8A • March 27, 2015 | Cannon Beach Gazette | cannonbeachgazette.com Watch for the cameras Cannon Beach Bible &KXUFK WRRN WKH ¿UVW VWHSV to get its new video produc- tion ministry started earlier this month. Equipment tests and re- KHDUVDOV EHJDQ IRU WKH ¿UVW of two videos to be pro- duced in Cannon Beach by the church, a documenta- ry about culture and how culture has changed. This ¿UVW YLGHR LV H[SHFWHG WR be released in the fall. The second, which will start ¿OPLQJ LQ 2FWREHU ZLOO EH a collection of children’s stories portraying some of Jesus’ parables. A short video about the church is also planned. Filming will take place in the church, as well as throughout Cannon Beach. Currently the majority of the production staff is coming from outside Can- non Beach. However, Steve Hudgik, the pastor at Can- non Beach Bible Church, mentioned that, “In the fu- ture we hope that our pro- ductions will be 100 per- cent staffed with Cannon Beach residents for both the on-screen and voice tal- ent, as well as the technical side.” For those who are in- terested in learning the technical side of video pro- duction, the church is con- sidering offering a video production workshop this fall. An acting workshop was conducted in the fall of 2014 and may be repeated again this year. For more information contact Steve at cbBi- bleChurch@gmail.com. Citizen’s Police Academy begins in April Cannon Beach Police Department has joined up with Clatsop County Sher- LII¶V 2I¿FH *HDUKDUW 3ROLFH Department, and Seaside Police Department to start its 9th Annual South County Citizen’s Police Academy. Classes will be held every Monday evening from 7 to 10 p.m. The classes will start April 13 and end June 22. There may also be an optional Saturday class as well. This academy is open to community members who have an interest in law en- forcement and want to learn more about their police agen- cies in south Clatsop County. The goal is to educate JASON SCHERMERHORN citizens about the different aspects of law enforcement and strengthen community ties. Participants will have an opportunity to learn about each department, tour the facilities, learn about crime scenes, criminal in- vestigations, learn about the taser, shoot different weapons, tour the jail and participate in confronta- WLRQDOVLPXODWLRQVWKDWRI¿- cers deal with. Participants must be 18 years of age or older. All applicants are subject to a criminal background inves- tigation. Applications are due by April 10, 2015. Applications can be found at www.ci.can- non-beach.or.us, or for ad- ditional information, please contact Chief Jason Scher- merhorn at (503) 436-2811 or email: schermerhorn@ ci.cannon- beach.or.us. Friends of Haystack Rock lecture April 8 7KH ¿QDO OHFWXUH LQ WKH 2014-2015 The World of Haystack Rock Library Lecture Series series is scheduled for Wednesday, April 8 and features Ram Papish, wildlife artist, bi- ologist and author in a talk titled “Seabirds of the Falk- land Islands.” Ram is a professional bird enthusiast, who com- ELQHV KLV HGXFDWLRQ LQ ¿QH art with his experiences ZRUNLQJDVD¿HOGELRORJLVW to create artistic and accu- rate wildlife images. )RU ¿HOG VHDVRQV Ram studied birds and other wildlife in at many exciting locations around the globe. In 2012 he retired from the “bio bum” lifestyle to con- FHQWUDWH RQ KLV ¿UVW ORYH N E W LIS T IN G O CE AN V IE W M AS TE R P IE CE 71 5 O a k wildlife art. He has also au- thored and illustrated two children’s books: The Lit- tle Fox and The Little Seal, published by University of Alaska Press. His illustra- tions appear in many books and publications, includ- ing the California Condors LQ WKH 3DFL¿F 1RUWKZHVW and Handbook of Oregon Birds. Ram also enjoys writing mysteries, acting in Shake- speare plays, internation- al travel, fantasy