FEBRUARY 13, 2015 • VOL. 39, ISSUE 4 Breakers Point may use riprap to stabilize condo WWW.CANNONBEACHGAZETTE.COM COMPLIMENTARY COPY UP A TREE Plans call for cutting 70 highway trees by spring By Erick Bengel Cannon Beach Gazette Before March 15, the Ore- gon Department of Transpor- tation plans to cut down the ¿UVWRIDERXWGHDGDQG dying alder trees along U.S. Highway 101, between Can- non Beach’s north entrance and Sunset Boulevard. The operation is the first phase of a three-phrase tree-thin- ning project, said Bill Jablonski, manager of ODOT District 1. Last spring, ODOT ÀDJJHG DERXW RI WKH ERICK BENGEL PHOTO roughly 5,000 trees near that Erosion along the Ecola Creek Estuary is encroaching on stretch of highway for remov- Breakers Point Building 45. In lieu of packing down sand al, marking them with a light harvested from dune grading to shore it up, the homeown- blue dot. The trees may pose ers association may use riprap, consisting of a 30-foot line a threat to drivers, especially of boulders stacked 7 feet high. the trees with branches that lean precariously over the Erosion bringing condos. “It’s moved in quite road, he said. Once ODOT a ways.” LGHQWL¿HG WKHP DV D VDIHW\ Ecola Creek A year ago, the estuary hazard, the department be- was about 30 feet away came legally liable for any bank within feet bank from the building; now it is accidents that may occur as a of building less than 20 feet, Francis said. result of their continued pres- In 1989, it was about 100 feet ence in the highway corridor. By Erick Bengel away, the report says. Because the trees are in a Cannon Beach Gazette “If we see another couple state highway right of way, of feet disappear, what will ODOT can legally eliminate Unless the Breakers Point happen is the gas line will be them without obtaining a per- Homeowners Association exposed, and I think that it PLW ¿UVW GHVSLWH D FLW\¶V RU gets City Council permission would be very prudent for us county’s ordinance that might to deposit several thousand to take action,” he said. require a permit — a fact that cubic yards of sand onto the Taking action will in- 2'27FRQ¿UPHGZLWKWKHVWDWH embankment of the Ecola volve hiring contractors to Department of Justice last fall. Creek Estuary, thereby shor- lay down riprap — large “I was verifying that the law ing up a nearby condomini- boulders stacked on a gravel does exist,” he said. “ODOT um whose foundation is be- base — in the bank below the has the right to take out danger ing compromised by erosion, building. The pile of boulders trees in the right of way.” emergency riprap may have would stretch 30 feet long, $QRWKHUWUHHVDUHVODWHG to be placed there instead. VWDQGIHHWWDOODQGFXWIHHW for removal in 2016, and the Inch by inch, the steep deep into the bank, he said. remainder of the 200 targeted northern slope of the estuary WUHHVIRU7KH¿QDOQXP- is sloughing away, edging Emergency clause ber of trees removed may be Last month, the planning less than 200 but will not ex- steadily closer to Building 1R DW WKH VRXWK HQG RI commission denied the as- ceed 200, he said. Larch Street. Without inter- sociation’s proposal to grade “We certainly have an ob- vention, the two-story wood- QHDUO\FXELF\DUGVRI ligation to the people who are frame building and the gas sand dunes west and south motorists that we remove the main beneath it will become of Breakers Point, a proposal danger trees,” Jablonski said, endangered, according to an that originally included shift- adding that the department engineering report from Jan- LQJFXELF\DUGVRIWKH doesn’t yet know whether it uary 2014. graded sand onto the estuary will contract out the labor. “The erosion has taken bank to stabilize Building Moving forward place pretty severely,” said 1R ODOT approached the Bruce Francis, property man- See Erosion, Page 5A City Council in mid-2014 to ager of the Breakers Point ERICK BENGEL PHOTO About a mile-long corridor along U.S. Highway 101 between Cannon Beach’s north en- trance and Sunset Boulevard may be thinned out by the Oregon Department of Trans- portation. Highway officials plan to remove 200 dead and dying trees. An estimated 5,000 trees line the corridor. let the city know of its plans, as a “way for us to be trans- parent with the community,” Jablonski said. Initially, the city asked its arborist, Will Caplinger, to in- dependently review the prob- lematic trees. But, because ODOT and the city didn’t follow up with each other, that review never happened, Public Works Director Dan Grassick said. “ODOT did not pursue the project, and so the decision was made not to spend the re- sources unnecessarily,” he said. But now ODOT is mov- ing forward, Jablonski said. The department intends to renew its conversation with Grassick and City Manager Brant Kucera. ODOT is open to feedback from the city and its residents, Jablonski said. If people want ODOT to offset the loss by planting new trees, the de- partment could very well do that, he said. “I think (ODOT) should be required to replace what- ever they take out,” said for- mer Mayor Mike Morgan, who works as Astoria’s inter- im city planner. ERICK BENGEL PHOTO A blue dot is displayed on twin alder trees on the west side of U.S. Highway 101 near the Sunset Boulevard entrance. The Oregon Department of Transportation has marked about 200 trees for possible removal from along the high- way; the removal will be done in three phases, beginning before March 15 and ending in 2017. However, since the project involves a mile-long stretch of trees that ODOT believes could collapse onto the highway, there isn’t likely to be much negotiation before