beach Gazette is published every other week by EO Media Group. 1555 N. Roosevelt, Seaside, Oregon 97138 503-738-5561 • Fax 503-738-9285 • email: SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Annually: $40.50 in county, $58.00 in and out of county. Postage Paid at: Cannon Beach, OR 97110 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Cannon Beach Gazette, P.O. Box 210, Astoria, OR 97103 Copyright 2015 © Cannon Beach Gazette. Nothing can be reprinted or copied without consent of the owners. 503-440-1500 503-36 8 -7476 b a rza k @ n eha lem tel.n et L icen s ed • Bo n d ed • In s u red CCB#76 743 za k co n s tru ctio n .n et Mom’s are Sweet! TURKISH RUG TRUNK SHOW Memorial Day Weekend Saturday +Sunday May 23rd thru 24th SESAME +LILIES 183 N. 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