football and watching musicals. He lives in Toledo, Oregon on six wooded acres with his fabulous wife, eight bird feeders, eight nest boxes, eighteen chickens and one Chia pet. 7KLVQLJKWZLOOEHWKH¿- N E W LIS T IN G TH E O CE AN IS CALLIN G YO U 37995 Beu la h R eed R oa d nal lecture in the 2014-2015 series and will be the kick- off to the 30th year anniver- sary activities of Haystack Rock Awareness Program. Friends of Haystack Rock supports the Haystack Rock Awareness Program in cooperation with the City of Cannon Beach, promot- ing the preservation and protection of the intertidal life and birds that inhabit the Marine Garden and the Oregon Islands National Wildlife Refuge at Hay- stack Rock. The Friends also serve to educate local residents as well as visitors to the region. To learn more about Friends of Haystack Rock, visit website: www.friend- sofhaystackrock.org. N E W Arch C a pe The y a re a w e som e & e ve ryw he re . Be m e sm e rize d b y the oce a n rig ht ou tsid e you r d oor w ith vie w s from e ve ry room . This hou se is b e a ch cool on a n ove rsize d lot, w ith it’s ow n b e a ch a cce ss & b ig a tta che d g a ra g e . CM L S#1 5-397 $1 ,995,000 K a te M errell 503-739-2324 CM L S#1 5-384 $1 ,350,000 K a te M errell 503-739-2324 CM L S#1 5-400 $899,000 K a te M errell 503-739-2324 LIS T IN G N E W LIS T IN G R E LAX TO TH E S O U N D O F TH E S E A 21 6 N N oa ta k C a n n on Be a ch Be a u tifu l w ood w ork, skylig hts, b e a m e d & va u lte d ce ilin g s fill this b e a ch cotta g e re -cra fte d in 2005 b y C oa ste r. Ju st 250’ b a ck from oce a n fron t, se t b a ck from stre e t for e xtra priva cy. C a n n on Be a ch F a m ily a n d frie n d s w ill g a the r in the che f’s kitche n , e n joy the w a rm th of the ston e fire pla ce , in this 4 b d , 4 b a th lig ht-fille d spa ciou s hom e . Tra n qu il m a ste r su ite , priva te d e ck a n d stu d y. CM L S#1 5-371 $899,000 K a ren M eili 503-440-5806 CM L S#1 5-295 $729,000 K a te M errell 503-739-2324 N E W LIS T IN G E N JO Y TH E BE S T O F FO R E S T AN D S E A 321 06 Bu en a V ista D r Arch C a pe Y ou n e e d n ot com prom ise in this spa ciou s 4 b d , 2.5 b a th hom e w ith oce a n vie w s a n d b a cks to priva te w ood s. O pe n livin g spa ce s, sta cke d ston e fire pla ce . CM L S#1 5-296 $51 5,000 K a te M errell 503-739-2329 N E W LIS T IN G BE AU TIFU LLY AP P O IN TE D 3400 S H em lock #382/332 Ann Klaas died on March 17, 2015, in Se- attle. Born in Santa Ana, Calif., to Albert and Harri- et Osterkamp, Ann moved to Buhl, Idaho, in 1942. She graduated from St. Theresa’s Academy in Boise, Idaho, in 1948, and Holy Cross School of Nursing in Salt Lake City, Utah, in 1952. She married Eugene Klaas in 1952. She worked for more than 35 years as a reg- istered nurse in Burley, Twin Falls and Boise, retiring in 1994 from St. Luke’s Regional Medical Center, where she worked 23 years as an assistant head nurse and adminis- trative nursing supervi- sor. Ann and her husband retired and lived in Can- non Beach from 1994- 2009. They were members of St. Peter the Fisherman LIS T IN G N E AT AS A P IN 1 47 E Ja ckson N E W Harry “Al” Lewis, 74, of Cannon Beach, died Feb. 28, 2015, with his family by his side. He was born to the late Harry and Margaret (Walters) Lewis Jan. 4, 1941, in Demarest, N.J. Al graduated from North- ern Valley Regional High School in 1958. He married Joanne Wilson in 1962, and they lived together in Demar- est, N.J., for two years be- fore relocating to South- ern California. In 1976, they moved to Washing- ton state and lived there for 22 years before retir- ing to Cannon Beach in 1998. Al spent 34 years work- ing as a production su- pervisor for Crown Cork and Seal before retiring C a n n on Be a ch This qu a