March 13, 2015 | Cannon Beach Gazette | • 5A 5HÀHFWLRQV ELAINE TRUCKE Blimps, subs and World War II come to the North Coast On Dec.7, 1941, citizens across the nation who were listening to their radios heard through the static the shock- ing announcement. The Jap- anese had bombed Pearl Har- bor. The United States had of- ¿FLDOO\HQWHUHG:RUOG:DU,, Fear of an attack on Amer- ican soil was prevalent across WKH86EXWHVSHFLDOO\DORQJ WKH :HVW &RDVW$V /HV 2U- GZD\ DQG *HRUJH 6KLHOGV remembered during oral his- WRU\ LQWHUYLHZV WDNHQ E\ WKH &DQQRQ%HDFK+LVWRULFDO6R- FLHW\ORFDOVLQ&DQQRQ%HDFK LPPHGLDWHO\ WRRN DFWLRQ forming a beach patrol called ³WKH*XHUULOODV´*XDUGVZHUH DOVRSODFHGDWWKH$UFK&DSH Tunnel. After dark, blackouts were enforced across the :HVW &RDVW &DU KHDGOLJKWV were wired down, windows covered, and some families even used candlelight rather WKDQULVNHOHFWULFLW\ &DQQRQ %HDFK ZDVQ¶W alone in its fear. Tillamook had the Tillamook Rangers who patrolled the beaches ZLWK VKRWJXQV DQG V ,Q DGGLWLRQ WR WKH 86 &RDVW *XDUGFLYLOLDQDQG1DWLRQDO *XDUGSDWUROVEOLPSVZHUHD regular sight along the Ore- gon coastline. Rumors often ignited fear among Oregon coast citi- ]HQV/RFDOO\DUXPRUVSUHDG that Japanese paratroopers ZHUH KLGLQJ RXW DWRS 0DU\V 3HDN /RFDO IDPLOLHV KDG ³JUXEER[HV´ZLWKSURYLVLRQV SDFNHG DQG UHDG\ WR GLVDS- pear into the hills in the event of an attack. ,Q-XQH)RUW6WHYHQV ZDV VKHOOHG E\ DQ RIIVKRUH Japanese submarine, increas- ing the feelings of fear and GRXEW 0DQ\ DUJXH WKDW WKLV was nothing more than an H[SORUDWRU\ VKHOOLQJ RU MXVW a show of force against the U.S. The attack succeeded in showing local coastal fami- lies what Japan was capable of. To make matters worse, Japanese collapsible-wing DLUSODQHVGURSSHGLQFHQGLDU\ bombs on coastal forests. ,Q -DSDQ EHJDQ ODXQFKLQJ EDOORRQV FDUU\- ing explosive and incendi- DU\ ERPEV 7KHVH EDOORRQ bombs drifted east along the MHW VWUHDP WR WKH ZHVW FRDVW of the United States. Of 9,000 balloon bombs that Japan admitted to sending ELAINE TRUCKE to the U.S., there were 342 incidents. Of these, 45 oc- FXUUHG LQ 2UHJRQ RQO\ RQH resulted in casualties. On 0D\DSDVWRU¶VZLIH and several children acci- GHQWDOO\ WULJJHUHG D EDOORRQ ERPEMXVWHDVWRI%O\2UH 7KH 6HFRQG :RUOG :DU ended Sept. 2, 1945. Sev- HQW\\HDUVODWHUWKH&DQQRQ %HDFK +LVWRU\ &HQWHU DQG Museum is opening an ex- hibit on the war and show- ing its effects on the Oregon coast. The exhibit will fea- ture stories, memories and KLVWRU\ UHODWLQJ WR WKH ZDU and to the experiences of those who lived here. :KLOHVRPHLQIRUPDWLRQLV DYDLODEOHWKH&DQQRQ%HDFK +LVWRU\&HQWHUDQG0XVHXP ZRXOG OLNH WR FROOHFW YDU\- LQJ SHUVSHFWLYHV RI ::,, The museum wants to hear from those who rationed their supplies, watched the shores or whose lives were WRXFKHGE\WKHZDU:DUFDQ have lasting effects, and the H[KLELW LV PHDQW WR DQDO\]H these effects on the Oregon FRDVW DQG &DQQRQ %HDFK 7KH &DQQRQ %HDFK +LVWRU\ &HQWHUDQG0XVHXPLVRSHQ IURPWRSP:HGQHVGD\ WKURXJK0RQGD\DQGFDQEH contacted at 503-436-9301. Soldiers examine a shell crater in a patch of skunk cabbage at Fort Stevens in the aftermath of an attack by a Japanese submarine. (National Archives, image no. ARC 299678) SUBMITTED PHOTO SUBMITTED PHOTO SUBMITTED PHOTO A U.S. Navy blimp patrols a field. Although the picture indicates it is Cannon Beach, the location could be outside of town. 8QFRUNHG5DPEOLQJV The U.S. Navy blimp patrol was stationed out of Tilla- mook. The base there is