January 16, 2015 | Cannon Beach Gazette | cannonbeachgazette.com • 3A Proposal to pave streets causes dust-up Councilors, residents worry about maintaining Cannon Beach’s ‘character’ By Nancy McCarthy Th e Daily Astorian A mild dust-up over a pro- posal to pave some of Can- non Beach’s gravel streets occurred between city coun- cilors during a work session Jan 3. Another work session will occur to discuss the proposal, and a public hearing will be scheduled before any action is taken on it, the council promised. Public Works Director Dan Grassick hopes to en- courage property owners along the city’s abundant gravel streets to pave those that present ongoing mainte- nance problems by having the city pay 15 percent of the cost of asphalt on projects initiat- ed by local neighborhoods. Projects initiated by the city would be paid for by the city, Grassick told the council. The proposal also calls for approval by 51 percent of the neighborhood’s property owners in projects initiated by the neighbors before a lo- cal street is paved. Residents ZRXOG EH QRWL¿HG RI D SUR posed street project by direct mail; those not responding within two weeks would be considered in agreement with the project. Payments from property owners would be due 30 days after the project is completed, and those who fail to pay would have a lien ¿OHGDJDLQVWWKHLUSURSHUW\ Before the project begins, the public works department would conduct a neighbor- hood meeting to go over designs, cost estimates and schedule. Grassick said he was aiming at streets such as the steep slope on North Lau- rel Street between Fifth and Sixth streets, a small portion RI3DFL¿F:D\EHORZWKH³6´ curves or Viewpoint Terrace, where washouts commonly occur after heavy rains and maintenance costs are high. Other gravel roads in town that are level and have rela- tively few problems proba- bly wouldn’t be targeted for city-initiated projects, he said. But Mayor Sam Steidel and Councilor Mike Bene- ¿HOG RSSRVHG WKH SURSRVDO They repeated what several residents said in letters sent to the city: Paved streets could destroy Cannon Beach’s character. ³, KDYH D ORW RI SURE OHPVZLWKWKLV´6WHLGHOVDLG ³7KHUH DUH WRR PDQ\ VHF ond homeowners who you wouldn’t know if they got FRQWDFWHG´ Instead of a simple ma- jority of property owners, a two-thirds majority would be better, Steidel and Bene- ¿HOG VDLG 7KH FLW\¶V GHVLJQ Publisher Steve Forrester Editor Nancy McCarthy Reporter Erick Bengel Advertising Manager Betty Smith Councilor Mike Benefi eld Brr! ³QHZ GLJV´ 7KH YROXQ teer movers — including the Cannon Beach police DQG ¿UH GHSDUWPHQWV DV well as Coaster Con- struction — will meet at the Cannon Beach Bible Church, 264 Hills Lane, at 9 a.m. that day, Edison said. ³$Q\ERG\ZKRZDQWV to help us, we’re more than happy to accept WKHP´VKHVDLG ³, WKLQN LW¶V JRLQJ WR be a good move for us, so, hopefully, we will be LQEXVLQHVVRQWKHWK´ she added. Production Manager John D. Bruijn Circulation Manager Samantha McLaren Advertising Sales Laura Kaim Wendy Richardson LQJIRUWKLVH[FHSWWKHFLW\"´ However, Councilor George Vetter, said he enjoys OLYLQJ RQ D SDYHG VWUHHW ³, don’t see that having a street paved affects the town’s char- DFWHU´KHVDLG Councilor Melissa Cad- wallader expressed concern that paving a street would re- quire widening it or removing some of the neighborhood’s landscaping and changing many of the narrow, winding QHLJKERUKRRGVWUHHWVLQWRÀDW thoroughfares. However, Grassick said WKH ³H[LVWLQJ FRQGLWLRQV´ would be maintained, even if that meant winding around a tree and maintaining a 12- foot wide road. Grassick added that few residents have asked that the city consider paving their URDGV³2QO\WZRSHRSOHKDYH FRPHWRVHHPHLQWZR\HDUV´ he said. ‘This has the potential of creating a lot of animosity’ Food Pantry plans to open Jan. 28 The Cannon Beach Food Pantry plans to open in its new location, the former library porta- ble at the Cannon Beach Elementary School property, Jan. 28. The pantry will oper- ate at its usual hours of 3 to 5 p.m., said Mol- ly Edison, food pantry manager. Moving day is Jan. 24, and volunteers are welcome to help the pan- try move its food, shelv- ing, tables, rolling carts, freezers, refrigerators and other items into their review board also should be involved to give the commu- nity a chance to discuss the proposed paving of a local street, the mayor added. ³7KLVKDVWKHSRWHQWLDORI FUHDWLQJDORWRIDQLPRVLW\´ VDLG%HQH¿HOGZKRUHDGWKH ³YLVLRQ VWDWHPHQW´ DWWDFKHG to the city’s comprehensive plan. The statement men- tions the city’s gravel streets DQG WDONV DERXW D ³PRGHVW OHYHO RI JURZWK´ ZLWKRXW disrupting the character of &DQQRQ %HDFK RU LWV ³UH OD[HGSDFHRIOLIH´ ³,W UDLVHV D ZKROH EXQFK RISUREOHPVWKDW,GRQ¶WVHH´ %HQH¿HOG VDLG ³:KR¶V DVN MARNIE BEAMER PHOTO Arch Cape residents and visitors prepare to celebrate New Year’s Day with the Polar Bear Plunge. Th is year, about 50 people took a quick, brisk dip in the ocean near south Arch Cape, just as they have for the past 50 years. A collection of photos and news items commemorating the half-century of plunging will be published in 2015. Th ose interested in learning more can contact Linda Murray at murraylapp@charter.net. CANNON BEACH GAZETTE The Cannon Beach Gazette is published every other week by EO Media Group. 1555 N. Roosevelt, Seaside, Oregon 97138 503-738-5561 • Fax 503-738-9285 www.cannonbeachgazette.com • email: editor@cannonbeachgazette.com SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Annually: $39.00 in county, $55.00 in and out of county. Postage Paid at: Cannon Beach, OR 97110 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Cannon Beach Gazette, P.O. Box 210, Astoria, OR 97103 Copyright 2015 © Cannon Beach Gazette. Nothing can be reprinted or copied without consent of the owners. G AZETTE THE NATIONAL AWARD-WINNING CANNON BEACH You Are Invited to A Fu n N igh t of Com ed y, M ys tery and M URD ER! Janu ary 25 th at 6 PM $ 50 Per Pers on 3 Cou rs e Special M enu 581 S Prom , Seas id e 503-738-64 03 for Tick ets Get all Dressed Up... Wear a Mask... Help Solve the Mystery... We have the Sweetest Treats for your Valentine! Pre-order CHOCOLATE DIPPED S STRAWBERRIE 4th for February 1 s) (limited supplie Valentine’s Day Balloons NOW Available!! Making Sweet Memories for over 50 Years! 2 LOCATIONS Downtown Cannon Beach 503-436-2641 Seaside Outlet Mall 503-738-7828 www.brucescandy.com