lity hom e b e ckon s you w ith its w a rm th, cha rm , a n d com fort. F a m ily a n d frie n d s w ill g a the r a fte r a fu ll d a y of pla y, stre tch ou t a n d e n joy the hom e Ìs spa ciou s, lig ht-fille d spa ce s a n d in vitin g ston e fire pla ce . CM L S#1 5-31 9 $675,000 K a te M errell 503-739-2324 N E W LIS T IN G CH O O S E YO U R S E AS CAP E S ea sca pe D r ive CM L S#1 5-327 $359,000 Tin a Cha pm a n 503-440-9957 CM L S#1 5-375, #1 5-376 $1 65,000 - $21 5,000 K a ren M eili 503-440-5806 C a n n on Be a ch V e ry w a rm , cozy va ca tion hom e or fu ll tim e livin g ju st 1 .5 b locks to b e a ch a n d close to d ow n tow n . V a u lte d livin g room a n d b e a m s, g a lle y style kitche n , d in in g n ook & love ly cou rtya rd for e n te rta in in g . CM L S#1 5-336 $425,000 P a m Ackley 503-71 7-3796 LIS T IN G N E W LIS T IN G CAN N O N BE ACH R ID G E 420 E lk Cr eek R oa d #201 C a n n on Be a ch H a ve you r ow n spa ce , ye t b e pa rt of the com m u n ity of Se a C olon y in sou th C a n n on Be a ch. 3 b d , 2 b a th w ith b e d / b a th on m a in floor, w ood stove , 2 pa rkin g spa ce s. C a n n on Be a ch Q u ie t a n d se re n e 2 b d , 1 b a th con d o loca te d ju st m in u te s a w a y from the b e a ch a n d tow n . E n joy hikin g n e a rb y tra ils. CM L S#1 5-297 $299,000 Ba rb a ra M a ltm a n 503-71 7-21 54 CM L S#1 5-373 $225,000 M ira n d a John son 503-440-9485 CAN N ON BEACH OFFICE 255 N . Hem lo ck, S te. B1 • Ca n n o n Bea ch, OR 97110 800/676-1176 • 503/436-1027 to the beach. Once retired and finished building his home in Cannon Beach, he was not eager to sit at home, and started work- ing part-time at Safeway. Al was passionate about his career, working, For- mula One racing, hot rods and working on var- ious home projects. He loved living at the beach, spending time with his grandchildren, going to car shows, and his dogs. Al is survived by his wife of 53 years, Joanne; his daughter, Sherry Zuc- carello; his son, Brian Lewis; six grandchil- dren, Antonio, Alessan- dro, Hannah, Christopher, Eryn and Avery; and three great-grandchildren, Emma Grace, Levi, and Eli. He is also survived by his brother, Richard Lewis, and his sister, Jan- et Kuceravy. In lieu of flowers, the family requests the do- nations be made in Al’s name to the Alzheimer’s Association. A memorial service was held Saturday, March 21, 2015, at Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church in Seaside. Hughes-Ransom Mor- tuary is in charge of ar- rangements. Visit www. hughes-ransom.com to share memories and sign the guest book. Get your remodel rolling today. LIS T IN G C a n n on Be a ch Sittin g hig h a b ove C a n n on Be a ch w ith oce a n vie w s, he re is you r opportu n ity to b u ild you r d re a m hom e . C hoose from tw o loca tion s, 2+ a cre s e a ch. N E W She was preceded in death by her newborn twin daughter, Debra, in 1955, and a son, Michael, in 1993. In lieu of flowers, do- nations may be made to Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon, 4440 S.W. 148th Ave., Beaverton, OR 97078. A private family me- morial service and intern- ment were held in Cannon Beach. Jan. 4, 1941 — Feb. 28, 2015 CO M E TO TH E BE ACH & D O N O TH IN G 3864 S H em lock S t C a n n on Be a ch Y ou ca n ha ve it a ll. O ce a n fron t livin g w ithou t the m a in te n a n ce or w orry. Use you r u n its or le t the m m a ke m on e y! CO N D O LIV IN G AT IT’S BE S T 3759 S ea Colon y #4 ANN KLAAS Harry Alfred ‘Al’ Lewis Home Equity Line of Credit GEARHART OFFICE 588 Pa cific W a y • Gea rha rt, OR 97138 800/275-7773 • 503/738-8522 Introductory rate for 5 months 1.50 % 3.99 % APR* Rate available 2/14/15–4/24/15 Rates are subject to change usbank.com/lowrate APR* Variable rate after Introductory