home to one of the largest wood- frame buildings ever constructed. This photo is taken in Tolovana Park. STEVEN SINKLER For the fifth year, it’s time to ‘Savor Cannon Beach’ 6DYRU&DQQRQ%HDFKLVKHUH again; let the wine and food ÀRZ )RUWKH¿IWK\HDULQDURZ foodies and wine lovers from DFURVV WKH 3DFL¿F 1RUWKZHVW DUHWUHNNLQJWR&DQQRQ%HDFK for a weekend of delicious YLQRDQGELWHV,FDQ¶WZDLWIRU LWWREHJLQ (YHQW RUJDQL]HU *DU\ +D\HV KDV SDFNHG WKH IRXU GD\V IXOO ZLWK H[FLWLQJ DFWLY- LWLHV LQFOXGLQJ WKH 7KXUVGD\ 1LJKW³7KURZGRZQ´)ULGD\¶V ³:KDW 9DULHWDO ,V ,W"´ DQG ³%DWWOH RI WKH %OHQGV´ 6DW- XUGD\¶V ³%RUGHDX[ %XUJXQ- G\DQG5KRQH´DQGWKH:LQH :DON DQG WKH ³6SDUNOLQJ :LQHDQG%UXQFK%LWHV´VHV- VLRQ6XQGD\PRUQLQJ +RSHIXOO\ 0RWKHU 1DWXUH ZRQ¶WGHOLYHUWKHVDPHGHOXJH WKDW VKH SURYLGHG ODVW \HDU IRU WKH :LQH :DON ZKHQ LW DEVR- OXWHO\ SRXUHG FDWV DQG GRJV %XWLIVKHGRHV\RXFDQIROORZ ODVW \HDU¶V FURZG ² MXVW JR ZLWK WKH ÀRZ DQG HPEUDFH LW :HZDWFKHGLQK\VWHULFVDVSHR- SOH FDPH LQ ORRNLQJ OLNH WKH\ had gone through a car wash, dumped the rainwater from their glasses and smiled their ZD\WRWKHWDVWLQJURRP 2IFRXUVH7KH:LQH6KDFN ZRXOGQ¶WPLVVEHLQJDSDUWLF- ipant of the event again this \HDU:H¶OOEHVHOOLQJPDQ\RI WKHZLQHV\RX¶OO¿QGWKURXJK- RXWWKHIHVWLYLWLHV:HFDQ¶WJHW HYHU\ RQH RI WKHP EXW ZH¶OO have a large selection. Medal winners Also, we will be pouring some of the top 2015 Savor 1RUWKZHVW PHGDO ZLQQLQJ ZLQHVIURPWRSP)ULGD\ in the tasting room. Then, from WRSP6DWXUGD\ZHZLOOEH pouring Pudding River wines. also in the tasting room. Usu- DOO\ ZH KDYH 6HDQ 'ULJJHUV 3XGGLQJ 5LYHU¶V ZLQHPDNHU handling the pouring respon- VLELOLWLHV EXW KH LVQ¶W DEOH WR PDNH WKH WULS WKLV \HDU 1HYHU fear, however; we will have the LQFUHGLEOH /HH 5REHUWV SRXU- LQJ 3XGGLQJ 5LYHU¶V GHOLFLRXV ZLQHVDQG/HHDOZD\VGRHVD PLJKW\¿QHMREEHKLQGWKHEDU There will be 37 or so win- eries pouring wine around town in various retail stores, art galleries and restaurants as SDUW RI WKLV \HDU¶V 6DYRU &DQ- QRQ%HDFK:LQH:DON*DU\LV H[SHFWLQJWKH:LQH:DONWREH VROGRXWDJDLQWKLV\HDUZKLFK LV JRRG QHZV IRU WKH &DQQRQ %HDFK 3UHVFKRRO DQG &KLO- GUHQ¶V&HQWHUEHFDXVHWKHSUR- FHHGVRIWKH6DWXUGD\HYHQWDUH donated to this well-deserving ORFDOFKDULW\ :LWK WKLV PDQ\ SHRSOH LQ town and a huge crowd expect- HGRQ6DWXUGD\LQSDUWLFXODU,¶G OLNHWRSDVVDORQJVRPH³:LQH :DON´WLSVVRHYHU\RQHFDQKDYH DJUHDW²DQGVDIH²WLPH STEVEN SINKLER Eat lunch 7DNHWLPHWRYLVLWRQHRI&DQ- QRQ %HDFK¶V \XPP\ UHVWDX- rants prior to participating in the :LQH:DON$IXOOVWRPDFKZLOO HQVXUHWKDW\RXZLOOVXUYLYHWKH WDVWLQJV ZLWK PLQLPDO LPSDFW 5LFKFUHDP\IRRGVLQSDUWLFX- ODUKHOS\RXUERG\KDQGOHWKH ZLQH\RXZLOOEHHQMR\LQJODWHU in the afternoon. Not a race! :LWK ZLQHULHV VFDWWHUHG DURXQG WRZQ LW¶V QRW SRVVLEOH WRYLVLWHYHU\ORFDWLRQDQGGULQN HYHU\ZLQH,QVWHDGFKHFNRXW the map and plan out which ZLQHULHVDQGVWRUHV\RX¶GPRVW OLNHWRYLVLW,I\RXZDQWWRVWDUW DW7KH:LQH6KDFNZH¶UHFRQ- YHQLHQWO\ ORFDWHG QH[W WR WKH &RDVWHU 7KHDWUH ZKHUH WKH :LQH :DON EHJLQV :KDWHYHU \RX GR WDNH LW HDV\ DQG SDFH \RXUVHOI WHU\RX¶YHUHFHLYHG\RXUSRXU check out some art or look DW WKH VWRUH¶V PHUFKDQGLVH +HFNLW¶VDJUHDWWLPHWRSXU- chase that beautiful piece of DUWMHZHOU\RUFORWKLQJ\RX¶YH EHHQFKHFNLQJRXWVRJRIRULW (Pardon the obvious plug for P\IHOORZVWRUHRZQHUV Spitting is OK Visit again :LQH MXGJHV DQG RWKHU ZLQH SURIHVVLRQDOV GRQ¶W DO- ZD\V GULQN WKH ZLQH WKH\ DUH HYDOXDWLQJ 7KH\ WDNH D VLS swirl it around in their mouths, then spit out the wine into the GXPS EXFNHW ,W¶V 2. WR GR DQG GRHVQ¶W RIIHQG