ODOT goes to work, Jablonski said. “We recognize that there is a sensitivity (to) the trees’ removal, but we also have an obligation to the motor- ing public to remove those trees,” he said. “If anything, we’re doing a courtesy to the city to let them know what our plan is.” See Trees, Page 7A City brings new emergency consultant on board Stacy Burr to cover gamut of potential catastrophes By Erick Bengel Cannon Beach Gazette PAID PERMIT NO. 97 ASTORIA, OR PRSRT STD US POSTAGE The city of Cannon Beach has hired its new emergency preparedness consultant. Stacy Burr, a Eugene res- ident and the owner of Stacy 0%XUU&RQVXOWLQJRI¿FLDOO\ took over the consulting posi- WLRQ -DQ ¿OOLQJ WKH UROH left by Bill Vanderberg, who stepped down in fall 2013. PHOTO COURTESY OF STACY BURR Stacy Burr, of Eugene, is the new emergency preparedness coordinator for Cannon Beach. She will advise city manag- ers, the emergency prepared- ness committee and the prede- ployment container committee — which manages the tsuna- mi storage container program — on how to strengthen and expand their efforts to protect Cannon Beach’s residents and visitors during emergencies, especially natural disasters. Her duties will include updating the city’s “incident action plan,” a playbook for handling emergencies; conducting on-site Incident Command System training; developing Cannon Beach’s Community Emergency Re- sponse Team (CERT); and pursuing federal Department of Homeland Security grants for projects like upgrading critical infrastructure, City Manager Brant Kucera said. Burr will “help us build our emergency systems up to the best of our ability in a small town, to build up the places where we are weak and to reinforce the places where we are currently strong,” said Paula Vetter, a member of the emergency preparedness committee. “We’re really ex- cited to have her on board.” Cascadia Though Burr will cover the gamut of potential catastrophes, the long-anticipated Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake and tsunami is her top priority. “That’s the biggest emer- gency we could have to face,” said Bob Mushen, vice chair- man of the emergency pre- paredness committee. “And we have no idea, of course, when that’s going to happen.” When it does happen, the city will need to create shelters, distribute food and water, set up sanitation, pro- vide medical care, do crowd control — all requiring well- trained volunteers. Burr will help the emergency pre- paredness committee attract more people to serve during an emergency, Mushen said. At minimum, Burr is re- quired to attend the month- ly emergency preparedness committee meetings and twice-monthly container com- mittee meetings, beginning this month. She plans to com- mute from Eugene, she said. Kucera estimates that Burr will put in between 12 and 25 hours per month, or “whatever it takes to get the job done,” he said. She will be paid $15,000 IRU KHU ZRUN WKLV ¿VFDO \HDU which ends June 30; however, her salary may change when it is re-budgeted for next year, beginning July 1, Kucera said. A ‘go-getter’ Burr has worked in public safety and disaster manage- ment for the past 15 years, de- veloping emergency response See Burr, Page 3A Major crimes rose in Cannon Beach last year Smith, has been charged with aggravated murder in the child’s death and at- tempted aggravated mur- der for injuries suffered by Smith’s 13-year-old daugh- ter. Smith is awaiting trial in 2016. By Erick Bengel Increases also occurred Cannon Beach Gazette in robberies, assaults, bur- glaries and thefts last year. Cannon Beach expe- Meanwhile, decreases rienced a 35 percent hike occurred in motor vehicle last year in Part 1 offenses thefts, domestic disturbance — considered to be major responses, fraud, vandal- crimes — but a decrease in ism, sex offenses, drug/ Part II or lesser crimes, ac- marijuana cases and others. cording to an annual report However, the depart- distributed by Police Chief ment provided more than Jason Schermerhorn. twice the number of citizen Heading the list of ma- assists than last year. Over- jor crimes in 2014 was night camping warnings the murder of a 2-year-old DOVRLQFUHDVHGVLJQL¿FDQWO\ FKLOG WKH ¿UVW KRPLFLGH LQ The department has eight Cannon Beach in decades. SROLFH RI¿FHUV LQ DGGLWLRQ The child’s mother, Jessica to Schermerhorn. Motor vehicle thefts, accidents decreased in 2014 annual report says Beach Chamber of Com- merce, Rotary Club of Sea- side and Cannon Beach Ru- ral Fire Protection District. Schermerhorn said he will continue the event. The department also sponsored and participated in the eighth annual South County Citizens Academy, which Schermerhorn start- ed when he worked for the Seaside Police Department. Jessica Smith is awaiting trial on charges that she murdered The academy takes citizens her 2-year-old daughter last year. The murder is the first in interested in law enforce- Cannon Beach for decades. ment “behind the scenes” and trains them in various ³2XU WUDI¿F WLFNHWV DQG is getting much more ed- aspects of local law en- warnings were down, but ucated on different things forcement activities. Also also, along with that, the and a lot more experienced participating in the acade- accidents were down as working with the communi- my were Seaside and Gear- hart police departments, well,” Schermerhorn said. ty,” he said. “That was good to see.” 7KH FLW\¶V ¿UVW 1DWLRQ- Clatsop County Sheriff’s Overall, the department DO 1LJKW 2XW ZDV KHOG DW 2I¿FH DQG WKH &ODWVRS had a good year, he said. City Park last year, in part- See Crime, Page 6A “I think the department nership with the Cannon