Cannon Beach gazette. (Cannon Beach, Or.) 1977-current, April 24, 2015, Image 5

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    April 24, 2015 | Cannon Beach Gazette | • 5A
Celebrating 12 Days of Earth Day
Susan Glarum, right, a Cannon Beach resident, is this year’s winner of the Gaylord Nel-
son Award. Beside her is Bob Lundy, the 2014 winner. Glarum was honored at the Can-
non Beach Community Hall on April 17 during the annual city potluck.
Mayor Sam Steidel and Susan Glarum, the 2015 Gaylord Nelson Award winner, carry
the Earth and Arbor Days banner down North Hemlock Street. They led the Cannon
Beach walking parade, held April 18.
Spring arts festival to unveil two masters of scenery
Arts from Page 1A
A retrospective of the
work of Shirley Gittelsohn,
forests and mountain rang- a painter of Cannon Beach’s
es, what Burkett tries to coastal environment, opens
convey is “a sense of the sa- May 1 at the Cannon Beach
cred in nature, or the sacred Gallery, 1064 S. Hemlock
in the world,” he said. “If it St. On May 2, Gittelsohn
was something I could con- herself will lead an artist
vey in words, I would write conversation at 12:20 p.m.
like Wendell Berry does.”
and enjoy an artist recep-
Just as it is possible to tion from 5 to 7 p.m.
know the photographer
Her exhibition, which
through his photographs, runs through June 2, will
“the Creator can, to a certain include about 15 oil paint-
extent, be known through ings, most of which she
his creation,” Burkett said.
painted during the 1970s
$QG WKDW LV ZK\ KLV ¿UVW and 80s. They depict the
big book of photography is stretch of beach from Chap-
titled “Intimations of Par- man Point to Haystack
adise” (1999). “We’re not Rock as she viewed it from
talking about worshiping na- her beach house window.
ture as God, but God’s pres-
In 1981, she feared that
ence in nature, which are two a proposed housing devel-
different things,” he said.
opment would block her
view of Haystack Rock. So,
Shirley Gittelsohn
between March and July of
Burkett’s Saturday show that year, she cranked out
falls between two midtown 183 paintings of the rock,
events that celebrate anoth- to “catch the view before it
er Oregon artist who has was gone,” she said. These
spent decades capturing were displayed at Cannon
sacred scenery (and, as it Beach City Hall.
happens, has also been fea-
The history of these
tured on Oregon Art Beat). paintings, which represent
Street paving slated to
begin the week of May 4
Shirley Gittelsohn’s work, of which this family portrait is one of her most famous, will be
on display at the Cannon Beach Gallery during Gittelsohn’s exhibition, which opens May
1, the first day of Spring Unveiling, and closes June 2.
her efforts to keep alive the
memories of an older Can-
non Beach, will likely be the
subject of her artist conver-
sation Saturday afternoon,
she said. “I’ll probably try
to explain as best I can what
was happening at the time.”
The exhibition will also
include her famous 6-foot-
by-12-foot family portrait
from 1977 of Gittelsohn,
her late husband, and their
three children cavorting
along the shoreline near the
north end of town.
“I liked being a moth-
er and wife and so on, but
I wanted something else
to do, too,” she said. “So I
started painting and found I
enjoyed it very much.”
During her nearly 60-
year career as an artist,
New book club forms
in Cannon Beach
Gittelsohn has also paint-
ed still life scenes from her
vacations in Mexico, and
many, many portraits of her
children. Her work has been
displayed at Reed College,
Willamette University, the
Oregon Jewish Museum and
Arlene Schnitzer’s Foun-
tain Gallery. In 2009, she
wrote and published a book,
“We’re honored to have
Shirley here at the gallery.
She’s an important Oregon
artist,” said Andrea Mace,
executive director of the
Cannon Beach Arts Asso-
ciation. “It’s just a seminal
Asked what tradition she
paints in, Gittelsohn said,
“My own.”
Though macular degen-
eration has slowed her out-
put, Gittelsohn, who lives
in Portland, still paints and
shows her work at White-
Bird Gallery. Incidental-
ly, Gittelsohn’s “Cannon
comes as the artist prepares
to turn 90 on May 20.
She said she is delighted
to have an exhibition de-
voted to her Cannon Beach
work, especially one that
spotlights the chosen pieces.
through various pieces and
just re-seeing them again
and just enjoying them very
much for the most part,”
she said. “I just hope the
gallery’s big enough for all
this stuff!”