Period 800.209.2265 * 1.50% Introductory Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is available on Home Equity Lines of Credit with an 80% loan-to-value (LTV) or less. The Introductory Interest Rate will be fixed at 1.50% during the five-month Introductory Period. A higher introductory rate will apply for an LTV above 80%. Offer is available for new applications submitted from February 14, 2015– April 24, 2015. After the five-month Introductory Period: the APR is variable and is based upon an index plus a margin. The APR will vary with Prime Rate (the index) as published in the Wall Street Journal. As of February 13, 2015, the variable rate for Home Equity Lines of Credit ranged from 3.99% APR to 8.24% APR. Higher rates may apply for a credit limit below $100,000, an LTV at or above 80%, a low credit score and/or not having a U.S. Bank personal Package Checking account. The rate will not vary above 18% APR, or applicable state law, or below 1.50% APR. Choosing an interest-only repayment may cause your monthly payment to increase, possibly substantially, once your credit line transitions into the repayment period. Loan approval is subject to credit approval and program guidelines. Not all loan programs are available in all states for all loan amounts. Interest rates and program terms are subject to change without notice. Property insurance is required. U.S. Bank and its representatives do not provide tax or legal advice. Your tax and financial situation is unique. You should consult your tax and/or legal advisor for advice and information concerning your particular situation. Other restrictions may apply. Home Equity Loans and Lines of Credit are offered through U.S. Bank National Association. Deposit Products are offered through U.S. Bank National Association. Customer pays no closing costs, except escrow-related funding costs. An annual fee of up to $90 may apply after the first year and is waived with a U.S. Bank personal Platinum Checking Package. See the Consumer Pricing Information brochure for terms and conditions that apply to U.S. Bank Package Checking accounts. Member FDIC. © 2015 U.S. Bank. All rights reserved. S ervin g the En tire N o rth O reg o n Co a st • w w w .W in d em ereO reg o n Co a st.co m Rates as low as With competitive rates and flexible terms, a U.S. Bank Home Equity Line of Credit may help you make your dream kitchen a reality. Branch N E W Catholic Church. After the death of her husband in 2009, Ann moved to Clyde Hill, Wash., to be near her chil- dren. She will be remem- bered as a loving and caring mother and grand- mother. She worked hard, loved life and her family. Survivors include her daughters, Sister Denise of the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon in Beaverton, Ore., and Marianne Klaas Etemad (Ali) of Clyde Hill; sons, Matthew (Ele- na) of Roseburg, Ore., and Mark (Sara) of Fed- eral Way, Wash.; five grandchildren, Michael Jr., Sarah, Annie, Eliz- abeth and Derek; three great-grandchildren, Aus- tin, Cayden and Preston; her brothers, Herman (Florence) of Twin Falls, Idaho, and Ted (Linda) of Ypsilanti, Mich. LIS T IN G N e a h-K a h-N ie This im m a cu la te hom e b oa sts e n d le ss, w ra pa rou n d oce a n vie w s a n d fa b u lou s lig ht-fille d in te riors. E xqu isite ta ste , style a n d a tte n tion to d e ta il a b ou n d . N E W Oct. 11, 1930 — March 17, 2015 IT’S ALL ABO U T TH E V IE W S ! 801 92 P a cif ic R d C a n n on Be a ch Y ou Ìve e a rn e d the rig ht to ow n the ve ry b e st. N ow you ca n . D e sig n e d a n d b u ilt b y the b e st O re g on a rtisa n s w ith the fin e st m a te ria ls. The re su lt: pe rfe ction w a itin g to e m b ra ce you . W E S T P R E S ID E N TIAL LO CATIO N 1 63 W M on r oe S t OBITUARIES Ann Klaas