Travelers should be aware of in-
creased activity along the highway
right of way and the public is encour-
The week of May 4, 3DFL¿F
The Cannon Beach Community aged to drive with caution through the
the city of Cannon Beach
Local neighborhood ac- Church Book Club will meet in the area. The activity is scheduled to take
will be completing the cess will be provided, how- basement of the Community Church place along U.S. Highway 101 from
2015 Pavement Preserva- HYHU 7KURXJK WUDI¿F ZLOO at 10:45 a.m. every fourth Sunday Ecola Creek Bridge at milepost 28.70
tion Project. The following not be allowed while pav- of every month. The Cannon Beach to Sunset Boulevard at milepost 29.48.
roads will be affected at ing is occurring.
Community Church is located at 132
The project is part of ODOT’s
various times throughout
vegetation management of the U.S.
The project is expect- E. Washington St.
the week: S. Spruce, from ed to be completed within
7KH¿UVWPHHWLQJZLOOWDNHSODFHRQ Highway 101 corridor through Can-
Sunset to Ross Lane; E. one week. If you have any $SULO DQG WKH ¿UVW ERRN VHOHFWLRQ non Beach. Trees, shrubs and ground
Madison, from Hemlock to questions, please feel free will be Ann Voskamp’s “One Thou- FRYHUVLGHQWL¿HGLQWKH&DQQRQ%HDFK
Spruce; W. Chisana, from to contact Public Works sand Gifts,” an inspirational book Forest Corridor management plan that
+HPORFNWR3DFL¿FDQG: Foreman Cruz Flores at where the author invites her read- are better suited along ODOT high-
Susitna, from Hemlock to 503-436-8068.
ers into her own moments of grace ways will be planted.
— teaching them how to biblically
In early March, ODOT crews re-
lament loss, turn pain into poetry and moved a number of alder trees that
how to intentionally embrace a life- ZHUH LGHQWL¿HG DV KD]DUGRXV WR WUDY-
style of radical gratitude. The group elers and to the safe operation of the
ZLOO DOVR VWDUW LWV ¿UVW PHHWLQJ E\ roadway. The tree thinning effort is
Letters from Page 4A
well as arborists, ecologists, passing out thankfulness journals and part of a multi-year commitment to
trees and a variety of orna- gardeners, artists, teachers showing a brief video.
improve safety along this section of
mentals, as well.
and others who are interest-
For more information about the highway while addressing the guide-
Visitors and residents ed in helping the trees of our Cannon Beach Community Church lines of the Cannon Beach Forest Cor-
alike appreciate our area trees community grow and thrive. Book Club, go to the website at www. ridor vegetation management plan.
and care deeply about their We’re committed to helping
continued existence. With Cannon Beach once again
gratitude in mind, a group of become an active Tree City
caring, concerned folks are USA.
Volunteers are gearing up for the
coming together to advocate
Please join with us and, if
An Oregon Department of Trans- 4th annual Cannon Beach Broombuster
for trees in Cannon Beach.
possible, volunteer a little of
Cannon Beach Friends your time and energy to cel- portation crew is planting trees and event at Les Shirley Park on Saturday,
of Trees hopes to work with ebrate and nurture the trees of other plantings in an area along U.S. May 2, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Originally in-
the City of Cannon Beach, our Cannon Beach area. For Highway 101 near Cannon Beach troduced form Europe as an ornamen-
Department of Forestry, Or- more information, call Jan at that was thinned in early March to tal plant and for erosion control, Scotch
remove hazard trees. The work is broom is highly aggressive and forms
egon Department of Trans- 503-436-0143.
portation, Ecola Creek Wa-
Jan Siebert-Wahrmund scheduled for 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. April dense stans, which displace native plants
tershed Council and Ecola
and provide poor wildlife habitat.
Cannon Beach 28 and 29.
Ecola Watershed Council
ODOT plans tree
to bust broom May 2
planting along U.S. 101
The Ecola Creek Watershed Coun-
cil is a local stakeholder group that
works to protect and restore wildlife
habitat in the Ecola Creek watershed
in Cannon Beach and Arch Cape. It is
tershed Association, which also man-
ages the Nicolai-Wickiup, Skipanon
and Youngs Bay watershed councils.
All volunteers are welcome. Meet
at Les Shirley Park on East 5th Street,
off Laurel Street at the north end of
Cannon Beach. Volunteers should
wear work clothes and waterproof
shoes and bring raingear and a re-us-
able water bottle. Gloves and tools
will be provided.
For more information, contact
Brooke Duling at 503-468-0408 or
Seaside High open
house set April 27
Seaside High School will celebrate
STEAM (science, technology, En-
glish, art and mathematics) at an open
house Monday, April 27, at the Sea-
side High cafeteria from 7 to 8 p.m.
Open to the public, the event will
feature music, robot demonstrations,
Rube Goldberg-inspired machines,
3D printing, photography student es-
says, poems, math demonstrations
and more. Don’t miss this opportunity
to see and observe what Seaside High
School students have been up to in the
classroom the past few months.
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